Some Color for the Weekend — De la couleur pour le weekend

Oh boy I am happy. My first time baking les macarons parisiens. They were good to me, allowing me to work well with them. I was so excited that I could not wait and had to give them life.
Next week, I will let you know their story. Bon weekend !

Posted in Dessert, Fruit


  1. Welcome to the club of macarons. I am obsessed with color schemes now!
    Yours look gorgeous!

  2. They look perfect, Pierre Herme is going to be calling you for ideas soon! I made them a few times, they are trying, but oh so worth it!! miam miam!

  3. bravo bea une vrai pro…les couleurs sont si..
    on attend avec impatience la semaine prochaine alors…

  4. Toujours aussi splendide dommage que ton macaron ne crève pas l’écran, je le mangerai bien 😉

  5. Sublimes. Et en plus tu nous dit que c’est ta première fois. Que nous réserves-tu pour la suite ?

  6. Aie aie aie Béa, tu n’as pas le droit de nous monter ca comme ca…c’est pas juste, ils sont trop beaux les tiens… bravo


  7. I’m sooooo impressed with you! My first attempt at macarons was a huge failure. I’m going to try again one day though, and your post gives me hope that it’s actually possible.

  8. Wow, I cannot wait to hear about the flavor profile on these little gems! I wonder if they will have to be added to my holiday cookie tray? Can’t wait to read more…

  9. These controversial macaroons…he he he, i wonder bea if i can make them too, i still did’nt take the time to remake the cannelé.
    I think i will tempt to make that if once i can be able to make the perfect (more or less) cannelé! Bon dimanche!