Homemade baby’s food — Nourriture bébé préparée maison

It’s wonderful the things we do for the people we love.

Prepare food, for example.

With Lulu, it started when she was still cozily nestled inside my belly. I remember thinking, every time I was putting food into my mouth, how much she would benefit from those foods. Comté, sole, rice pudding, carrots, zucchini, gratin, sweet potatoes, sweet and savory tarts, kale, peach, watermelon, apple, pear, blueberries, granola, veal, beef and milk — Oh the foods that I ate and enjoyed!

Vanilla-flavored Cortland apple sauce

Then when Lulu was born, I started to nurse her, and then, when she was interested and had teeth too — did I tell you she has 8? — came the time to prepare foods for her.

It was somewhat intimidating, at first, knowing what foods to prepare for my baby. Trying to guess what she would like. What she would dislike. How would I know that she would love peaches and doesn’t care too much for bananas? That she’d love sheep milk yogurt and turns her head away from a piece of tofu? It’s a process I’ve learned. A world that I continue to explore, every day. Something that keeps changing too, with her. A life that I truly enjoy.

baby food lulu

Red kuri squash and fennel with chicken, cumin and sage

vanilla cortland apple sauce baby

And somehow, along the way, I started to improvise fabulous food associations, combining vegetables with meats or fish, herbs and spices. Making the food nutritious and taste delicious. In fact, my rule is simple: if I like what I’ve prepared and want it for my lunch, then Lulu will have it! And hopefully she’ll enjoy it as much as I do.

Lulu is almost 10 months now — does time fly by for you too? She’s been eating many things. She loves quinoa buttermilk pancakes and anything that tastes like sweet potato — especially the Japanese white ones — and winter and summer squashes, cauliflower, broccoli and fennel. Yesterday, for example, she ate sole with Japanese white sweet potato, cauliflower and zucchini flavored with thyme and olive oil while dancing in her high chair to the tune of Charlie Winston playing in the background. And tonight, she had red quinoa to start, then winter squash steamed with fennel, chicken, sage and cumin. Not a single spoonful was left on her plate.

That alone never fails to make me feel warm inside. Happy.

baby food

Japanese white sweet potato, zucchini, cauliflower and sole with thyme

Japanese white sweet potato and sole with zucchini, cauliflower and thyme

Makes 2 baby* servings (*she is almost 10 months)

  • Japanese white sweet potato (3 oz; 90 g peeled and diced)
  • 1.75 oz (50 g) cauliflower florets
  • 1.75 oz (50 g) zucchini, diced
  • 1.75 oz (50 g) sole fillet, diced
  • 1 thyme twig
  • Olive oil, to drizzle
  • Of course, it’s best to buy everything organic.


  • In the bowl of a steamer, combine the sweet potato, zucchini, cauliflower and sole. Add the thyme. Steam until the vegetables and fish are soft.
  • Discard the thyme and puree the vegetables and fish with some of the water used to steam the vegetables (it contains many nutrients). When ready to serve the food to your baby, add a drizzle of olive oil.
Red kuri squash and chicken with fennel, cumin and sage

Makes 2 baby* servings (*she is almost 10 months)

  • Red kuri squash (5 oz; 140 g peeled and diced)
  • 1.75 oz (50 g) fennel
  • 1.5 oz (40 g) chicken breast, diced
  • Pinch of ground cumin
  • 2 sage leaves
  • Olive oil, to drizzle
  • Of course, it’s best to buy everything organic.


  • In the bowl of a steamer, combine the red kuri squash, fennel and chicken.. Add the cumin and sage leaves. Steam until the vegetables and chicken are soft.
  • Puree the vegetables and chicken with some of the water used to steam the vegetables (it contains many nutrients). When ready to serve the food to your baby, add a drizzle of olive oil.
Le coin francais
Patate douce blanche japonaise avec filet de sole, courgette, chou-fleur et thym

Pour 2 portions bébé* (*elle a presque 10 mois)

  • Patate douce blanche japonaise (90 g pelée et coupée en dés)
  • 50 g de chou-fleur
  • 50 g de courgette, coupée en dés
  • 50 g de filet de sole, coupée en dés
  • 1 brin de thym
  • Huile d’olive
  • Bien sûr, il est préférable d’acheter le tout en bio.

Etapes :

  • Faites cuire à la vapeur, les légumes avec le poisson et le thym, jusqu’à ce qu’ils soient tous tendres.
  • Enlevez le brin de thym et moulinez le tout en ajoutant l’eau de cuisson, qui contient des vitamines précieuses. Au moment de servir, ajoutez un filet d’huile d’olive.
Courge musquée au poulet, fenouil, cumin et sauge

Pour 2 portions bébé* (*elle a presque 10 mois)

  • 140 g de courge musquée pelée et coupée en dés
  • 50 g de fenouil
  • 40 g d’escalope de poulet, coupée en dés
  • Pincée de cumin en poudre
  • 2 feuilles de sauge
  • Huile d’olive
  • Bien sûr, il est préférable d’acheter le tout en bio.

