Comté cheese for a perfect lunch

Leek Comté Tartlets

Leek and Comté Tartlets, for lunch

Regarde ce que fait maman,” (Look at what mummy does) I told Lulu. She was staring at me. I could hear her giggle as her feet kicked the yellow frame hung above her head of the play mat where she was lying.

Time flies. Lulu is already a twelve week old baby, playful and smiling as often as she breathes. She’s recently discovered that she can grab toys and use her legs and feet to move things around — she loves it. I like to keep her by my side when I prepare my photo shoots, and I know she likes to observe. Her blue eyes become round, a sign that she is trying hard to understand what I am doing. It’s really precious.

After I gave her a bath Sunday morning, I told her about our day. We would take a walk in the park; P. and I would read her a few stories; we would play and talk, and we would have a nutritious lunch to brighten the day even more.

Maman va faire des tartelettes aux légumes pour le déjeuner. Tu aimes cela ?” (Mummy is going to make vegetable tartlets for lunch. Do you like those?)

She smiled again. Of course, about something else. But I liked to imagine that she was excited about lunch.

Tu verras comme elles sont bonnes,” (you’ll see how nice they are) I whispered in her ear while kissing it too.

The truth is that we’ve eaten many tartlets over the last week because I am simply knee deep into the testing of new recipes for the book. In fact, it’s a great excuse for me to prepare our meals while working along.

Mmm, I am trying to figure out the taste,” P. said after the first bite. I had really let my imagination go with what I had handy in the fridge, even if I had made a point of making healthy nutritious tartlets.

Des poireaux ? Du fromage ?” he added after taking a second taste.

Right. What else?” I went on, curious to know if he could make a better guess.

He paused.

“They really taste better than they look“, he said. His face nevertheless showed a look of contentment.

But I had to agree there.

I know. But can you guess the type of cheese?

Du comté ?

Well, perhaps it was an easy one to find out. We’ve eaten a lot of Comté cheese lately.

First of all, breastfeeding seems to have me crave cheese to no end. Really, I seem to be eating cheese all day long. Secondly, I’ve been lucky to receive two large pieces of Comté directly from the beautiful Franche-Comté region in France, where the cheese is made. I am quite a lucky girl since as long as I can remember, Comté has always been a favorite at home.

You know the cheese, don’t you? It’s fruity, nutty, dense, rich, wonderful as a nutritious snack, perfect in cooked dishes like gratin or tarts. It’s aged for months to develop its full flavor.

leek comté cheese tartlets

To start, I cooked finely sliced red onion with leeks, thyme and a bay leaf in olive oil before adding a dash of Vermouth to enhance the flavor. Then, I whisked together eggs with crème fraiche and milk, added grated Comté, and finished with a dash of nutmeg and finely chopped walnuts (almost the consistency of coarse flour).

Are there any more?” P. asked once he finished his plate.

I thought they did not look good enough,” I answered with a cheeky smile.

leek comté cheese tartlets

A simple recipe, wonderful on the day the tartlets are made, and just as good the next day. Served with a tossed green salad on the side. it was simply another perfect lunch.

Even Lulu seemed to say yes to more tartlets.

Like her papa.

And by the way, thanks so much for your patience! Lulu is almost doing her nights now, hurray, so soon enough, I will (hopefully) catch on more sleep, to become more present again in this space. On verra !

Leek and Comté Tartlets

(For 4 tartlets)

You need:

  • Your favorite wholemeal crust, mine used buckwheat, quinoa and brown rice flours
  • 6 oz (170 g) cleaned and diced leeks (white part)
  • 1/2 red onion, sliced finely
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 twig thyme
  • 2 garlic cloves, chopped finely
  • 1 tablespoon crème fraiche
  • 1 tablespoon Vermouth or white wine
  • 2 eggs, lightly beaten
  • 2 tablespoons whole milk
  • 1 vine tomato, sliced
  • 2 oz grated Comté cheese
  • Dash of nutmeg
  • 2 tablespoons finely chopped walnuts


