I am very excited about this event.
First, because it’s happening locally.
Second, because it’s taking place in a completely delightful gift and flower store that is a favorite of mine–oh yes, I’ve already found props there too!
So naturally, when Derby Farm Flowers & Gardens in Arlington asked whether I’d like to have a book signing in their store, I knew I had to say Oui s’il vous plaît ! Especially since it’s an event that is also drawing EHChocolatier (they guessed one of my weaknesses!)–a local artisan chocolatier too!
The event happens on Saturday October 13th from 3:30 to 5:30 PM. There will be nibbles from my book, light refreshments, chocolates, and books. And everything else you’d like to buy in the store–even when I try, I never manage to walk out without something new.
I hope to see you there!
D E R B Y F A R M F L O W E R S & G A R D E N S
4 5 4 M a s s. A v e. ,
A r l i n g t o n, M A 0 2 4 7 4
7 8 1 . 6 4 3 . 0 8 4 2
3 : 3 0 t o 5 : 3 0 P M o n O C T O B E R 1 3 t h
I didn’t realize you were based in Boston! I live just on the Arlington border a couple miles off Mass Ave–I’ll be there!
Sounds amazing!! But unfortunately, is soooo far from where I live! 🙁
Maybe next time! 😉
We’re so excited, Bea! What a delicious and delightful time we will have.
Wish I could be there…
I just got your cookbook for my birthday.
I LOVE it.
Everything about it.
Thank you for writing and photographing such a gorgeous book.
Hi Béa! It was really nice meeting you today, thank you for signing my cookbook! Ca m’a fait vraiment plaisir! J’ai hate d’essayer les recettes, surtout la charlotte!
Hi Béa! It was really nice meeting you today, thank you for signing my book! J’ai hate d’essayer les recettes, surtout la charlotte! Merci encore!
My 1st look at this picture i think its tomato but after deep looking i discover it, I’m gonna to sign your book.