A green lentil salad brightens the day
Mar. 22, 2011

Green lentil salad with asparagus, apple and fennel
Cocoa and banana muffins with black sesame seeds — Muffins à la banane et au cacao avec sésame noir
Mar. 2, 2011

Vitamin-boosted black quinoa salad — Salade au quinoa noir vitaminée
Feb. 24, 2011

Vitamin-boosted salad with black quinoa, fennel, avocado and grapefruit
La chandeleur a.k.a crêpe day with millet and chestnut crêpes
Feb. 3, 2011

Millet and chestnut crêpes
Watercress risotto with scampi and scallops — Risotto aux langoustines, cresson et coquille St Jacques
Oct. 7, 2010

Watercress risotto with scampi and scallops