Nature is shining at the moment. And my head is spinning with it. There’s so much beauty. There’s so much color.
Yellow. Orange. Red. They are all here, mingling harmoniously: Bright colors coloring our trees and that seem to dance in the wind. They make New England sparkle like precious colorful stones. It’s impossible not to notice. It’s impossible not to fall in love with the moment.
I *so* wished I could draw a chair and chat for a while. I wished I had the time to share the stories that build up in my head. What I create every day. It’s just not possible right now.
We’ve really had a busy year.
There’s still plenty of food filling the house, though, with aromas of vegetable soups simmering on the stove, potato gratins baking in the oven, baked plums or chocolate petits pots de crème cooling off on the counter top.
Râpés de légumes are also often on the menu. It’s part of our every day food. Lulu likes them probably as much as chocolate petits pots de crème and yogurt. That’s saying a lot.
The recipe is simple: Grated vegetables cooked until soft; spices like ground cumin, Comté cheese and fresh herbs like tarragon giving character; millet flour and egg providing texture.
These râpés are also very customizable, excellent with a wide range of other root vegetables. Sometimes, I prepare them with parsnips or parsley roots. Or at other times, I prefer to add turnip or the type of winter squash I have handy.
With a salad on the side, you frankly cannot go wrong.
That’s the type of lunch that keeps Lulu, P. and I going.
When life gets just a tiny bit too full.
You need:
- Olive oil
- 1 teaspoon ground cumin
- 1 medium zucchini, grated
- 2 large carrots, peeled and grated
- 1 small sweet potato (or 1/2 of a large one), peeled and grated
- 1 garlic clove, peeled and crushed
- Sea salt and pepper
- 3 tablespoon millet flour
- 1 large egg
- 1 oz (30 g) grated Comté
- Chopped parsley, lemon thyme and tarragon
- Have a plate covered with paper towel ready.
- In a frying pan, heat 2 tablespoons of olive oil over medium heat. When warm, add the ground cumin. Cook for 1 minute, then add the vegetables and garlic. Season with salt and pepper and cook for about 8 to 10 minutes, stirring occasionally, or until tender. Transfer the vegetables to a bowl and let cool.
- Add the millet flour, egg, cheese and herbs, and stir until combined.
- In the same fraying pan, heat 2 tablespoons of olive oil. When warm, drop 1 heaped tablespoon of vegetable mixture and flatten with the back of a spatula to make a 3.5-inch râpé. Repeat, adding as many as your pan can hold. Cook the râpés for 2 to 3 minutes on each side, until lightly brown and crispy. Repeat until you run out of vegetables, adding more oil as needed. Once the râpés are cooked, transfer them onto the plate. Serve warm with a side salad.
Ingrédients :
- Huile d’olive
- 1 càc de cumin en poudre
- 1 courgette moyenne, râpée
- 2 grosses carottes, pelées et râpées
- 1 petite patate douce (ou la moitié d’une grosse), pelée et râpée
- 1 gousse d’aïl, pelée et écrasée
- Sel de mer et poivre du moulin
- 3 càs de farine de millet
- 1 gros oeuf
- 30 g de Comté, râpé
- Mélange de persil, estragon et thyme citron haché
Etapes :
- Couvrez une assiette de papier absorbant; mettez de côté.
- Dans une poêle, faites chauffer 2 càs d’huile d’olive. Ajoutez le cumin et cuisez pendant 1 minute. Ajoutez ensuite les légumes et l’aïl. Salez et poivrez et poursuivez la cuisson pendant 8 à 10 minutes, en mélangeant de temps à autre, jusqu’à ce que les légumes soient tendres. Transférez dans une jatte et laissez refroidir.
- Ajoutez la farine, l’oeuf, le fromage et les herbes hachées. Mélangez bien.
- Dans la même poêle, faites chauffer 2 càs d’huile d’olive. Ajoutez une bonne cuillerée de préparation de légumes et aplatissez avec le dos d’une spatule, pour former des râpés de 9 cm de diamètre. Répétez tant que vous avez de la place dans la poêle. Cuisez de chaque côté environ 2 à 3 minutes, jusqu’à ce que les râpés soient dorés et croustillants. Recommencez jusqu’à épuisement des ingrédients. Transférez les râpés sur l’assiette recouverte de papier absorbant. Servez les râpés chauds avec une salade.
Beautiful colours and I can’t wait to make these lovely galettes! Merci!
En effet c’est superbe et ça doit être plus que délicieux… en tout cas ce sera testé ce week-end! Merci…
Great colors 🙂
The changing of the leaves is one of the great events of the northeast. These vegetable galettes look delicious!
Beautiful autumn! I love how the colours of your cooking correspond with the colours of the leaves.
Oh, yes, autumn! It’s the best time of year, the colors, the foods. Your photos are just beautiful. And let me add, you are often imitated, Béa, but never duplicated. You’re the original. Love your blog!
What is comte – a cheese? Dumb question but I don’t eat a lot of cheese. Or is it a wine? Don’t drink either. These sound really good and I’d like to try them. Thank you for your help – Tina
Toujours de magnifiques photos et une recette comme je les aime qui sera tentée dès le retour de mon loulou.