Etapes :

  • Faites cuire à la vapeur, les légumes avec le poulet, le cumin et la sauge, jusqu’à ce qu’ils soient tous tendres.
  • Moulinez le tout en ajoutant l’eau de cuisson, qui contient des vitamines précieuses. Au moment de servir, ajoutez un filet d’huile d’olive.
Posted in Fish, Gluten Free, Life and Us, Meat


  1. i love reading about her new food discoveries… it’s such a special time really. i suppose all the phases they go through are, but i remember solids fondly (not so much anymore!). she is such a lucky baby Bea! and yes, time flies!

  2. One lucky baby! I love having my neighbors’ kids over and prepare some of the things my mother used to feed me. They seem to like that a lot and it’s something different for them. Different ingredients, different culture, etc…
    Love Lulu’s tights!

  3. She is going to be the rosiest, healthiest baby in the world! 🙂 Way to go, Bea! 🙂 Your life is truly inspiring.

  4. Love these recipes! What is it with babies and bananas? Ruby will wrinkle her nose at bananas, but happily chew away on a stalk of lemon grass (no teeth yet!)!

  5. Great post – bookmarking it for when I have a little one to feed.

  6. What a lucky little girl my granddaughter is! She is going to enjoy many more wonderful dishes as she grows up. Well done for taking the time to make these nutritious and delicious meals!

  7. Wow, those photos! Such wonderful introductions to food. My little ones were refusing purees at this point and already eating what we ate. Vindaloo by 1!

  8. oh, lucky Lulu! our wee one has no teeth yet (almost 7 months), but i am waiting, eagerly for them. he does snatch things off my plate, like brussel sprouts! hurry, teeth!

  9. oh que le temps passe vite !! je me revois 3 ans en arrière quand je préparais les petits pots des garçons !! Continue car après ce sont des enfants qui mangent de tout , pour le plus grand bonheur des parents !!
    Bises Aurelie

  10. My daughter Lily is now about to turn two. I made all her food when she started to eat at 4 months – she came out hungry!!! It was very rewarding and though everyone says you won’t do it for the next, I would in a heartbeat. What is it about sweet potatoes that they love so much!! I have to admit, now, her love of food is dwindled to peanut butter and jam (homemade of course) toast or lately, avacados. hmm.

  11. what a great love 🙂 I used to prepared for my little one as well. Now he eats everthink icluding spinach meanwhile all of his friend eat just pasta&ham. Nowadays he is 3 years old and going a resto is not a problem for us. he eat japanese, african; indian food! Such a great privelege is on the way for you:)

  12. Happy you! My daughter didn’t want to eat my creations. She’s 5 now and prefers the tomato soup made by grandma (or served in cafeteria in school 😉 than my dishes, although she knows I could cook anything for her. I hope she will change her mind, I was exactly the same at her age.
    Warm regards, Beatrice 🙂

  13. Merci pour toutes ces bonnes idées de recettes ! Quelle chance pour Lulu de découvrir toutes les saveurs de la vie avec les petits plats de sa maman !

  14. Pas de doute, le fait maison est tellement meilleur pour les bébés!
    Mes deux enfants, un petit peu plus grands aiment aussi les plats maison.

  15. I’ve been waiting for this post for so long! You style her food so beautifully, I think it’s wonderful (it will be such a great glimpse of her baby-hood for her). Every time I make something different for K I’m as excited to see her reaction as a kid waiting for Christmas morning. I will be bookmarking every one of these posts. Love the glimpse of her cheeks in that picture.

  16. It’s so wonderful to see how you are learning so much from her too… Discovering new tastes thanks to your child … sharing with her all your ideas… it’s so nice…

    Have a nice week-end!

  17. My grandsons LOVE to swing also:) I don’t have anything pink swinging:) But they have the same pose~
    One of our daughters has never fed anything premade or packaged to her little boy..I think she has turned into an even better cook since her son was born..And he will eat anything:)..
    You make it all look extraordinarily beautiful.

  18. Je ne suis pas (encore !) super experte en bébés…et je ne pensais pas que si petits ils pouvaient déjà manger autant varié. Toutes ces découvertes doivent être super intéressantes, Lulu est vraiment chanceuse, j’ai hâte de pouvoir faire comme toi !

