Le Lait de Normandie
The milk obviously does not come from Normandie. I wish I were there now. But the bottle! Thanks so much Lisa for offering to send me these great bottles. I love them! They remind me of the time when I was a kid, proudly walking to Mr Meyer’s farm to collect fresh milk in my bidon à lait (metallic milk container). These were great moments. I just *had* to photograph them!
Merci Lisa !
these are cute!
LOVE the photo – beautifully done!
Vraiment trop mimi.
Oh I remember getting the milk in the metallic container from the farm when we used to live in Provence. I got mad when I learned my brother inherited it. Great milky white and heavenly shot!
Magnifique bouteille… moi aussi je me souviens les nombreuses fois où je suis allée à la ferme chercher du lait. Cet été je serai en Normandie, peut être trouverais-je d’aussi jolies choses !
^^ a cute bottle~
i still remember the milk when i was a child~ just like this one~
bottle milk~ so lovely memory~
if only my photos looked as beautiful as yours…. 😀
i’m so happy you got your bottles!
Bonjour Béa,
I’m actually going to be in Normandie in a few weeks this month and wonder if you might recommend any foodie things to do while there, besides eat tons of seafood and camenbert of course.
– André
Super mignonne cette bouteille. Tu as la bouteille de Normandie, moi le lait…
Une Normande
I have a weakness for milk bottles. this is definitely cute what with that enclosure.
Bottles and glass jars… jam jars, bonne maman… I think we all have a weakness for these little works of art. My friend has recently begun buying milk straight from the farm and loves milk again. I ought to do the same. Such a good idea.
What an adorable bottle! So cute!
I’d pretty much drink anything that came in a bottle like that.
When I was little I often had to go and pick the milk up from a farmer half a mile away. I remember one winter morning when I arrived home and there was almost no milk left in the container. I had swung it to hard back and forth on my home, and hadn’t realised the lid was not quite closed. This is how our containers looked: http://www.kunstschule-kassel.de/0/0/galerie.html
That bottle is too adorable! Sigh…I was born and bred in a city and have no wonderful fresh milk from the farmer memories. I wish I did! It must have tasted awesome…
oh yes, what memories to have been able to get the milk, eh?
Merisi, my bidon à lait was just like yours too! I was so mad when I heard that my mum had got rid of it a long time ago, when I wished I would have inherited it! But then, how could she have known that I would become obsessed with objects like this!
Helen, you can always steal it from your brother 😉
Lisa, I just found out that there is a Comptoir de Famille store in Boston! Heaven!
Moi aussi j’allais chercher le lait a la ferme avec mon bidon en alu. Ah l’odeur de l’etable!
Elles sont adorable ces bouteilles.
Tu ne serais pas un peu “homesick” par hasard?
Bon weekend a toi aussi Bea, repose toi bien.
Your photos are always beautiful and this one in particular is really light and very nice… I like it.
Oh so cute! I wish you could still have a milk man.
So beautifull, my grama used to buy cream in Russia in glass jurs like this, it tasted better.
J’adore cette jolie bouteille !
Inspired in your milk, those time , when the fresh milk came in a bottle,i do a milk confiture.But is not the same ,like the old times when my grammy made to use her tasty confiture
. Wonderful photo
I think I will try to buy one of these lovely bottles in a shop nearby …
I cannot find these bottles anywhere in the US..how much would they cost to have mailed to the USA?
Eddie, I am not sure as I brought them back with me when i returned from France in last May. You have to ask the company.
Thaks you so much for your response…if anyone ever sees them in the US I would so very much appreciate you letting me know…Happy Friday to everyone!!!
Where can you buy the lids of the Le bon Lait bottles, if you break one.
Pingback: Clea Cuisine | Petite histoire d’une bouteille de lait
Can one still buy this bottle?
I just bought a blue one for .99 from a Goodwill. My last name is Guernsey. My mother started collecting. I followed along! Have many Guernsey bottles.
Some on Ebay