Spaghetti with roasted cherry tomatoes, lemon thyme and honey — Spaghetti aux tomates cerises, thym citron et miel

spaghetti gluten free roasted cherry tomatoes

Spaghetti with roasted cherry tomatoes, lemon thyme and honey

There are dishes, you know, that are all about comfort. Dishes that need to be nourishing, but have to happen quickly. They’ll always be fresh and colorful because that’s the kind of food I crave. I don’t know about you but I find endless the possibilities of this to happen with pasta. Especially in a dish of spaghetti with flavors of spring and summer.

Since our small family is about to take off on a vacation–I am literally counting the days until we leave, even if I have packed nada yet–I am in a clean-up-the-fridge-quickly kind of mood, improvising meals with what I have. The whole process, I find, is pretty creative.

Tonight, I cooked a large pot of carrot, fennel and lentil soup that simmered in coconut milk, one that I can reheat tomorrow. I made a pilaf rice flavored with saffron and sweet peas for dinner and I also baked financiers with leftovers of egg whites and a small container filled with raspberries that needed to find a home before it’s too late. Lulu–and us–unanimously loved them, which made me a very proud maman.

raspberry financier hazelnut almond gluten free

Hazelnut and raspberry financiers

And yesterday, for lunch, I cooked spaghetti.

Sara, my editor, had brought gorgeous looking cherry tomatoes for a photo shoot but I ended up not using the tomatoes. So there came the idea of this dish.

lemon thyme upland cress

upland cress spaghetti gluten free lemon thyme

I started by roasting the tomatoes with garlic, lemon thyme, honey and olive oil, and I later tossed them with the spaghetti (mine is made of corn), julienned carrots that I blanched, fresh watercress (upland cress, more precisely) and other goodies I found. The result was an everything-in-a-plate filled with goodness that I devoured before going out to the park with Lulu, for our daily walk.

She is now cruising independently. Exploring. It’s the start of many adventures, I know, and I am really looking forward to it.

Following closely. Never too far. Today, our princess Lulu is also fifteen months old…already.

spaghetti gluten free roasted cherry tomatoes

Spaghetti with roasted cherry tomatoes, lemon thyme and honey

Spaghetti with roasted cherry tomatoes, lemon thyme and honey

For 4 people

You need:

  • Sea salt and pepper
  • 2 pounds ripe cherry tomatoes
  • 2 large garlic cloves, finely minced
  • 1 teaspoon finely chopped lemon thyme
  • 1.5 teaspoons honey + more to serve
  • 6 tablespoons olive oil + more to serve
  • 2 large carrots, peeled and julienned finely
  • 12 oz spaghetti
  • Parmesan cheese, grated (to taste)
  • 4 oz crumbled feta cheese or goat cheese
  • Handful of fresh watercress leaves
  • Drizzle of lime juice


  • Preheat the oven to 350 F. Place the cherry tomatoes in an oven dish; set aside. In a bowl, combine the garlic, lemon thyme, honey and add 6 tablespoons olive oil. Season with salt and pepper. Coat the cherry tomatoes with this marinade. Bake the tomatoes for about 20 minutes; keep warm on the side.
  • Blanch the julienned carrots for 1 minute in boiling salted water and rinse them under cold water.
  • Cook the spaghetti al dente in a large volume of salted water. Drain and transfer to a large bowl. Add 1 tablespoon olive oil and toss gently.
  • Toss in the carrot, cherry tomatoes and marinade, crumbled feta and add a generous amount of grated Parmesan (to taste).
  • Divide the pasta between four plates and add watercress leaves in each plate. Add a squeeze of lime juice and drizzle with honey and olive oil. If you have fresh parsley handy, add some too.
Le coin français
Spaghetti aux tomates cerises, thym citron et miel

Pour 4 personnes

Ingrédients :

  • Sel de mer et poivre
  • 900 g de tomates cerises
  • 2 grosses gousses d’aïl, hachées finement
  • 1 càc de thym citron finement haché
  • 1.5 càc de miel liquide + pour servir
  • 6 càs d’huile d’olive + pour servir
  • 2 grosses carottes, pelées et taillées en julienne fine
  • 340 g de spaghetti
  • Parmesan, finement râpé
  • 115 g de miettes de feta ou de fromage de chèvre frais
  • Poignée de feuilles de cresson
  • Jus de citron vert

