Strawberries and Fake Raspberry Ice Cream — Fraises et fausse crème glacée aux framboises

raspberry ice cream fake

I would not be surprised if you would call me names, such as you, strawberry victim but my excuse is that I gave you warnings that such would be the case, especially as we officially enter the month of May, which for me means strawberries wearing their nicest attire. And so my love for strawberries continues here, for ever, for the worst and for the best. Pour le meilleur et pour le pire!

And why not try a trick once more.

    This looks like ice cream,
    This is as cold as ice cream,
    Do not get tricked,
    As this is fake,
    As this looks like ice cream.
    Ice cream it is not!

The simplest treats can be the best.

Browsing through Zest, a favorite cookbook given to me years ago by my dear friend Sandra, I found this very cute recipe that I would like to share with you today, as a way to start May on a good foot (you must have noticed that I had issues with my feet lately). In case you needed a break, like me, from the sometimes too rich texture of ice cream, you might enjoy this sweet treat. One thing needs to be said about this dessert: It is hard to beat the easiness to make it. The bonus is that it can be eaten without moderation. After spending hours making more elaborate dishes and meals, like a horse running a race, I needed a break, une petite pause pour faire le plein (a break to replenish), hence I am enjoying going back to the simplest things. Pourquoi pas ? (Why not?) They are the best anyway, as long as you use the nicest ingredients.

Happy Strawberries, Happy Raspberries, les fruits rouges nos amis.

Strawberries and Fake Raspberry Ice Cream

You need:
For the cream

  • 6 oz raspberries
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 1 egg white

For the fruit

  • 1 lb strawberries
  • Confectioner sugar


  • Using a mixer, mix together the raspberries, the egg white and sugar until the volume triples in volume (about 10 mns). You will get a very airy texture.
  • Place in a container and in the freezer for a few hours or overnight.
  • When ready to eat your dessert, wash the strawberries and slice them.
  • Sprinkle with confectioner sugar and mix well.
  • Let rest for 5 mns, then serve in bowls with a spoonful of the frozen raspberry fake ice cream.

Did you really think it was ice cream?

Le coin français
Fraises et fausse crème glacée aux framboises

Ingrédients :
Pour la crème

  • 160 g framboises
  • 100 g sucre
  • 1 blanc d’oeuf

Pour les fruits

  • 500 g fraises
  • Sucre glace

Étapes :

  • En utilisant un mixeur, mélangez les framboises, le blanc d’oeuf et le sucre, jusqu’à ce que le mélange triple de volume (à peu près 10 mns). La texture doit être très légère.
  • Placez dans un récipient qui peut aller au congélateur et congelez pendant plusieurs heures ou toute la nuit.
  • Lorsque vous êtes prêt(e) à manger votre dessert, lavez les fraises et coupez-les en tranches.
  • Saupoudrez-les de sucre glace et mélangez bien.
  • Laissez reposer pendant 5 mns, puis servez dans des bols froids avec une cuiller de crème glacée de framboises.

Vous avez vraiment cru que c’était de la glace?

Posted in Dessert, Fruit


  1. Béa, that color is amazing! I don’t know how you do it. Also, is the texture of this dish similar to ice cream?

  2. I will definitely be trying this recipe.

    Is this Zest the Marie Claire Zest? I just saw it on Amazon yesterday and it looks like something I want (to judge a book purely by its cover). Is it as delicious as it looks?

  3. Do you really just chuck the raspberries, sugar and egg white in the mixer? Rather than beating the white until firm, adding the sugar and then the raspberries?

    Looks delicious. Reminds me of an amuse bouche I had once in Italy, only it was a vegetable mousse ‘ice cream’ in a parmesan tuile ‘cone’. Need to give this a try…

  4. Bea, I personally never need a break from ice cream — I could eat it day and night — but that doesn’t mean I don’t admire this preparation. I love berries of any kind, and I can definitely see how this light(er) would be immensely satisfying.

