Slashfood Birthday Cake Contest

Nectarine and Raspberry with Vanilla Custard Birthday Cake

Because I like to take food photos and try things I have not done before, I thought it would be fun to enter this photo contest organized by Slashfood on Flickr where every participant was to enter the picture of a birthday cake.

Slashfood is indeed celebrating its 1st anniversary.

So Happy Birthday to you, Slashfood! Joyeux anniversaire !

Here is my pic on Flickr.

I will post the recipe of this cake later, promise. Not your birthday soon, is it?

Posted in Dessert, Fruit, General, Tarts


  1. nectarines and custard are a heavenly combination – one of my favourites! can’t wait for your recipe. i know what cake i want for MY next birthday! 🙂

  2. Good luck.
    I think the colors in the nectarines really bring out the color of the candle flame…well done.

  3. Thanks all for your comments and encouragements. If only I could share the cake with you, that would be the best prize!

  4. Pingback: La tartine gourmande » Blog Archive » Tarte aux nectarines et framboises - Nectarine and Raspberry Tart

  5. Yes, yes, it IS my birthday today……and happy……..where is this recipe?
    beautiful picture!