A Word of Mouth radio show — L’émission radio, a Word of Mouth

Tomorrow is the day when we leave. Can you tell that I am happy and excited?

Well, I am ready!

But I meant to share an exciting piece of news with you before going. It has to do with tomorrow Thursday April 24th too. I did something that I’d never done before — and oh oui, I was nervous! But what fun!

I was honored to be invited as a guest on NHPR‘s radio show, a Word of Mouth, hosted by talented Virginia Prescott. The show will air Thursday April 24th in New Hampshire, between noon and 1 pm EST. Here are the call numbers:

88.3, Nashua, WEVS
89.1, Concord, WEVO
90.3, Nashua, WEVO
90.7, Keene, WEVN
91.3, Littleton, WEVO
91.3, Hanover, WEVH
97.3, Plymouth
99.5, Jackson, WEVJ
103.9, Portsmouth
104.3, Dover, WEVO
105.9, Colebrook
107.1, Gorham, WEVC

And it will be available on line after that time on the NHPR Word of Mouth’s website — I will update with the detailed URL when it is available.

The URL is updated now for the podcast and story. Check the link here.

What is it about?

Food blogging, bien sûr, what else?

I cannot wait to hear the show, of course. I mean, how often does something like this happen? I am sure I will find my voice weird — like it is not mine — but then, this always happens, non ?

Many thanks to the very friendly staff at Word of Mouth.

Anyway, I will be in touch while traveling around.

A bientôt ! And stay healthy and eat well!

An old shot of me I found, from a trip taken with girlfriends years ago,
on l’Ile de Noirmoutier in France
Posted in General


  1. Oh yes, and have fun on your trip… I’m so jealous… I can’t wait to go home this summer!

  2. have fun on your trip! congrats on the radio show! and last but very not least, beautiful black-white photo, captures the loveliness of the island, as i could imagine it. love the open space that frames the girl.

  3. So nice, Bea! Hope you have a great trip. I could (surprisingly!) find ‘cuisine light’ in Lisbon!! You did a wonderful job. It’s a delight to go through the pages and the recipes!

  4. You are un-stoppable! Bravo!!
    I know it’s kind of late but a British friend of ours has been a tour guide in Rome for the past 20 years, if you need it.
    Have fun on your trip!

  5. Congrats on the radio show! I’ll tune in online. Have a wonderful trip-can’t wait to see the photos! Your trees in bloom are just breathtaking.

  6. Toutes mes felicitations pour ton interview sur NHPR! dommage que je ne puisse pas t’ecouter en Californie…et j’adore ta photo. Bon voyage de l’autre cote de l’Atlantique ! profite bien et reviens nous vite 😉 avec plein de choses a nous raconter

  7. He he he, funny pic! I hope you’ll have as much fun in this trip as you surely did in l’Île de Noirmoutier.



  8. Chère Béatrice,
    just a few words from Rome, Italy to say hello and bon voyage..
    I’m a free lance cooking writer myself, and I’m currently writing recipes on a national cooking magazine. I’ve just recently discovered how fun food photography and food styling can be an just wanted to thank you so much for what you do, you don’t know how much inspiring your blog, your work and your beautiful photos have been for me… I’ve just recently dicovered °la tartine gourmande° and have spent the last week or so exploring it from its early times to date and have noticed your natural talent as a photographer improving so much through years.. there’s a glimmer of hope that I can reach good results as a photographer too, at least I like to think this way.. one thing for sure is that, since I discovered the pleasure of taking pictures in a more professional way, I see everything under a different light, it’s just like my eyes can now catch any minor detail of the world outside that were not able to notice before, it’s like photography suddenly unveiled my sight, in a way…
    Well, if you ever come to Rome, feel free to contact me. All the very best Béatrice..
    Barbara – Rome, Italy

  9. Félicitations béa! A défaut de t’entendre en direct, peut être pourrais t’écouter via postcast. Et bon voyage en Italie, quelle chance tu as!

  10. et bien et bien !! une star que tu es !!!
    profite bien de tes vacances italiennes 🙂

  11. Normally I just visit a blog and then leave without commenting. But if I don’t comment on yours, I would feel very bad – You are such a genius of life! Very beautiful blog, very inspiring and soothing to me! Thanks for creating such beautiful things for us to appreciate, and for sharing your views on the beauty you catch in life. To me, you enjoy the best things in life – writing, traveling, photographing, and cooking (well…except the meat part because I’m a vegetarian; but still you made all your cooking an art form). Keep enjoying life.

  12. You never cease to amaze me! Enjoy Italy and France too?

  13. Ha ha ha! Such a cute pic! Merci Bea pour ce super blog remplis de bonnes & belles choses..(Au risque de repeter ce que tu entends souvent.. tes photos sont SU-BLI-MES!) Bon voyage & amuse toi bien!

  14. Hi Bea! I just listened to your interview on Word to Mouth. So lovely! It’s great to put a voice with a face. Have a good trip in Italy in that rice farm… so jealous!!!

  15. super cliché, on dirait une photo des 60’s. Ca ferait un beau poster, tu devrais la faire agrandir !!!

  16. Dear Bea,

    I wish a very nice trip. Great black-white foto with many emotion 🙂 Thanks for all. All the best….. *Hanne*

  17. I just listened to your podcast Great job, very natural! Your voice was just as I had imagined. How is sunny Italy? Enjoy!

  18. I tried to leave a comment at NPR. I dont know if it went in, but I just want you to know I love your site.

  19. congrats on the podcast – really fun to hear your voice…a new dimension to those of us who only “know” you via your blog. you shd think about doing a little video broadcast cooking lesson or demo from your home kitchen at some point. can’t wait to see your post with pics from italy! -reva

  20. Bravo Béa… Je viens d’écouter le podcast : tu es géniale. Quel talent !

  21. Bea, I love your photos. You have a wonderful talent for photography and styling. The colors are so vivid and lovely.

    Thank you for sharing your photos and recipes.

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