Nectarine and Raspberry Tart — Tarte aux nectarines et aux framboises

Jamais deux sans trois
(Never two times without a third one)

This French saying does not make sense in English, does it?

When you think it is over, you actually get more. It seems that my stories involving tarts en tous genres keep coming. I like savory tarts of course, but have a strong inclination for sweet ones. Even over great-looking cakes. I think this is partially explained because I grew up surrounded by them. At home, there were always homemade tarts and cakes, the simple and not the fancy ones. Rusticity is beauty in its own form, and I cannot but identify to it as it definitely brings back the country girl in me. In fact, I should add that my mum was not a pastry maker, and there was always more focus on simple rustic desserts.

So I learned to make and enjoy a lot of sweet open tarts, les tartes sucrées.

Number Three or a Series of Puff Pastry Tarts

I discovered the recipe for this sweet tart already featured here, in a lovely new cookbook that I acquired a few weeks ago called New Vegetarian Entertaining, by Jane Noraika. This is what happens on a rainy day, when I get stuck in a bookstore. What prompted me to buy the book was actually the food styling and the wonderful pictures that I was sure were both going to inspire me. Call it a weakness, but I can admit that this is exactly how I shop for cookbooks these days. If I want to grab the pieces of food presented in the pictures, I am an easy buyer.

This Nectarine and Raspberry Tart is the first and only recipe that I have tried so far, and I really liked it. In fact, I can already tell that, after browsing quickly through the pages, the recipes are going to be enchanting. The cookbook presents inspiring ideas to entertain, with varied and original vegetarian dishes.

While the main idea for the tart remained the same, I adapted the recipe. What did I change? I used less eggs and sugar than suggested, I changed the fruit and modified a few cooking methods. I was also slightly puzzled from the fact that the vanilla cream — very much like une crème patissière — was cooked with the tart, but decided to give it a try to see what result I would get. It actually worked very well, although I still think that I prefer uncooked crème patissière. I also added a few additional steps, such as filter the milk, place the cream in an bowl with iced water because I think these steps really help in the end result. It is always interesting to see how many steps are lacking in a cookbook, or how well things are explained. There is always room for improvement for all of us.

Summer still around? Nectarines and raspberries will soon disappear so you better hurry to make tarts like this while they are around.

Et vive les tartes aux fruits ! (hurray for fruit tarts!)

Nectarine and Raspberry Tart

You need:

For the Vanilla Cream

  • 1 1/2 cups milk
  • 1 vanilla bean, split in half lengthwise
  • 3 egg yolks
  • 1/3 cup sugar
  • 2 Tbsp cornstarch
  • 2 Tbsp unsalted butter, melted

For the Tart

  • 13 oz puff pastry
  • 4 nectarines
  • Melted butter, to brush the dough
  • Confectioner’s sugar and 1 Tbsp brown sugar


  • To make the vanilla cream, put the milk and vanilla in a pot and bring to a boil. Then remove from the heat.
  • Beat together the egg yolks, the cornstarch and sugar, until very white and light (use an electric beater)
  • Add the hot milk and mix well. Transfer to the pot again and reduce the heat to low. Stir constantly until it thickens.
  • Remove the vanilla bean and stir in the melted butter.
  • Transfer to a bowl placed in an iced recipient. Cover with plastic wrap and let cool.
  • Roll out the dough and place it on a baking tray (I made a rectangular tart).
  • Make little holes with a fork and pour the cream on top, leaving 1 inch border away from the edge (you might have more cream than needed, which was my case, but it is lovely on its own with freshly cut fruit).
  • Slice the fruit and arrange it on top. Sprinkle with some brown sugar.
  • Brush the border created with the melted butter and place the tart in a preheated oven at 400 F, for about 25 mns, or until golden.
  • Serve with fresh raspberries and confectioner’s sugar sprinkled on top.

Le coin français

Tarte aux nectarines et aux framboises

Ingrédients :

Pour la crème à la vanille

  • 360 ml de lait
  • 1 gousse de vanille, fendue dans le sens de la longueur
  • 3 jaunes d’oeuf
  • 65 g de sucre
  • 2 càs de maizena
  • 2 càs de beurre non salé, fondu

Pour la tarte

  • 360 g de pâte feuilletée
  • 4 nectarines
  • Framboises fraîches
  • Beurre fondu, pour badigeonner la pâte
  • 1 càs de sucre roux
  • Sucre glace, à saupoudrer

Étapes :

  • Pour faire la crème à la vanille, mettez le lait avec la gousse de vanille fendue dans une casserole, et portez à ébullition. Retirez du feu.
  • Battez les jaunes d’oeuf avec le sucre et la maizena, jusqu’à l’obtention d’une crème de couleur pâle et légère (utilisez un batteur électrique)
  • Ajoutez le lait chaud filtré et mélangez bien. Transférez cette préparation dans la casserole et faites épaissir sur feux dous, sans cesser de remuer.
  • Retirez la gousse de vanille et ajoutez le beurre fondu.
  • Versez la crème dans un bol placé dans un récipient contenant de l’eau glacée. Couvrez d’un film plastique pour éviter la formation d’une pellicule. Laissez refroidir.
  • Étalez votre pâte et placez-la sur une plaque de cuisson (j’ai fait une tarte rectangulaire).
  • Piquez-la avec une fourchette et versez la crème dessus, en faisant attention à laisser une bordure de 1 cm (il vous restera sans doute de la crème, ce qui était mon cas, mais c’est délicieux seul, avec des fruits frais coupés).
  • Tranchez les nectarines et placez-les sur la tarte. Saupoudez de sucre roux et badigeonnez la bordure avec le beurre fondu.
  • Mettez la tarte au four préchauffé à 200 C pour environ 25 mns, ou jusqu’à ce que la pâte soit dorée.
  • Servez avec des framboises fraîches et saupoudrez de sucre glace.
Posted in Dessert, Fruit, Tarts