  • Preheat the oven at 350 F. Roll the dough and garnish 4 molds. Precook the crust for 10 minutes (covered with parchment paper and beans or rice), and set aside.
  • In a frying pan, heat the oil. Cook the red onion with the thyme and bay leaf on medium to low heat for 10 minutes, covered, until soft. Add the leek and garlic and continue to cook for 10 minutes. Discard the thyme and bay leaf, and add the Vermouth. Increase the heat for 1 to 2 minutes to let the wine evaporate. Transfer to a clean bowl.
  • In another bowl, whisk the eggs with the crème fraiche and milk. Season with pepper and add the cheese. Combine to the leek preparation.
  • Top the crusts and add a slice of tomato with a dash of nutmeg. Sprinkle with the walnuts. Cook for 25 minutes. Enjoy with a tossed green salad.
Le coin français
Tartelettes aux poireaux et au comté

(Pour 4 tartelettes)

Ingrédients :

  • Votre pâte préférée, à la farine complète (la mienne était à base de farines de sarrasin, quinoa et riz complet)
  • 170 g de blancs de poireaux émincés
  • 1/2 oignon rouge, émincé finement
  • 2 càs d’huile d’olive
  • 1 brin de thym
  • 2 gousses d’aïl, hachées finement
  • 1 càs de crème fraiche
  • 1 càs de Vermouth ou de vin blanc
  • 2 oeufs, légèrement battus
  • 2 càs de lait entier
  • 1 tomate, coupée en rondelles fines
  • 60 g de Comté râpé
  • Pointe de muscade râpée
  • 2 càs de noix finement hâchées

Etapes :

  • Préchauffez le four à 180 C. Garnissez les moules de pâte et faites-les précuire pendant 10 minutes (le fond recouvert de papier sulfurisé couvert de grains de riz). Mettez de côté.
  • Faites chauffez l’huile dans une poêle. Ajoutez l’oignon, le thym et la feuille de laurier et faites cuire à couvert pendant 10 minutes. Ajoutez ensuite les poireaux et l’aïl, et poursuivez la cuisson pendant 10 minutes. Jettez le thym et la feuille de laurier et ajoutez le Vermouth. Augmentez la température et laissez le vin s’ávaporer. Transférez les légumes dans une jatte.
  • Dans une autre jatte, mélangez les oeufs avec la crème fraiche et le lait. Assaisonnez de sel et de poivre, et ajoutez le fromage. Versez sur la préparation aux poireaux et mélangez.
  • Garnissez-en les fonds de pâte. Ajoutez une rondelle de tomate et une pincée de muscade. Saupourez de noix hachées. Faites cuire pendant 25 minutes. Dégustez chaud avec une salade verte de jeunes pousses.


  1. Truly one tart I could eat all day long. Comte is always in the cheese box at our house. So happy to hear about Lulu’s little life! She sure sounds adorable! Hope you’ll holler when you need “un petit coup d’aide!”. Take care.

  2. ah me oh my. I’ve not had Comté in so long.
    I have such a hard time eating a lot of cheese unless I have something acidic with it. Do you think adding some tomato in the mix would be okay? I’d hate to make such a pretty tart too watery.

  3. Are you kidding? They look delectible! And so sad that they should make me hungry so late at night… 😉 There’s always tomorrow. Ah Vermouth! Nutmeg! Walnuts! *sigh*

  4. Comte is underappreicated in the US. I can seldom find it aged beyond 6 months. It is one of the things I look forward to most when traveling to Paris.

  5. Great looking tart! Will make it immediately. Made your celeriac and long pepper tart again last week. Filling was wonderful but my pastry wasn’t to the standard of the first batch so I need more practice!

  6. Welcome back, what a lovely dish, tartlets. I look forward to making them. I know your busy, the book, Lulu. And yet, could we see a current picture of Lulu? Surely she’s changed from the “reference” above,yes? Again, welcome back, you were missed. P. also and of course Lulu.

  7. En tant que franc-comtoise pure terroir… je ne peux qu’être séduite par ta recette… j’ai d’ailleurs acheté du Comté hier… mais je ne sais pas encore comment je vais l’utiliser.
    J’espère que Lulu se porte à merveille.

  8. Bonjour Béa ! J’ai découvert ton blog il y a quelque temps, et je suis en admiration devant ! Tes photos sont magnifiques, j’adore te lire en anglais (comme ça je le travaille donc c’est pas plus mal), tes voyages me font rêver et tes recettes sont sublimes ! Que demander de plus ? Ah si, vivement que l’adorable Lulu fasse ses nuits pour que tu reviennes plus souvent !

