Rather than look at this page once again and decide that I was not going to post anything because I didn’t have something *really* ready, I decided to share the picture of this dessert.
As a way to say “Coucou“.
Yes, I am still around.
Yes, I am still cooking, writing, and photographing. All of it. In fact, for those of you who may have wondered what I have been doing lately, you can get a sense by visiting my Instagram page here. This is where I find easy to document my every day.
But in a nutshell, for the most part, I’ve been working many hours and days on the manuscript of my upcoming cookbook. The deadline for handing my manuscript has been pushed to February of next year–and I am really thankful for that because between the book, life, and client work, I’ve had more on my hands that I could handle.
Hence the fact that I have not been able to come here often.
I’ve missed it.
But I’ve promised to change it.
Because after all, this space is my creative one. That very one where I am able to share and chat with you all. In your own way, each one of you has helped me to find my path.
Thanks for your patience. And thanks for being there still.
Je reviens vite!
With recipes. News. And stories.
Happy to see you in action! Buon lavoro!
Yes, life always seems to go a little faster than we can keep up with. I totally understand. But I was still very thrilled to see your new post and lovely photo up. It’s always inspiring.
Your photos always have a “refreshing” look about them.
Simply lovely.
Looking forward to your cookbook, Bea!
So happy to hear those words – that you are working on another book – go for it! Can’t wait for another one!
Good to see you and Congratulation for the book!
Cannot wait for the next cookbook! I have made just about every recipe from your first.
Thanks for all the inspiration and joy you provide and good luck with the blending of life. I read that it is impossible to balance the different parts of our lives, but you can certainly blend them, and that is something you excel at!
So happy to see you and congratulations for the book!
Thank you for sharing your Instagram, I’ll visit. And congrats on all the work 🙂
Nice to hear from you 🙂 I love this blog so much and I am happy about every single post 😀 Really cant wait to see your cooking book!! It must be the best book of 2014 😉
Take care
Oh la la! Un livre ! Super! J’espère qu’il sera disponible en français!!! 🙂
thank you for updating us 🙂
such a lovely photograph
It’s good to have you back, Béa! I’ve missed you and the wonderful recipes, stories, and photography on La Tartine Gourmande. Can’t wait for more 🙂
Greetings from frosty Finland,
I can’t wait for the new book! Your first cookbook is my most used and treasured. Thanks for working on a second one! And happy holidays to you and your family!
Bea, I’ve been following you on Instagram and I love it !!! Keep it up xoxo
Glad to have you back – and will be waiting for your new book!
That dessert looks very refreshing. I’m excited for the release of your book.
So glad you’re back.
Hope you’re book will come soon.
Ici, dans l’Est, on attaque les Breddele, Spritz et autre gâteries pour Noël ; à J-6 c’est bien normal !
Belles fêtes de fin d’années à toi et aux tiens 😉
So glad you’re back. I hope you’re book will come soon.
Ici, dans l’Est, on attaque les Breddele, Spritz et autre gâteries pour Noël ; à J-6 c’est bien normal !
Belles fêtes de fin d’années à toi et aux tiens 😉
J’ai toujours beaucoup de plaisir à te lire. Aussi je t’ai taguée dans le cadre du Liebster Award, sur mon blog ! A bientôt ! http://www.snow-in-april.com/2013/12/je-tague-tu-tagues-elle-tague.html