Raspberry and peach popsicles — Sucettes glacées aux framboises et aux pêches
Aug. 2, 2010

Raspberry and peach popsicles
Searching for raw milk, and making verrines of vanilla custard and strawberries
Jul. 27, 2010

Verrines of strawberry and vanilla-flavored custard
Sour cherry soup infused with lemon thyme and vanilla
Jul. 19, 2010

Sour cherry soup with lemon thyme and vanilla, strawberry sorbet
4th of July Dessert idea: Panna cotta and stewed berries en verrines
Jul. 2, 2010

Panna cotta and stewed berries en verrines
Lazy days on the island of Tortola — Paresser sur l’île de Tortola
Apr. 6, 2010

Bananas au gratin
Apple and pumpkin upside down cake — Gâteau renversé aux pommes et au potimarron
Nov. 25, 2009

Apple and pumpkin upside down cake