Gingered Carrots with Cumin and Basil — Carottes au gingembre, cumin et basilic

It is not every day that I make confessions like this one. I guess I must be feeling comfortable.

A l’aise !

Like many of you, when I was a kid, I had a nickname. We all did, didn’t we? In fact, I even had more than one. The first one came from the first name under which people in the village I come from knew me. Béatrice as my first name was pretty foreign to them, and instead, they called me Betty. If you think a little further along these lines, you might have then guessed that Betty Boop was my first nickname, or la Boop, as people in Lorraine say. Terrible! I do not need to add how much I hated this nickname. And I kept hearing it over and over! Luckily, I was much happier with my second nickname.

I can almost acknowledge that I actually liked it. Friendlier, funny, if I said Bugs Bunny, it surely should ring a bell. Like many kids of my age, I was known to have long front teeth that now that I think about it, were so big that they are all I can see on old pictures with me as a kid. But in fact, like Bunny, I adored to eat carrots, and could well have been seen with one in my mouth, like him. This would not have been a surprise! Raw, cooked, grated especially, I talked about this already, didn’t I? So why not share another of my carrot recipe? I hope that you do not mind, do you?

And by the way, Bugs Bunny was one of my heroes, all the same. The little girl that I was admired him a lot. I am thankful! He surely made me love carrots.

Enjoy your carrots! And come on, what was your nickname, now that I shared mine!

Gingered Carrots with Cumin and Basil

(For 4 small side servings)

You need:

  • 1 lb 1.5 oz small-sized young organic carrots
  • 5 Tsp olive oil
  • 1 Tsp Wildflower honey
  • 2 inches ginger root, peeled and thinly grated
  • 1.5 tsp ground cumin
  • 1 Tsp basil, chopped
  • 3 garlic cloves, thinly grated
  • Maldon sea salt


  • Preheat your oven at 375 F.
  • Peel your carrots and cut them in long think sticks.
  • In a bowl, mix 5 Tsp olive oil, the garlic cloves and ginger root thinly grated, cumin, honey and Maldon sea salt, and coat the carrots with this sauce.
  • Spread the carrots in an oven dish or baking sheet, and place them in the oven for 30 mn to 40 mns, depending on their size. I like when they stay a little firm, but it is a matter of taste.
  • Add the basil and coat gently. Serve as a side dish.
Le coin français
Carottes au gingembre, cumin et basilic

(Pour 4 petites portions d’accompagnement)

Ingrédients :

  • 500 g de jeunes carottes bio
  • 5 càs d’huile d’olive
  • 1 càs de miel liquide aux fleurs
  • 5 cm de racine de gingembre frais, pelé et râpé finement
  • 1,5 càs de cumin moulu
  • 1 càs de basilic, haché
  • 3 gousses d’ail, râpées finement
  • Sel de mer Maldon

Étapes :

  • Préchauffez votre four à 190 C.
  • Pelez les carottes et coupez-les en longs bâtonnets fins.
  • Dans un saladier, mélangez 5 càs d’huile d’olive, le gingembre et l’ail râpés, le cumin, le miel et du sel de mer Maldon. Arrosez les carottes de cette sauce et mélangez bien.
  • Étalez les carottes dans un plat ou sur une plaque de cuisson et cuisez pendant 30 à 40 mns, selon la taille de vos carottes. J’aime quand elles restent encore un peu fermes mais c’est question de goût.
  • Ajoutez le basilic haché et mélangez délicatement. Servez en accompagnement.
Posted in Gluten Free, Vegetarian


  1. One of my nick names when I was a kid was related to my strabismus. So you imagine it wasn’t a nice one. But then, because of my first name, people used to ask if I smell good or when I was angry, they used to tell me that i sting like the nettle… It’s funny when I think about it now. Enough talking about me. Have a good day Bea and thanks for this recipe.

  2. TooToo! Because when I was a little girl and I would get mad I would say “Tootoo”. I don’t know why I said that , neither did the people around me so they just called me that and it stuck until before highschool. I guess calling a teenager Tootoo did not sound cute or funny anymore so it stopped.

  3. c’est toujours délicieux cette façon de cuisiner les carottes….mais là cuites au four, c’est une bonne idée.

