I have five minutes this morning. Just five short minutes to share only a photo with you, between baking a soufflé for the book — oh boy they fall fast — and playing with Lulu. This one has become my favorite chocolate cake.
Every day, I keep hoping that I will have the time to come here to chat with you. I wait until the evening. But I’ve come to realize that it’s simply a bad idea. Because do you know what happens at night? I am wrecked. Crevée ! And believe me, you do no want me to start to speak English when I am exhausted. Ask P., he will tell you what it pretty much sounds like.
So I thought to pop here quickly to at least post a photo.
Better than nothing.
And to say hi! I cannot believe it is March, already!
Can you?
hi to you too, and happy march.
the cake looks delectable, post the recipe whenever you can -it’s not the most important thing right now- and enjoy your time with bebe.
A stunning shot! Very peaceful! Your cake looks fabulous…
that’s some great looking cake. look forward to trying the recipe when you have the time to post it! enjoy your sweet stolen moments!
Oh that looks so good glad you were able to ost it and yes after having a baby you not gonna have much time to yourself lol! I know I hear my friends complaint ehehee
It’s always a treat to see what you are cooking (baking) up, but honestly – a picture of that beautiful little girl of yours would be twice as delightful 🙂 Cherish your time together and take lots of pictures because the little ones grow and change so quickly. And take care of yourself too!
Thinking of you! Nice to hear anything from you and see any of your gorgeous work.
Gorgeous picture, the cake looks so simple, yet rich and delicious. I hope all is going well with the book!
We understand. Babies are a looooot of work, and family comes first.
But at least don’t say it’s your FAVORITE chocolate cake. Now i am so curiuos and want the recipe. If it was just ANOTHER chocolate cake… I could have waited for a recipe patiently… 🙂
What a decadent looking cake…I love how dense and thin and fudgy it looks!
That’s okay, the photo is very satisfying and much kinder to my waistline than a recipe to create the real thing!
That photo is LOVELY! I need to start spending more time staging my photos, pronto!
Don’t worry… profites en bien, le temps passe trop vite. La vie de jeune maman n’est pas un long fleuve tranquille! mais que de bonheur. Biz à Lulu
ooh that looks yummy … and somehow loaf cakes always seem like they are easy to make … so perhaps we’ll get the recipe next time?
As always, such a lovely photo of lovely food! Thank you for making so many wonderful gluten-free recipes. I have tried many of them and they are always a hit. Also, thank you for showing your followers how healthy and flavorful alternative flours can be, even if you don’t have to be gluten-free like me!
It does look lovely… and looks like the same consistency as my current favorite chocolate cake (which has steeped early grey tea in it)… maybe this one will be a new favorite?
We miss you!
delightful! i love your kitchenware. anthropologie? antiques?
so good to see this bea. beautiful light and can’t wait to hear more about this cake. glad you posted even if it’s 5 minutes!
oh yes, and i have the same pitcher! greengate no?
So happy to see you back, even if just for a moment!
I will have to make this cake, looks delicious! 🙂
Such an inspiring, peaceful, and yummy shot!!!!
This looks delicious! That’s a pretty mug, too! Don’t worry about not posting often…we understand you & Lulu need Mommy & baby time =)
Bonjour à toi, je découvre doucement ton site, il est merveilleux !! J’aimerais savoir dans quel rubrique je peux me procurer la recette du gâteau au chocolat !!
Merci beaucoup et je te souhaite une très belle journée !!
Thanks for sharing some of your time with us between your work and Lulu. Add “overwhelmed” for me..My parents just arrived and I feel like I have no time or energy to work after long lunches and dinners!
The cake sounds divine!
best of luck with your baby and your book. =) Its amazing you have the time and motivation to post at all!
Time flies when we are happy!
Quel plaisir que de te relire Béa ! Even though, I DO want to tell you that you’re definitely right not to come and “chat” when you’re exhausted. PYF that’s what the Member 1st agents always told me when they came in High School to talk about budgeting. Well, it means Pay Yourself First, and I think we can understand that as Take care of yourself and of yours first…
Enfin, tout ce blabla pour dire que vous avez raison de profiter de la vie plutôt que de vous épuiser (d’autant plus?)… et puis votre photo est magnifique, merci ! Looks yummy.
Bon voilà, j’arrête, car j’ai l’impression que ce que je raconte est complètement décousu…
Mes pensées à vous tous
PS: oh boy yes!, soufflés fall fast!
