Thanksgiving Holiday, already — Déjà les fêtes de Thanksgiving

Indian Lamb Curry

Already here? Thanksgiving is only one day away, and I am realizing avec horreur that I will not have the time to post a recipe. Bad me! I hope you will forgive me. I will be cooking indeed. Not the full Thanksgiving dinner though — maybe you need to be born American to have the know-how in you — but an appetizer, to bring to our friend’s house. He will be doing turkey and the rest. Dinner is the promise of great food and beautiful matching wines too — R. has a cellar many people would dream about.

But not to leave you with nothing, I will show you instead, the lamb curry that I prepared last night. Only to prove that despite what I might have made you believe lately, avec ça, ça ou encore ça, we eat a lot of savory food chez nous. Yes yes, I promise. It is just that I do not have all the time in the world I wished I had to share my crazy cooking with you tous. And there is a lot of cooking in my kitchen these days!

So Happy Thanksgiving Holidays to everyone! I cannot wait to see what you all are cooking.

Oh, what will my Thanksgiving appetizer be?

A mâche/fennel/apple/pomegranate/spicy shrimp salad, and surprising smoked salmon tartlets.

P. tells me that it is not Thanksgiving-y, but who cares? I know that it will be good. I already tested the recipes this week.

Posted in Gluten Free, Grains, Meat


  1. Curry! I’m cooking a curry right now.

    I think your Thanksgiving appetizers sound delicious! I totally believe in non-traditional Thanksgivings, or Thanksgivings with non-traditional twists. 🙂

  2. Ahahah Ben, you should know our sommelier R. He specifically sent me an email to ask about the ingredients in my appetizer. He would not have let this go by, I can guarantee you.

  3. You know, everybody else — blogs, magazines and newspapers — write about Thanksgiving food so I think we’ll all caught up. By the way, not being a born American and having the full grasp of Thanksgiving — I agree, but this is probably my favorite holiday. I so enjoy it. No hassle with gifts or decorations — just good food and good company. Very much in the same tradition as the Swedish midsummer nights eve.

  4. pour moi pas de “Thanksgiving ” particulier , mes Origines Sioux me disent que les Massacres qui s’en suivirent ne sont pas à honorer mais je suis toujours curieuse des Recettes cuisinés à cette occasion , Gravy , mash & Turkey , what else ?…

  5. The Canadian Thanksgiving falls in October, I don’t know why. But it was my first one and we were in Newfoundland at the time. I decided to be ultra traditional and cooked the whole shebang with a turkey and all. It was wonderful! I can’t wait for next year! Happy Thanksgiving, Bea.

  6. Happy Thanksgiving! I think your curry would be a wonderful centerpiece to a Thanksgiving dinner.

  7. Happy Thanksgiving to you too Bea! I am in the same boat as you are, my mother in law is handling most of the cooking as it is not “my” holiday (does not mean I can’t cook a mean T-Day dinner, but oh well). I know I am going to kick back, relax and enjoy good conversation and good wines with the rest of the family. Hope you will post the recipe for the lamb curry and the appetizer salad very soon!

  8. Your shrimp salad sounds delicious! Looking forward to seeing the recipe post for it!

  9. hello Béa,

    une question qui n’a rien à voir avec ton post mais j’aimerai m’abonner à un ou deux mag’ de cuisine US, le(s)quel(s) recommandes tu ?


  10. The best Thanksgiving traditions come from new foods that friends contribute. Thanks to a good friend, we always have Gujerati-style green beans on our table? Thanskgiving-y? You bet.

  11. I’m a firm believer that Thanksgiving is a holiday of inclusion and that includes traditional and new foods on the table. So no worry about it being Thanksgiving-y Béa.
    Hope it was a lovely day.

  12. I never tire of a lamb’s lettuce salad. It figured on my pseudo-Thanksgiving menu (Saturday evening, that’s why it wasn’t “real”) too…