  4. You should try with woem romarin instead of Basilic… Except this, it’s a wonderfull recipe, gingember and cumin are wonderfull with carots… you shoudl participate to blog-appetit # 10 dedicated to carots and belgian chicoree (chicons 😉

  5. “Bron-tosaurus!” as I “matured” early, my father thought it was a great joke, which made it hurt all the more. 🙁
    Gorgeous carrots!

  6. I didn’t have a nick name but I did get called Barby by my entire extended family. It seems really odd now when they still address me as Barby when I am so accustomed to Barbara.

  7. my first nickname is “apple”when i was 2 years old~

    and then when i grew up~ cause the glasses on my nose when i study in school, my students always called me”little bee”haha~

  8. Delicious sounding combination…thanks for sharing your recipe and your cute nickname story! I was always just joey or jo…once I was “dolly” short for “poodle-y” because I have curly hair 🙂

  9. Magnifiques photos pour ces julies carottes … Moi, je rajoute un peu de jus d’oranges lors de la cuisson, c’est délicieusement parfumé aussi !

  10. I am following your blog now for some time and wanted to write to you, because the first thing that struck me about is was your first name. But I follow it because of the nice recipes and the pictures.
    My nickname was Beha when I was young. It means Bra.
    I did not mind so it did not stay for a long time.

  11. This is one of the best blog I use to read! Lovely pictures, great descriptions, such a simplicity that makes everything so special. Toi aussi, Béa, tu as un visage très sympathique. My nickname is Adina, don’t ask me why… from Adolf (that one), I am a little bit authoritative… but just for joke!

  12. Like you I always have loved raw carrots and cooked. This is a lovely carrot recipe.
    Um, I was always Tanna Banana – glad it dropped off. Good story.

  13. Elle est super ta recette, et la couleur! Moi on m’appelait “dent de lapins”. Je crois que j’aurais prefere Bugs Bunny.

  14. Elle est super ta recette, et la couleur! Moi on m’appelait “dents de lapin”. Je crois que j’aurais prefere Bugs Bunny.

  15. Mine was Bugsy – for bugs bunny also… My dad gave me that nickname, and I don’t have any idea why, because although my teeth are wonky, my front teeth are no bigger! Love the look of the carrots…

  16. mmm, i’ve never thought to mix cumin and basil! i bet it’s wonderful with the sweetness of the carrots.

    i had two nicknames, i used to call myself Teetee because i couldnt pronounce my whole name. and my dad called me Grasshopper, because i was always jumping around and never sat still.

  17. ahahh, this is so much fun to get to discover your little nicknames too! Thank you for playing the game!

  18. Yum! My main nickname, which I don’t really like, is hanna banana. And then my mom would always call me H, HJ, or Hanna Jane. Not really nicknames, I guess….

  19. ooh i love carrots! actually i love almost all vegetables! so it’s no surprise that one new addition to my list of nicknames is salady. haha. because salad is my favourite thing to pack in my lunchbox for school.

  20. I absolutely love your blog, I am a ‘religious’ reader of it!

    You are chosen as someone I find to be chic, stylish, and probably great at giving advice on ANYTHING! In order to share your ‘gift’ with the rest of the world, ‘Just Chic’ has been formed today!

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    I think this is going to be great! We NEED your influence!!!

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    Please visit this link to take a look around at Just Chic:

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  21. Beautiful carrots — from one who has been called “Betty Boop” more than a few times. It’s better than “Ugly Betty” — isn’t that a TV series now in the USA?

  22. My daughter’s name is bettina, and she is also often called betty! I used to hate it coz it reminds me of ‘betty la fea’ or ‘ugly betty’, that series from spain which now has a version in the US. But Ive gotten used to it, and yes even I call her Betty Boop!

  23. Evolution of a Nickname!

    All through primary school my nickname was Bunny. I got this name originally because I was the only kid vegetarian ever heard of in my town, hence the rabbit food allusion. My real name was so odd and foreign to other kids and I quite liked the nickname, so it stuck and everyone in town knew me as Bunny. Then in high school a sweeping craze for changing our names to sound hip hop had it change to Bun T and eventually around age 17 to Bunty, which ten years on is still what family, old friends and people from my home town call me.

  24. Un plat de carottes absolument succenlent. Et encore, j’ai oublié le basilic. Une recette à refaire de toute urgence.

  25. Pingback: Menu Plan Monday: Countdown Week 11/15-11/21 « Food. Fun. Family.

  26. Pingback: Gingered carrots | Sekotin

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