Etapes :

  • Préchauffez le four à 180 C. Mettez les tomates dans un plat à gratin. Dans un bol, mélangez l’aïl, le thyme citron, le miel et 6 càs d’huile d’olive. Assaisonnez de sel et de poivre et mélangez aux tomates. Faites cuire pendant 20 minutes; gardez au chaud de côté.
  • Faites blanchir les carottes dans un grand volume d’eau bouillante salée. Rinsez sous l’eau froide.
  • Cuisez les spaghetti al dente, égouttez et mettez-les dans un grand plat. Ajoutez une cuiller à soupe d’huile d’olive et mélangez.
  • Ajoutez alors les carottes, les tomates cerises et leur marinade, la feta et saupoudrez généreusement de parmesan râpé (selon goût).
  • Divisez les spaghetti entre quatre assiettes et ajoutez une petite poignée de cresson dans chaque. Arrosez d’un peu de jus de citron et d’un filet de miel et un d’huile d’olive. Si vous avez du persil frais, ajoutez-en aussi.
Posted in Gluten Free, Grains, Life and Us, Vegetarian


  1. I can’t believe your daughter is already 15 months old… I feel like it was so recently that I read about her birth!!

    Beautiful photos, as always. This sounds delicious.

    I love clean-out-the-fridge recipes 🙂

  2. Absolutely wonderful, Bea! Thank you. I am making spaghetti tonight (Mine is Buckwheat and Wild Yam), and was thrilled to find this recipe as a great alternative to my yummy (but overworked) homemade marinara sauce.

  3. I have never roasted anything with honey before but it makes sense. Your combination are intriguing. Lulu is as small as my Kate 🙂 Happy 15th…months that is 😉

  4. Oh–I haven’t eaten any kind of pasta in AGES!!!! this is exactly what I need to make asap. (if I can’t find corn pasta in our little town I’ll do it with polenta…)

    oh and your fashionable little princess will be running circles around you soon enough!! But she’s looking good–

  5. Je vous lis en silence depuis quelques temps déjà et admire votre blog. Aujourd’hui, je ne peux plus me taire. Ce plat réunit tout ce que j’aime, simplicité, beauté et saveurs. Ce week-end, c’est sûr, je vais le tester.

  6. Simple dish but wonderful! I’ll cook it in the next couple of days!
    The pictures are beautiful… as always!

  7. Merveilleuses photos Béa, comme toujours: comme j’aimerais prendre des cours avec toi… mais tu es un peu loin! tes spaghetti ont un petit air printanier qui fait envie! Bon week-end, et bises à Lulu.

  8. 🙂 meme recette avant-hier + ou – ! c’est le printemps,d’ou les envies de legumes plus colores 😉
    Merci pour ces belles photos ! et bravo a la Princesse pour ses 1er pas !

  9. This pasta dish is perfect even from an italian point of view: I do love the idea of dressing spaghetti with roasted tomatoes, olive oil and honey and, as soon as I find juicy tomatoes I will surely cook something like this. Best wishes to your wonderful Lulu for her 15th “monthly birthday” (I dont’ know if there is an english expression for this concept) and have a good time on vacation. NB: lovely, dreaming photos, as usual

  10. What a gorgeous looking dish. I am particularly intrigued by the inclusion of honey – I would never have thought to combine that with tomatoes…
    Also, I don’t have kids of my own and usually find pictures of other people’s kids rather tedious, but your ones of Lulu are just so sweet (and colourful) – I love them!

  11. Hi B. It’s too funny but I was in a same predicament just last Friday and made something similar. I just added some olives, whole garlic cloves, thyme and pine nuts to the roasting tomatoes about 10 minutes before dishing it up with the spaghetti. I also mixed a good handful or two of grated parmesan with a whole egg which I mixed into it all before plonking it on the table. It made a nice gooey creamy salty sauce. Thanks so much for your beautiful and inspirational posts! XX Aetta

  12. Pasta lends itself to those clean out the fridge recipes. It’s so versatile. You are really only limited by your imagination. I love the bright colours and your daughter’s leggings are a perfect match:-)

  13. What a lovely dish and with a spaghetti – my favourite pasta! All pictures of Lulu are so beautiful and cute even if all we can see are her tiny legs in striped tights! 🙂

  14. Happy Toddler Day!… why would you add honey, Bea? Tomatoes are so perfectly sweet in their own right. It seems like a bit of an odd fit for me, and one I would never think of. I have no frame of reference for a taste memory like that, so I can only imagine it. How did you come to think of adding the honey?