Hi Béa,
Thank you for thinking of us even though you could be so overwhelmed by all those (happy!) events. It is so nice to share with us, even a picture.
I hope Lulu is doing her nights already, or will be soon, so you can rest a little. I’m waiting (very patiently) for you to have more time and to share with us the recipe of the chocolate cake, it looks delicious. 🙂
Thanks for the photo! Pretty spring pastel colors, just two weeks away, my new favorite season. Winter seemed to last forever this year,so cold and icy. Glad you’re enjoying being a mom, it’s wonderful!
Your book will be sensational looking. Those images are divine!
Looking forward to the recipe…
Good to hear from you !
C’est vrai le soufflé, c’est ‘tricky’ pour le prendre en photo…
Merci de nous gâter (et tenter ?!) avec ce gâteau au chocolat !
Take care
thanks for sharing your precious five minutes with me! this looks delicious!
Oh, I remember those days when my own son was tiny–but those days only come once, so relish them all, and rest when you can. Your cake looks divine. Enjoy your lovely Lulu!
I cannot believe it is march! I hope the next few days bring you more free time, but thanks for the beautiful cake picture to keep us entertained until then 🙂
Glad to hear you’re having so much fun with your Lulu. Enjoy!
yes, 5 minutes of silence can be the most precious part of the day. We know your life is hectic, but your writing and photos bring a moment of calm to your readers.
Perfect cake and perfect picture!
When I first saw this, I thought, has Bea created a chocolate toast ? An idea for us to think about. Can’t wait for the recipe. Mange Bien.
What a yummy looking cake ! Makes me want to start baking. Sometimes I just wish I was a “traditional” kind of mum, cooking, baking, looking after babies…. instead of being the workoholic that I am ! Please post recipe when you have time, could be the beginning of many cakes for me 🙂
Gorgeous cake, stunning photo!
Bon courage bea, take care. forget about the blog, garde tes precieuses minutes pour le repos.
Oh how I look forward to the recipe for this cake…
It is always fresh air to see your posts, they always make me smile, and your photos have been an inspiration for me, the cake.. hope you’ll share the recipe = )
Effectivement, je sais ce qe c’est que de manquer de temps! J’ai eu deux enfants à 11 mois d’intervalle… mais il y a bien longtemps de cela. Oui mars est là et ce sera bientôt le printemps, le renouveau pour nous tous. Plusieurs d’entre nous en ont bien besoin! Bon week-end!
Even 5 mins is better than nothing 🙂
Hello all..it´s the first time i post here…actually i´ve spend time just watching the pics..so nice..i wish you the best and to lulu too of course
happy march bea!
lovely post, and beautiful recipe.
thank you for sharing..i admire what you were able to do in 5 minutes!
bon week-end!
i meant, beautiful photo.
i know the recipe will be gorgeous too. 😉
J’ai moi aussi du mal à me rendre compte que nous sommes déjà en mars, mais ça me réjouit car j’adore le printemps… Ce gâteau a l’air divin, j’espère que tu pourras nous poster la recette! En attendant, bon week-end!
can you share your recipe for the chocolate cake? it looks exquisitely delicious!
Very crazy that we’re already in March. Your website’s layout is the epitome of le printemps. The cake looks delicious!
What a beautiful delicious cake and moment of tranquility you’ve captured! Looking forward to the recipe whenever you have moments to spare!
You don’t have to say much the photo says it all. DELICIOUS!!!!!
Repose toi surtout dès que Lulu se repose ! C’est le secret !
great photo! hope everything is going well with the baby 🙂
oooh. yummy. looking forward to the recipe. i’d love to have this for breakfast.
Aoife would LOVE this! I bet Lulu will too. I know it’s the countdown ’til the cookbook. I am thinking positive thoughts for you re: time management! [How’d the souffle turn out? I have not made one in a long time. On my list for this week! Thanks for the reminder!
Même si la photo du cake est attirante, l’essentiel c’est le temps passé avec Lulu. Cela va tellement vite, à peine le temps de se retourner et déjà ils marchent, grandissent, vont à l’école, … ! et c’est plus çà le plus important.
comment va le bebe? jespere quelle se porte bien .Comme toujours tes recettes sont tres bonnes et jadore tes photos .
Love this photo!! looks delicious! I love the patterned mug!
