It’s hard not to love spring. Well then, it’s hard not to love fall, winter or summer too. Perhaps because I was brought up in a French region where seasons are well-defined, I like it this way. After winter, I rejoice about spring. After spring, I get excited about summer. And after summer, I look forward to fall. Simple facts of life but nature is wonderful this way.
I call myself lucky. Imagine if I had left too early in the season, missing the beauty that spring generously offers to us these days. Just have a look at these colors and tell me that you think the same thing too.
And then there are the new produce that spring offers.
And then there are strawberries.
La saison des fraises.
I mean, have you been waiting for them just as much as I have? — and I even gave in before I was supposed to!
The strawberries I buy may not be fully local yet — California is still on the other side of the country — but I find them already tasteful, sweet and juicy. They are always organic.
And always a great source of inspiration for numerous desserts to finish a meal on a happy light touch.
And oh yes, you know already how much I love to cook with strawberries. Don’t you too?
Well guess what, there will be more strawberry desserts to come! I am a May girl, after all.
The photographs are lovely. It is beautiful when everything is in bloom and each season has its time of loveliness. Your blog is beautiful.
Thos strawberries are really gorgeous! I wish I could find the same. As for spring, it is so beautiful in Virginia! But I am lucky since every season really is!
May I ask you what kind of camera you use? And more particularly which lens? I am FAR from being as talented as you but I need a new camera and since I am interested in culinary photographs, I might as well by the right equipment.
Thank you.
Those, and buy…Sorry for the mistakes…
it just makes me happy!
Your photos were a lift to my spirits. I am still waiting for spring to arrive in Montana. The snow has disappeared on the ground but there is still a flurry every now and then in the air. But the buds on the trees are beginning to open and the farmer’s markets start in two weeks. Spring must be around the corner!
J’aime et j’adore les fleurs et le printemps c’est le renouveau de la vie….Pour moi c’est la plus belle des saisons…
Tes photos sont superbes béa! je suis comme toi j’apprécie le rythme des saisons et j’essaye de profiter pleinement de chacune d’elle. J’attends tes recettes aux fraises avec impatience…
your photos are beautiful, Bea!
Spring does look particularly lovely through your camera lens.
Beautiful pictures! Yes, spring is a great season that brings hope and happiness!
those pictures against the blue sky are so so lovely! and I love the way to put them together – like a little poem. German strawberries make their appearance in June and I am oh so looking forward…:- ) have a nice day.
love strawberries love red color~
Printemps un jour, jolies photos toujours!
Spring is here in NY too and the trees are gorgeous. So many flowers to see and scents to enjoy. My wild strawberry plants (courtesy of the birds) have just now started showing up, although they don’t have any berries yet.
Sheltie Girl @ Gluten A Go Go
Je découvre ton blog qui est un pure délice pour les papilles mais aussi pour les yeux!
Je suis entièrement d’accord avec toi concernant le printemps. C’est une saison que j’adore, toujours impatiente qu’elle arrive et toujours nostalgique quand elle finit…
Ici, pas encore de fraises locales, et celles de ma terrasse sont à peine en fleurs. Dommage, j’attendrai encore un peu, le temps que tu postes de nouvelles recettes pour les accommoder ,)
i can’t be happy enough about strawberries! the berries at the markets get more beautiful every week, and my own plants and just starting to set their fruit.
i foresee lots of homemade strawberry ice cream in my future.
My (French) husband hates strawberries — not for allergy reasons, either. Can you imagine such a thing? It always puts a bit of a damper on strawberry season here…
Another great post as usual. Beautiful photos!
C’est si intéressant de regarder vos photos, on s’y croirait presque. Quel talent!
Petite demande…J’aimerais beaucoup savoir quel modèle de caméra vous utilisez.
Merci d’avance pour votre réponse et à bientôt!