  15. I love fresh and healthy dishes like this one! We are blessed to live on an island that produces delicious vegetables, fruits and dairy products, but unfortunately people sometimes forget their value!…I wish you a great-full of wonderful moments- vacation!

  16. Time flies so quickly doesn’t it? K is standing up a second or two longer by herself every couple of days and is no longer needing to adopt a Henry VIII or Superman stance to do so. It just amazes me. Spaghetti with a few “fixings” is the easiest and fastest fridge cleaner I know of and so comforting. I’ve never thought to add honey but could see how that would work, will have to try it some time.
    Je te souhaite de tres belles vacances Bea! Looking forward to the pictures when you come back.

  17. I SO look forward to buying your book when you publish. I love every entry you create. You inspire me.

  18. Your financiers are so inviting.
    I can’t believe it’s been 15 months already. Her outfit and little legs exploring the grounds are darling!

  19. Beautiful, beautiful photos and an inspiring dish. What fun! And darling Lulu’s legs! Happy vacation!

  20. Ta cuisine a toujours l’air si fraiche, c’est un plaisir sans cesse renouvele.
    Passe une bonne fin de semaine – et de bonnes vacances surtout.

  21. Thank you everyone!

    A Canadian foodie, I just like to experiment with new flavors and have used honey with tomatoes before successfully. If not honey, then I also like to us light Muscovado sugar. The taste will be sweeter, for sure, which is a good balance to the more acidic taste of the tomatoes. Of course, that varies with the tomatoes and how ripe they are.

  22. Oh Béa, how can she be 15 months already? How can our Lulu be 20 months old, running and talking, giggling at everything? These are beautiful days. And that’s a beautiful bowl of spaghetti!

  23. These tomatoes are beautiful! And what a wonderful, fresh combination. I love the honey here. I can’t wait for summer and good, fresh tomatoes so that I can make your lovely pasta. Thank you!

  24. Je viens d’essayer cette recette. Les photos m’avaient mis l’eau à la bouche – ainsi que l’idée du miel dans les tomates cerises. Hmmm delicious !! 🙂

  25. Hi! I found your website from and I’m so glad I did! Everything looks so delicious and I’m definitely going to try some recipes this weekend. I’m REALLY looking forward to your cookbook. =)

  26. This looks gorgeous — the table, the fabric, the bowl, the dish itself — and because of another recipe I just tried, I am really sold on the combination of honey, thyme,and feta. I know this will be extraordinary when I try it. I think I have to make it tonight! I wonder if Lulu ate the tomatoes and cheese as well as the pasta? My three year refuses these things.

  27. Gorgeous – and your photos are SO sunny! It’s amazing how fast the little tykes grow, isn’t it?

  28. Merci, ce site “is fantastic, thanks!!!!” bonne continuation, je suis toujours à la recherche d’idées gourmandes !

  29. Merci “Envoyé Spécial” ! Grâce à eux me voici en “visite” par ici… Il faut dire que le reportage était particulièrement “appétissant” !
    Vos photos sont juste magnifiques et ce petit coin de mer près de Boston m’a fait penser à la Norvège, pays que j’adore par-dessus tout !!! Même si j’ai beaucoup aimé aussi ma courte visite à Boston il y a 3 ans… La vie doit y être assez “paisible”. En tout cas là où vous habitez…
    Mais le reportage mentionnait également l’une de vos escales en Lorraine alors comme je suis lorraine, ça m’intéresse beaucoup de lire ce que vous y avez vu, goûté et ce que vous en avez pensé :o))
    Bonne fin de vacances si elles ne sont pas encore terminées !…

  30. Votre blog est vraiment MA-GNI-FIQUE !
    J’ai regarder récemment une émission francaise qui parlais de ce que vous faisiait
    Jsuis fan de cuisine et de photographie, et je vous envie votre technique 😀
    Je me reconnecterais souvent a ” La tartine gourmande ” 😉

  31. I am always so happy to find a recipe that uses lemon thyme! My Mum grew it in her garden when I was a small child, I loved (and still love!) running my hands over the leaves for the smell.

  32. Pingback: Chips de banane plantain au piment d’espelette, sans gluten | Paris by light