  9. Good to hear from you Bea and for updating us on Lulu… Was wondering how you are coping and viola! I get your post! Thanks Bea

  10. Hi, I love to read your blog so much.
    I enjoy to read you write about Lulu, she is a very cute baby.
    And I definitely will try your Leek and Comté Tartlets recipe, thank you very much for sharing:)

  11. hello there, never posted a note before, just wanted to thank you for all the inspiring ideas. Have been without a mixer for months now and learned how to cope thanks to you. It’s not so easy to find everything you use around here, but I have fun trying. xoxoxo to lulu and merci!

  12. they look so good!!! I love the ingredients you have chosen for the filling and the crust should be so crunchy

  13. soon she will sleep through the night (although J still doesn’t!) and you will feel like a full night sleep is the best thing that ever came your way 🙂 When I read comte I already knew this would be a recipe I’d want to try. Gorgeous!

  14. Toujours aussi appétissant! tes tartelettes ont un petit air de printemps, peut-être les jolies couleurs des photos… contente de relire un de tes billets.

  15. In case anyone is wondering where they can get high-quality Comté – our shop ( usually stocks at least three ages throughout the year – 9 months, 14 months, 20 months and sometimes really special wheels at about 30+ months (usually for the holidays). After all these years of working with cheese, it is still one of my favorites for its versatility and as you beautifully show, how it is a joy to cook with (and eat!).

  16. I think that tartlet is beautiful! I can only imagine how delicious it is. I’ve never heard of Comte, but will be on the lookout for it. Love hearng about Lulu. When she sleeps through the night, you’ll have even more energy to appreciate her. 🙂


  17. Welcome back on your blog! Yes we are patient, don’t you worry… Actually, I gotto confess I was glad not to see any new tag because it meant to me that you were probably having such a good time cooking and with your family… Still, good to read you again…
    Your tartlets look delicious, and I’m sure they were. Oh, and I love Comté… I love cheese in general. I currently live in Auvergne, Cantal, Fourme d’Ambert, Bleu d’Auvergne, Saint Nectaire, etc. oh they’re sooo good! Cheese is always something I miss when I’m in the USA (and foie gras too!).

    Hello to P. and Lulu

  18. mmmh, comté. i was just in switzerland visiting my family and came back with a little cheese belly…
    the tartlets look absolutely divine. your husband makes me laugh!

  19. so happy to see you back bea!
    oh comte, i’ve never tried it..but am inspired to run and find some today.
    thank you for the inspiration and for another petite lesson en francais!
    (i just did a little blog post about you voila! here you are..i’m so happy!)
    take care, and best of luck on your book!

  20. These tarts look beautiful. I love that tomato slice on top. I’ve never had comte cheese, so I’ll be looking out for that for sure. Thanks for sharing, and glad to hear little Lulu is doing so well.

  21. These veggie tartlettes look delicious. I love the flavor of comte cheese. I recently made these little grilled comte cheese and tomato sandwiches lately. Such a wonderful taste and perfect melting quality. Thanks for sharing this great recipe!!

  22. your work (both the photos as food) are always so lovely!

    The crust sounds as delightful as the tartlette.. would you be able to share the recipe for that?

  23. Le papa est exigent (je crois qu’il est trop habitué aux bonnes choses…) car ces tartelettes sont vraiment apétissantes ! Et si elles sont meilleures que belles, alors mmmm, voilà une bonne idée pour le repas de ce soir !!!

  24. Comté is so delicious. I love all cheeses! Mahón is my current favorite. So happy to hear you are all well. Beautiful photos. It’ always a joy to hear from you.

  25. I can imagine that sweet angel smile from your lil’ daughter, and anyone who has tasted this splendid tarts!

  26. Comté, tartelette, salade….miam, en voilà un repas comme je les aime. Et qui a l’air très appétissant.

  27. Comte is my absolute favorite cheese (not that there are any cheese I dislike). Where are you getting it from? I’ve seen it here in Boston at whole foods, trader joes, etc…who is that source you hinted at?

  28. Eavesdropping on your conversations with your baby girl (via your post) is just precious!

  29. Comté is new to us. As much as we adore cheese, especially French cheeses, it’s without a doubt we would enjoy this. Those photos are gorgeous.

  30. hello Bea, I love your blog so much and am so thrilled I found it a few weeks ago.
    I am definitely getting the cookbook, so exciting! Lulu is such a lucky baby, lucky Lulu.

  31. J’adore ce genre de tartes! à essaer prochainement; et comme d’habitute, superbes photos!

    Je fais régulièrement ta tarte à la pomme (façon Tatin), c’est un vrai délice!