  19. She must be the healthiest baby on this side of the ocean! It’s wonderful that you’re letting her discover something other than the classic strained peas and carrots. Most babies become picky about food by the age of two, so it’s good to expose them to different flavours before then.

  20. If you have time please consider a baby cookbook! Judging from these recipes it would be amazing!!

  21. Lucky baby!
    Too late for mine- I stuck with Gerber’s and they all grew up healthy. Guess we did something right!

  22. Wow, what inspired flavor combinations! I have always made my own baby food, but tend to stick to bland veggies and meats. Somehow, my children still grew up to love (or at least eat) just about everything under the sun.

    What I want to know is how in the world did you get your applesauce so divinely white!?

  23. These look delicious! And the pictures are marvelous! Quick question – where are those glass jars from? I love them!

  24. Thank you everyone, once again. I have much to learn, but really truly enjoy the process and learning via Lulu. She is my teacher! We work as a team.

    Quick answers. The glass jars are recycled from yogurts purchased. And the apple sauce had its color because of the variety of apples, Cortland, that I used. They are local and super delicious!

  25. You are on the right track with your Lulu. I do the same for both my babies. Don’t assume that because she turns her head away today she will not like it tomorrow. I used to eat the rejected food myself and bring it back at a later date. My now 4 year old will eat anything. When we go out to eat – it’s to places that don’t have kid menus. He eats what we eat. I don’t believe in preparing separate food for children. I love your pictures. They tell a story. Who knew baby mush could look so gourmet:-)

  26. You’re magic Béa! Avec toi tout devient beau, serein, gourmand, Lulu ne résistera pas à ce charme 🙂

  27. my ten month old son refuses to be spoon fed anything but yogurt anymore, but while he did i also enjoyed creating exciting puree concoctions. so now i am constantly trying to come up with nutritious finger foods and he is quite an adventurous eater – today for instance he munched happily on strips of grilled eggplant . . .

  28. aww lulu is so lucky! 🙂 beautiful, beautiful pictures – i love the one with lulu’s feet – it is soo cute!

  29. Merci Béa pour ce post! Je suis aussi une nouvelle maman d’un petit trésor de 6 mois. Pour le moment, je lui fais des purées toutes simples, mais il me tarde d’être plus créative et d’introduire des saveurs. Tes recettes sont inspirantes. Encore merci pour ces idées!
    Une copine (maman de 2 filles) m’avait offert un Magic Bullet pour mon anniversaire. Je ne savais pas trop quoi faire de cet appareil, mais depuis quelques semaines, je m’en sers tous les jours pour le bébé. C’est merveilleux pour les purées!

  30. Lulu will be a little gourmet as she grows up 🙂 How wonderful that you pass on yor love for food.

  31. What a wonderful blog!!! And I am so happy to find something about baby food!!! 🙂
    In fact, my little son has passed 6 months old and I started introducing solids to him. Well, it has never yet happened to overcome all the portion but I can see what he likes and what’s not that yummy… I apply the same criteria – I taste and decide if it’s ok. But wanted to stop on broccoli – it’s very very nutritious and healthy but sole broccoli tastes awfully… I mixed it with pumpkin but my baby boy refused… What is your experience with broccoli?

    By the way, at the moment we enjoy pumpkin-spinach puree.

  32. What beautiful pictures! Can you please post the recipe for the vanilla courtland applesauce? I would love to make that for my grown-up self!

  33. Dear Bea, would you be so kind and leave the recipe for the vanilla-flavored Cortland apple sauce her on the blog? It looks very tasty and I’m sure it tastes as well. Thanks!

  34. Dear Bea, thank you so much for these recipes! I love your blog and was delighted to read, about a year ago, that you were pregnant – I was too. My son is just a few weeks older than lovely little Lulu, and I am sooo happy to find your baby recipes here! Every two weeks I make a variety of baby foods for him (fish, veal, chicken, lamb with all kinds of vegetables and a tiny little bit of herbs) and freeze them, but I am always trying to find better combinations (I am sure I can´t find japanese white potato here though). The apple sauce looks great too, lucky Lulu! Thanks Bea

  35. Bea, I love your comments in regards to baby foods. I have never understood the stigma of baby food tasting bad. If we wont eat it, why should we feed it to our children? You should put together a recipe book for children’s foods. Thank you for your wonderful blog.

  36. Yes, I made all the food for my first child. It was wonderful hearing (and seeing when I looked down) him smacking his teensy lips over a bowl of fresh apple and pear compote!

  37. That post was one of my favorites…the words and pictures warmed me from the inside out. Sometimes I lose sight of why I cook – “it’s just food afterall”, I’ll think – but then, someone or something comes along and reminds me. Today, that was you. Thank you.