  5. love love LOVE the first picture, Bea!
    and i am a happy victim of strawberries, if these are the methods of torture you use…bring it on!!!


    i am always looking for frozen treats to make, and i do not have an ice cream maker, so i will be trying this next!!!

  6. bea non mais ce n’est pas possible encore une nouvelle tentation pour mes cuisses!!! tu ne veux pas nous laisser de repit…..

  7. je ne sais pas si tes fraises sont aussi bonnes que belles mais si c’est le cas, je comprends que tu ne te lasses pas d’en faire des desserts!!
    Ce que tu appelles crème, je l’appelle sorbet: même chose avec des fraises et un filet de jus de citron en plus.

  8. oh Bea, yes, I’m “cheated”, ha! Beautiful and simple! And thanks for taking care of our waistline 🙂

  9. absolutely “bea”utiful!!! i am adding raspberries to my shopping list now! maybe i will make additional tuiles for this as well. lovely, lovely, lovely.

  10. Bluffant, encore une fois ! Si c’est ça les recettes faciles, les recettes de “pause”, je signe ! Merci pour cette inspiration…

  11. Bea,
    Beautiful photoss as always! And really, in warm weather anything cold, creamy, and fruity is always welcome!

  12. Merci Béa, ta recette tombe à pic. Il commence à faire chaud et les framboises me font de l’oeil au marché depuis quelques temps déjà.

  13. C’est bon je te déteste !!! franchement me laisser découvrir ça un lundi 1er mai à 21H39… un des moments de l’année et une heure où je n’ai pas la moindre chance de trouver les ingrédients pour combler une furieuse envie !!! franchement je vais te détester… enfin on verra la prochaine fois !

  14. hi bea, beautiful colour (i have a huge weakness for hot pink…) who cares whether it’s real or it’s fake, it looks scrummy enough to lick right off the screen!

  15. Hi Tyler, the texture is much lighter than ice cream. hard to describe, you have to make it 😉

    Renz, thanks, yes that is the book! I like the lightness and taste of it, yes, a lot!

    Gooseberry, yes that is pretty much it. You can decide to remove the seeds, hence I would first mix the raspberries and pass them through a chinois or sieve. I was not sure how it would turn out at first, but it worked! I still have some in the freezer!

    Rob, ahah, ice cream is one of your weaknesses then, eh? you have to give it a try then!

    iamchanelle, thank you. Ah ah yes a nice torture indeed! Btw Happy Birthday!!

    Astrid, du repis, pour quoi faire? ;_)

    Avital, oui les fraises sont bonnes! Belles et sucrees! Sorbet, mais en general sans blanc d’oeuf, non?

    Viktoria merci

    Gracianne, oui une toute petite cuillere. Je suis vache, n’est-ce pas? 😉

    Gattina, I know, I would do anything to take good care of my readers!

    Krysten, you are funny! Thanks

    Liza, mais oui, bring it on. Signe!

    Anita merci! Yes this was surprising and very welcomed!

    Camille, c’est vrai, alors vas-y, fonce!

    Dianka, thank you!

    Ah ah Dorian, c’est de la vraie cruaute en effet. Heureusement qu’aux USA, on a pas ce genre de probleme, tout est toujours ouvert, meme la nuit!

    Bron, the door is open!

    Kieran merci! With a blog the name of yours, indeed yes!

    Claire, merci!

    J, yes I agree, I am like you, I love this colour, so a good start to be sold on it!

    Thanks again everyone! Always pleased to see you around!

  16. I love this recipe. I decided to try this recipe and it was really good. I used frozen raspberries instead and created a twist to the ice cream. But it did come out great. I loved it and my other relatives loved it as well. Merci Beacoup!!!

  17. Pingback: For the Love of Food » Midnight Madness

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  19. My grandson is allergic to eggs as well as dairy, nuts. Can I use egg replacer in place of the egg white in the Strawberries and Fake Raspberry Ice Cream?

    This sounds like a delicious treat we could make together!!

  20. Je te remercie Bea de ta recette. Elle est vraiment un petit coin de paradis et c’est elle qui a une place de choix dans mon congelateur.