Oddly enough I have some sweet potatoes, zucchini and carrots leftover from my farmers’ market spree a week ago, and I’ve been stumped for something interesting to do with them… now I can kill three birds with one stone, so to speak. Clearly I was meant to stumble across this recipe – thank you. They look so delicious…
Beautiful autumn pictures… It’s spring here in cape town, but now you’ve made me all nostalgic for autumn!
coucou béa,
cette recette m’inspire énormément… je cherche justement des idées pour cuisiner pour la famille entière. Cuisiner deux plats à chaque repas, c’est trop et j’adore l’idée que les enfants et nous mangions la même chose, on partage vraiment quelque chose. De plus, je les trouve bien plus curieux et aventureux si nous leur montrons l’exemple. Bref cette recette me semble parfaite pour un dîner familial, leger, satisfaisant, et délicieux!
ps ton blog est toujours aussi beau.
WOW!!! Bea starting my day by reading your blog and your great recipes really makes my day. You are really amazing and so inspiring. Your food and photos are fabulous! wish you great success.
I love vegetable galettes. Simple and tasty. Will try to make this recipe soon with some wonderful fall vegetables.
Oh yes the colours of fall are incredible. I’ve never been to New England but visited the Canadian Maritimes last fall and fell in love.
Have a nice weekend with lots of good food,
Beautiful colors!!! Your little baby is so cute!!
I’ve been struggling too the past few months with time, unfortunately it’s affected my cooking (sad face). This sounds like a perfect recipe for a quick meal that can take whatever vegetables you throw at it!
It’s my favorite time of the year. The happiness that autumn brings inspires me to cook. Love your recipe!
wow… the colors are bursting!!!
Looks absolutely delicious!
Can’t wait to try these.
Coming to your blog is like stepping into a spa or spending an hour at the yoga studio…. Happy Friday! Keep delighting us, your readers 🙂
Une super idée pour utiliser tous ces légumes racines qui abondent en ce moment! Merci pour l’inspiration!
Voilà de belles galettes comme je les aime!
All the ingredients sit in my kitchen. The frying pan comes out…and lunch will happen. Lovely.
Les couleurs sont belles!!! Et le plat a l’air divin, ce doit être très apprécié des enfants!
Wonderful share! Your blog is a great place to fresh-up.
your pictures of the automn are so lovely… I will try the recipe!
Have a nice week-end
Just found your site. I’m absolutely dazzled by your photos.
Fall is just beautiful. Good weekend with your family!
99% of the year I’m happy to be on the west coast and enjoy the ocean… it’s the 1% of the year, and then I saw your photos…wow
I too am cooking a lot of orange foods lately 😉 I These galettes are making me hungry.
One of the most beautiful autumn shots I’ve seen. Takes me back to central Canada mid Sept.
Thank you for posting this. I’m a HUGE comte fan, and love the idea of getting to use it in an actual dish.
Your communing with Nature, and then cooking from it and celebrating it artistically, yet still honouring the natural place it came from is what I love about your posts, Bea.
You are consistently an inspiration. I try to be the same, just in a different way.
Very nice and looks yummy!
I want to eat like you. i will start with this.
I love your new kitchen. I can tell it will be wonderful.
beautiful, i find the fall extra beautiful this year!
Très jolies photos d’automne !
About the only thing I miss about living in Michigan is the fall. That gorgeous 3-4 weeks when the weather is crisp and the trees are in brilliant foliage. Amazing.
Saturday morning I was walking in a park with a girlfriend and came across a brilliant red Chinese Maple tree – it reminded me of the autumns I grew up with. I think I’ll go make something with cinnamon, nutmeg and cloves to bring me closer to that. Even a great mug of spicy tea with a little milk and honey will do the trick.
Can the egg be replaced with something else for vegan diet?
I’m dropping by to say that I made these galettes and they are out of this world. You seduce with your pictures, and reward with the food you present. I just can’t stop raving about all the remarkable dishes you create. I’d urge every one of your readers to try these simple, and incredibly tasty pancakes.
Love the versatility of this recipe! I am sitting with a glut of carrots and cabbage from my CSA veggiebox and this would be the perfect use for it.
Merci pour la recette, I am excited to make these for my mother when she visits me in France! I hope I can find millet!
Amazingly delicious galettes! Yum yum yum! These are similar to the Russian blinchiki we make with either zucchini or potatoes, but I love the different veggies together — plus herbs — plus cheese! Oh my gosh. Even with unbleached wheat flour and one kind of herb, they’re divine. I’ll be making them a lot. Merci!!
quelle jolie recette tellement en accord avec les couleurs de l’automne !!! merci
I am totally addicted to this recipe: a must for a working mom! Depending on the left overs I have, I sometimes add (with the egg and flour) ham cut in small pieces, a few spoons of cooked quinoa, some flaxseeds… What’s great about this recipe is that you can use an unlimited number of combinations. It works also great with onions finely cut! Thanks so much Bea!
J’ai essayé cette recette plusieurs fois et je ne l’ai réussi véritablement qu’une seule fois car pour les autres fois, le râpé avait un peu brûlé et j’ai eu bcp de mal à le retourner car il restait collé au fond de la poêle. Le résultat reste malgré tout délicieux mais est-ce que je pourrais avoir qq conseils sur la cuisson pour éviter les petits pbm cités-ci desssus. Merci d’avance!
Oh my these are beyond heavenly 🙂 Thank you soo much Bea 🙂
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