  1. Oh you are a girl after my own heart! I also prefer homemade tarts over cake…something about the texture of tart dough, the soft sweetness of the baked fruit, and yes, that rustic look of it all. Irresistable on all counts. You just gave me an idea on what to do with that flat of peaches that I just picked up last night!

  2. Très appétissant ! Je me pose juste la question de cuire au four la crème vanille dans le fond de tarte, ça résiste bien ?

  3. C’est bien la première fois qu’une tarte aux nectarines me fait envie!! J’aime tellement ce fruit que ça me semble limite indécent de le dénaturer dans une tarte ou dans un gâteau, mais là!! Vraiment la 1ère fois que ça me tente! Magicienne, Béa??

  4. Je crois que j’ai trouve mon dessert de ce weekend, merci Bea. Si j’arrive a la faire aussi jolie que celle-ci, j’aurai du succes!

  5. Your blog makes me so happy =). Beautiful tart..kind of a last hurrah for summer-the crisp chill of fall is coming!

  6. Béa, I guess you can call these rustic but they look so wonderful. Yes, I think rustic is beautiful as is the country.

  7. Oh Bea, how I wish I could make such beautiful pastries! Wow! I wish I could eat one right now. They are so perfectly European and European things are all the best!

  8. une autre tarte sans moule : que c’est pratique ! et en plus ça a l’air très bon ce contraste entre le croustillant de la pâte, la douceur parfumée de la crème, le fondant des nectarines et l’acidité des framboises. Je suis contente de pouvoir dire que je ne viens pas ici “que” pour la qualité des visuels 😉

  9. “je passe juste finir ta crème pâtissière, ne t’inquiètes pas, béa, fais comme si je n’étais pas là!”
    😉 j’ai de belles nectarines au frais et tout ce qu’il faut pour tester ta version de la tarte aux fruits alors, à défaut de pouvoir mettre en oeuvre la première phrase de mon commentaire, je vais aller vite m’en préparer une!

  10. Non! You must stop! You must not eat this … not even one bite.

    You must wait until I arrive in Boston and knock at your door. Then we will sit down together and eat this beauty!

  11. Beautiful! I so enjoy going to your site just to relax and see something lovely. Just like a warm cup of tea. Thanks again.

  12. All of your tarts are beautiful and I crave every single one. Use use some of my favorite ingredients. Have you seen the cookbook, Once Upon a Tart? It is beautifully done, and full of things I think you would love (at least I love them!).

  13. Now that is exactly how I buy cookbooks too — like a little kid looking at the pictures! This one looks great (your version of the tart is lovely) and the link to Amazon so kindly provided — with a click, the thing was done. Thanks, Bea! I’ll enjoy it.

  14. This tart looks lovely, Bea. I buy coookbooks the same way — like a kid looking at the pictures. The one you’ve found here looks great and I’ve just ordered it. Thanks for the link and the rec!

  15. Cook books with color photos and interesting styling are one of my big weakness as well. I have learned to be strong as I have been uprooted and replanted in Italy and not a lot of room for all those lovely books. So it’s wonderful to have found your site with is awe inspiring photos and styling ideas. Thank you for your effort. Now I can enjoy recipes and photos on line. I’ve enjoyed making a few of your recipes with natural variations as to what’s on hand with fantastic results. Mille Grazie

  16. Magnifique !
    Et je n’ajouterai rien… L’article se passe de tout autre commentaire !

  17. Bea,
    I love rustic and home-made tart too! The genuine beauty is purely from hand-folded edges of the pastry and the natural and glorious colors of the fruit! The vanilla cream I think we just call it custard, yup, I think your additional steps are essential too! I’ll love to try your wonderful recipe Bea!

  18. Lovely tart, Bea. I too am a sucker for cookbooks with gorgeous photos so I ordered this one right away. Looking forward to enjoying it. Thanks for the link!

  19. Oh don’t do this to me!!!!! Now I’ll be thinking about those wonderful pictures all day! And the raspberries are so cute sitting at attention perfectly.

  20. O, posts like this really make me wish that i live next door to you so i could have any leftover you may have!

    Beautiful as always.

  21. Thanks everyone for your comments. Merci a tous pour vos commentaires. I am currently travelling so shall respond soon! Je suis en voyage et promets de vous repondre bientot!

  22. I had already spotted this lovely tart for your slashfood birthday entry and immediately fell in love with it. Love at the first sight and NOW love at the ‘second’ sight!


  23. Pingback: » Blog Archive » Bianca goes to the circus.

  24. I made this for my family a couple weeks ago when I went to visit them in Texas. It was delicious. Thanks for the recipe!

  25. Pingback: July Pastries: Week 1 « garish & tweed

  26. Pingback: with a side of snark, please « garish & tweed

  27. I made this last night, and it was love at first bite! Thank you for sharing such beautiful, simple recipes with us 🙂