  38. You have a beautiful talent for writing … and for evoking such tender emotions. I too felt it so important to make my children’s food from scratch (and as organic as possible) with tons of fresh vegetables, meats, fish, fruits, etc. What I did not do though is add herbs so early on and reading through your post I regret it dearly. Not that they don’t eat almost anything I put in front of them but they would have had an even more natural liking to herbs and spices if started even earlier.

  39. What a beautiful post! I discovered your blog and love the balance between health and beauty

  40. I don’t have children, but if I did, I would know where to turn to for baby food ideas! Your baby is very lucky to have you as a mother, and will surely grow up to appreciate it…

  41. Hello everyone! So sweet! Thanks so much for the kind words. It’s true that having a baby really changes things, and help focus in a much better way. So much love and joy!

    Now as to the applesauce, it’s really simple. I steam peeled, cored and diced Cortland apples with a vanilla bean split ope and seeds scraped out. Then, once soft, I puree the apples and voilà !

    And, a baby food cookbook idea. Well, I thought about it. I know I would love to do something like this. I find this extremely inspiring!

  42. Very luck baby! My DH prepared all our baby’s food, she never experienced Gerber’s!

  43. Many thanks again for stopping by and your comments!

    Merci à tous de vos commentaires !

  44. Thank you for posting on homemade baby food! I am due with my 1st child in 3 weeks and although she won’t be “eating” for quite a few months it is always helpful to have recipes and inspiration on hand. When I visited some friends near Aix this summer, she made all her own baby food too. I was raised on it as well and would love to do this for my daughter. Please post more ideas!

  45. You will certainly reap the rewards of exposing her to lots of different tastes and cuisines. Tres bien fait…

  46. Anushruti,

    I started without salt and after tasting the food, thought it didn’t need any. But then, for certain things, like when I cook quinoa or rice, I just make what we eat, and she gets a little of ours.

  47. Bea, great post on baby food! My curiousity drew me in to click on the Charlie Winston link you provided (I figured he must be really good if Bea likes him). He is so awesome! I can’t wait to get a CD. When my son was born I was really looking forward to giving him healthy and interesting things to eat; he would have no part of it! His food choices were so limited. He was very picky until he was in high school even though many things were put on his plate and offered to him. It’s very odd because we have always been adventerous eaters and home cooks (my husband is Indonesian). He now eats everything and is an aspiring French chef living in Amsterdam. Thank you again for your wonderful posts and a colleague of mine was also amazed with Charlie!

  48. Pingback: Homemade baby food with the Beaba Babycook | La Tartine Gourmande

  49. Thank you for the baby food inspiration. I’m always looking for new combos.

    Claire is 9 months and a good eater. I would love to make quinoa buttermilk pancakes for her. Do you have a recipe for that? She’s already hooked on quinoa!

  50. Greetings from NZ

    I have an 11 month old and these recipes look great although it is the middle of summer here and there is a lot of fruit eating.
    We have sweet potato here that we call kumara, it comes in orange and red. I’m guessing it’s similar to the japanese sweet potato so I might have to give this one a go.

    Your daughter looks like a real treasure

  51. Learning new food making recipes is allways an interesting thing , allthough i didn’t saw any new books in store about new recipes .I guess a lot of people still using old traditional ones.

  52. I sometimes wonder how babies survived all this time before we could puree mush for them. This looks far healthir than all the pre-made gunk they sell in stores. I’m a big believer that fresh food is much better than anything setting on a shelf (science backs that too but we don’t seem to use that much anymore). A baby’s diet is one of the most important things it will do to determine its future development so I’m glad you’ve posted this! When I do NLP training and hypnosis training I’m still amazed at what people eat!

  53. I just made the squash/fennel/chicken puree for my baby today, and he loved it. So did I! If we get more fennel in our CSA box I might try making a grown up soup version based on your recipe. Thanks for posting the recipe (which I found by googling “fennel baby food”), it was a really great combination that I wouldn’t have thought of on my own.

  54. Love your blog and recipes! So glad I stumbled onto your site after searching for homemade baby food. Would love to know the recipe for your Vanilla Apple Sauce!

  55. Love your blog and recipes! So glad I stumbled onto your site after searching for homemade baby food. I’m going to be making a lot of your recipes! Does your cookbook include baby recipes? Would love to know the recipe for your Vanilla Apple Sauce!


  56. Sorry for the double posting! My iPad wasn’t working. Kept saying error in posting. I realised you shared the apple sauce recipe in one of your previous replies.

    Big Hugs!

  57. Pingback: Chic bites | ChicFinds

  58. Pingback: 5 essential baby food recipes from 5 essential baby food sources. Starting solids research: done! | Cool Mom Picks

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