  32. Bonjour! Je viens de tomber sur votre superble blog, vos photos sont magnifiques et les recettes alléchantes! Etant moi-meme expatriée, en Australie pour ma part, j’aime beaucoup cette “frenglish touch” qu’est la votre! Bravo!

  33. Those look delicious. I love your blog because it gives me ideas for my upcoming glutenfree weeks! Thanks for sharing!

  34. une plainte !!! c’est bien tes photos de cuisine mais ce qui ns interesserait encore plus c’est une photo de la Princesse !! merci d’avance 😉

  35. Mummy certainly is clever. And I have to disagree with P this time, they look yummy. I tasted comte for the first time last year at a new menu tasting for Raymond Blanc’s Brasserie Blanc (which my husband works for) and this was one of a selection of cheeses they’d just flown in from France. I realise why it has always been a favourite in your house, as one bite and I was sold. Good luck for the book. Everything looks delicious

  36. En native Franc-Comtoise je peux assurer que c’est, hormis les hauteurs verdoyantes et les lacs bleutés, une des choses qui me manquent le plus. Tu lui rends un très bel hommage avec ta recette. Je l’essaierai. Bravo pour ton travail (photos+recettes). Un bonheur.

  37. I love the “king of Gruyere”.
    I made a Comte, Leek & Asparagus quiche yesterday, it was soooo delicious. Comte is my favorite cheese! (I used heavy cream and it was a bit rich, next time I will make your recipe, lower in fat!).
    Stacey Snacks

  38. I absolutely love the rich, deep, nutty flavor of a good Comté and these quiches look fabulous and I so bet they were! Beautiful!

  39. For me tartlets symbolize summer time. Can you imagine something better than a tartlet on a wonderful summer day? Well, I really can’t.

    And because it gets spring again the tartlet time begins too! This year, my first tartlet of the season will definitely be this one.

  40. Following many posts, Bea – this is a favorite: Comté, hoooray!
    Your images add so much, no language skills needed to appreciate.
    If you’d like to link to the vagabond, I’d be honored. M

  41. ma découverte du mois et ton blog!!! j adore…bravo pour les photos, les recettes et LuLu 🙂
    je vais essayer ces tartelettes, des que j ai du comté sous la main,
    je suis impressionnee par le blog bilingue, j essaye de faire pareil, mais ca n est pas du tout évident

  42. Pingback: Guilt soother: Macaroni and Cheese with Leeks and Sour Cream - A cooking blog - Kitchenist

  43. HI bea, I just made your beautiful tart and it was delicious. Unfortunately, living in Brisbane it is really hard to find French cheese, and my usual sources were all out of comte, so had to settle for an an Australian gruyere. Still delicous – thanks for the recipe.

  44. Pingback: Homemade baby’s food — Nourriture bébé préparée maison | La Tartine Gourmande

  45. I made my first tart last week after reading through this post and feeling quite inspired. My local grocery said they carried comte at one time, but it did not sell well. I believe many Americans are not familiar with it – I had it just for the first time over Christmas (save the cheese plates served to me in Paris on a trip when I was so overwhelmed by the variety I cannot remember all I sampled) after special ordering some as a gift for my mother and sharing it with her – one of the best cheeses I’ve ever had. My tart turned out lovely with Gruyère, asparagus and some Greek yogurt – but I have much to learn and am happy to find that tarts are a very engaging tudor! Thank you for this! I am so enjoying reading through your posts, taking in your beautiful style, and learning from your recipes!

  46. Hi! I really like this recipe!
    Can you please explain how you made the wholemeal crust?

    Many thanks!


  47. I’ve just started gluten-free, and made this tart for dinner last night with some local leeks. DELICIOUS! Thanks for the recipe! You give me hope for yummy gluten free food:).

  48. Pingback: it’s pi day and there are multiples of . . . | For Instants

  49. I made these for Easter and shared with a neighbour. These tarts are absolutely fabulous! They were a hit with my neighbour too. Thank you so much!

  50. Pingback: cheese ball, cheese recipes, holiday cheese

  51. The most common type of asparagus is green, but you might see two others in supermarkets and restaurants: white, which is more delicate and difficult to harvest, and purple, which is smaller and fruitier in flavor. No matter the type you choose, asparagus is a tasty, versatile vegetable that can be cooked in myriad ways or enjoyed raw in salads. :.,-

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  52. Pingback: Guilt soother: Macaroni and Cheese with Leeks and Sour Cream A cooking blog - Kitchenist - kitchenist

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