A Perfect Day — Un jour parfait

carrot coconut soup

carrot coconut soup

Carrot, Sweet Potato and Coconut Soup

The day starts with a hearty soup, to fight the cold

chocolate pistachio gluten-free cake

Dark Chocolate and Pistachios Cakes

And it continues with sweet treats, to indulge.

Then of course, I can only wish for another perfect day to follow.

But since not every day is going to be a perfect one,

What about enjoying when it is!

Making soup and cakes?

It does not get much better on a wintry day in January.

So my dear readers, are you feeling inspired to cook?


  1. I’m always inspired when I get here! Bea that soup is electrifying with such incredible color. I could be that for breakfast I think! Lovely. And we should take note of the perfect days!!

  2. I’ve made a gingered carrot-parsnip soup before. I should try adding coconut to it the next time.
    Gorgeous pics!

  3. Inspired I was, not these past few weeks. Food photography has taken a back seat. But, I enjoyed reading your travelogues 🙂

  4. Je crois qu’après ce billet, je vais me mettre en cuisine cet après midi… Le soleil sera dans l’assiette à défaut d’être ailleurs !!
    Je n’ai jamais vu une aussi belle photo de soupe! Disons qu’elle me tente de bon matin, exceptionnel!

  5. I’m not so sure about soup for breakfast – sorry, but I’m more of a granola kind-a-guy – but I’m all in for the cakes. Great looking with the vivid green pistachios!

  6. Inspired? You bet. Who could not be inspired by your perfect photos to along with the perfect food on a perfect winter day. Nice job.

  7. Oh my god! whatfantastic pictures Bea! As always… Those bowls are awesome. Beautiful…..

  8. tout et n’importe quoi est une bonne excuse pr faire des muffins & co. Hier soir ma fille (14 ans) etait tt triste et bien apres la cuisson de qq muffins, elle avait retrouve le sourire. Comme quoi… Elle veut meme en refaire ce soir!

  9. A love the spoon accompanying the bowl of soup. I certainly could use flowery silverware to brighten my mood during these dark, chilly days.

  10. I’ve always loved your photos of nature and of-meals. Fomidable! Je me demade ou (where) sont les recettes?

  11. Wow… haven’t been here in a while. This absolutely blew me away! It just seems like it gets better and better… even when you don’t think it’s possible.

  12. A friend told me about your blog, I love it- the photos are lovely. But where are all the recipes- I thought it was a food blog?

  13. many many thanks for your comments, my dear readers. Sorry if I did not yet post the recipes, I do not have enough hours in my days to do so! But they will come, in their own timing, so come back 😉 Thanks for your patience and understanding!

  14. ah que j’aime la fraîcheur qui se dégage de ses fôtos ! étonnantes ! vraiment ! je ne connaissai pas ton blog ; je reviendrai ; excellente journée ;

  15. I actually miss those cold, wintry Boston days, so I was inspired to make beef bourguignon and was rewarded by a cold, rainy day here in California!

  16. Many thanks again to every one of you. I forgot to mention btw, this soups was not eaten at breakfast, but at lunch Did I mislead you when I wrote “to start the day”? 🙂 (although you are now giving me ideas, I would not mind it at all at breakfast, I am one of these who can eat a lot of savory in the morning).

    Then once more, sorry if the recipes are not up yet, but you know, I am running after time like everyone! 😉

  17. Oh yes I am ! As usual reading you. Tu es une vraie artistie Béa, photoculinariement !!!!!!!

  18. I open the freezer door to pretend it is cold…trust me this warm weather we are having is not going to prevent form makig soup! Yours is gorgeous!

  19. Tout est parfait..dans la déco avec de belles couleurs, comme dans un orchestre, les légumes dansent, la soupe tourne en folie et les cakes sonnent la gloire…Bonne journée.

  20. Oh this is the perfect post! Such wonderful pictures and so simple, but it says it all! I wish I could stay home and make soup and cake all day ! ; )

  21. yum, lovely, yum. i would never have thought to put coconut in a carrot and sweet potato soup, but i bet it’s great! dark chocolate and pistachio cannot be beat. yum!

  22. Your photography is FANTASTIC! I think these are the best food photos I have seen that are not in a cookbook. You remind me of Con Poulos who takes photographs for Donna Hay Cookbooks. You have put my photos to shame:( But, certainly something I can aspire to emulate!


  23. i am in love with the first photo. it is everything my food photos aspire to be, and our not. maybe if i were french?

    i am very much wanting some mushroom barley soup right now, and an apple cider pound cake.

    Us vs. Food

  24. That truly is my perfect day, and I’ve been able to have a few perfect soup and sweet making days this winter. It is the best. I love the styling of the soup photo–very Miami Beach, in my opinion! I really liked your Goji berry cake recipe, but I might like this one even more, especially with some whole grain flour.

  25. Thanks again everyone! You are too good to me. You are making my day even more perfect, clearly!

    Btw, the muffins are made with quinoa, amaranth and brown rice flour. Then I added chopped Valrhona 70 % cocoa and pistachios.

  26. woow that soup looks fantastic. Does it have dairy in it? I can’t find the recipe

  27. Thanks Amy.

    Jammie and Laura, the recipes are not up yet, and there is no dairy in the soup, no. I used coconut milk.

  28. Bea-utiful as usual. I go to your site almost everyday just for a moment of peace and reflection and a little drooling… For some reason I cannot find the recipes for either the soup or the cakes and would like to try them. Where can I find the recipes for these? – Jeanne

  29. Pingback: In the Kitchen at Design Sponge by La Tartine Gourmande

  30. Am still hoping for the recipe for Carrot, Sweet Potato and Coconut Soup. Made the muffins this weekend, and they are fabulous. Will try the bi-color soups (green pea and potato-leek, from February 29) next weekend, but long for the gorgeous Carrot, Sweet Potato and Coconut Soup.

    What a beautiful site you maintain (narrative as well as photos), and the comments are fun to read, too – the posts en francaise are good mental exercise.

  31. I’m searchin recipe of Carrot, Sweet Potato and Coconut Soup, which semms so good !
    (i apologize, i’m not good in english !)

  32. Your pictures are so beautiful … thank you so much !
    Tu es une artiste, venir voir ton blog ce n’est pas seulement chercher une idée de recette. C’est aussi et surtout admirer ton travail, et la façon que tu as de le mettre en valeur.