Un truc de mon grand père Un chef très réputé du Sud Ouest pour les Soufflés (pour qu’ils tiennent ):
ajoute une cuillère a soupe de fécule ..
imparable pour tes photos ..( j’en parle dans mon prochain livre …)
un petit baiser a LULU
Coucou Béa…oh j’ai de la chance ..j’ai mis le traducteur…Tu verras, à un moment elle se régularisera tranquillement et tu pourras faire toutes tes nuits…J’ai connu cela avec mes enfants..le dernier à 26 ans cette année…c’est un moment pas évident…surtout qu’on a besoin de repos après un accouchement…un enfant c’est une autre vie, une autre ambiance dans le nid…il faut lui parler, la cajoler, la rassurer et tout rentrera dans l’ordre…à bientôt et toujours bravo….Comme tu as pu le voir, j’ai changé de style en matière de photos….tu es une petite marraine pour moi….
The cake looks delicious…take your time and enjoy the special moments with your little cutie!
What a gorgeous cake! I can’t believe it’s March, February passed in the blink of an eye.
Chez moi aussi aujourd’hui, une recette de gâteau au chocolat …sans farine et sans sucre…et fondant à souhait!
Another gorgeous shot! It’s perfectly understandable you are exhausted in the evenings. Take care of yourself and keep loving Lulu and eventually a routine that gives you time AND energy will come! 🙂
Bea, I love your blog, it is beautiful!!! Could you tell us where you find those beautiful, bright, artsy silverware, plates, cups, and linens that you use?
Thank you Bea, you are great!
that cake looks soo good.. you’re doing very well… can’t believe you can even spare time time write and post! Love your blog, Bea.. and I did one of your recipes too.. came out very good.
Your photos are gorgeous. You must get that a lot but they truly are.
May i know how you made those transparent cake decorations (with cocoa nibs i think) in this post?
Many many thanks everyone! Phew, I am trying to get some time to chat, but it’s getting hard. Thanks for your lovely words and patience. The good news is that Lulu is growing (like a weed per my friends:-)) and I am cooking a storm. Between walks, that is. Hope everyone is well! Sorry if I am not answering emails at the moment. I am just a bit overwhelmed, “débordée” as we say in French!
Lovely photo, I can actually smell the chocolaty aroma… I love your blog, it makes me smile whenever I visit, so peaceful, and the morning light in your elegant photography is refreshing and wonderful. Mothering, cooking, taking great photographs: that’s the life!
Brava CIAO
We all understand. We all say “Yay!” to you for having good priorities. We all covet the recipe, when time allows. 🙂
Dear Bea,
I have long loved your blog! It was the first blog I ever religiously followed and remains one that brings me the most joy! I am a gluten free vegan baker, who once upon a time was the only one I knew who took pictures of beautiful food– but did it anyway!
I love that you give everything in English and in French! My husband speaks fluently, and my children are both enrolled in a French language immersion school, so it allows me to pleasantly brush up on my own (minimal) French. I also find your stories very touching, indeed.
I love EVERY picture you take– they are gorgeous and leave me hungry, inspired, awed, and wanting to cook, travel, or visit my family in Boston…! Or, go shopping, for that matter!
Speaking of which, your Style Feed is another place where I can get lost… Great stuff! And I love your story– how you and your husband merged your strengths together!
Warmest wishes and Congratulations on the birth of you lovely, sweet Daughter! I haven’t “commented” before now, but have enjoyed your site for quite while and thought it well past time to let you know.
Thank you for all the inspiration,
beautiful shot, the cake looks delicious!
Absolutely divine! thanks for sharing!
Me too, i can’t believe it’s already march!
with a small baby, you nedd to take a rest and sleep as much as you can.
This pic is great :-)!!!
I have been dreaming about a chocolate cake for a couple of days now and this one looks absolutely yammy! Please post the recipe as soon as Lulu and your book leaves you a bit of time to do that. I definitely want to dry it out 🙂
your photography is insanely gorgeous.
“Drink Tea
and forget world’s noises”
I’m a new reader to your blog and I have to say I absolutely adore it! This may seem like an odd question, but where did you get those cute colored plastic spoons?
This cake looks delightful.
The cake looks beautiful.
I am new to the world of blogging and of course found my way to your beautiful site. How inspiring you are? I would be pleased if I can achieve only a little of the difference you have made to the food blogging world. Congrats.
SInful yet Divine..!!!
it is always a delight to read your blog. Thank you.
Recipe, please! That’s just teasing!
Yes, Recipe please!
Still waiting for “Sweet Stolen Moment” chocolate cake recipe!
mmhhh, looks so delicious! Can you post the recipe, please?
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