June 8 and 9: NYC Book Signing & Food Styling and Photography Workshop

haven kitchen nyc tartine gourmande workshop

A book signing and a food styling and photography workshop at the beautiful space Haven’s Kitchen in NYC in June.

How lucky is that? I am asking you.

The New York Times Diner’s Journal had found out about this elegantly designed shop on two floors of a 19th-century carriage house in Chelsea before I did. But then, during my recent visit to NYC in April, my editor and I paid them a visit. Immediately, we fell in love with the space.

Fast forwarding a few weeks, after a bunch of emails, we have now planned two events together: A Book Signing & A Food Styling and Photography Workshop.

I am thrilled to be back in NYC so soon!


On Friday June 8th, I will be signing books at Haven’s Kitchen from 5 to 7 PM.


On Saturday June 9th, I will be teaching a food styling and photography workshop at Haven’s Kitchen.

The class will start at 10 AM and finish at 4 PM. During this workshop, I will walk you through my typical styling and photography workflow to create images. You will be grouped in small groups to prepare, style, and photograph two recipes extracted from my cookbook, La Tartine Gourmande: Recipes for an Inspired Life. You will learn how to best use natural light to create photographs that reflect your own style. Tons of styling and photography tips will be provided.

What to Bring: Your camera (SLR is preferred); A notepad
Optional: Tripod; preferred props and linens; laptop
What is included: lunch + a signed copy of my book


Cost: US$ 400; The workshop is limited to 12 students.

To register for the workshop, call 212.929.7900, or e-mail classes@havenskitchen.com with the full names of the guests attending, as well as your credit card number and expiration date.

Haven’s Kitchen
109 west 17th street
New York, NY 10011

So, I hope to be able to meet you at Haven’s Kitchen in June.

Posted in Food Photography, Food Styling, Life and Us


  1. Bonjour Béa,
    1- J’aime beaucoup le nouveau design épuré de ton blog,
    2- J’ai enfin acquis ton merveilleux ouvrage hier ( dont je fait l’apologie sur mon FB ) et je ne peux m’en décoller … Je lis page apres page et ne veux surtout pas jouer la curieuse et parcourir les recettes sans te découvrir ( chouette, je mets enfin un visage sur la talentueuse auteur(e) que tu es ).
    3- je suis … grrrr … frustrée car je vais a NYC la dernière semaine de Mai ;( Et j’aurais simplement adore participer a ce workshop.
    Bonne journée a toi.
    Bises gourmandes.

  2. Just signed up for the workshop! I am thrilled and look so forward to meeting and working with you!

  3. And to piggyback on what many others have said, please come do a workshop near me, in L.A.! I would so love to meet you.

  4. Thanks everyone. So pleased to meet some of you soon.

    Yes Boston, LA….great locations. And a great idea that I keep in the cooking! 😉

  5. I also vote for a Boston workshop, but I’m too impatient and I signed up for this session. I never need an excuse to visit NYC and I’m very excited to attend!

  6. Hi Bea,
    I’m new to your blog, but I sooo love it! I so wish I could attend this. Sadly not though. If you ever come to Denmark I’ll be sure to sign up. xx

  7. Pingback: Food Styling & Photography Workshop Newbie | 300 Threads

  8. Hi Bea! Please come to Dallas! I will recruit 12 students for you!!! 🙂

  9. I Bea, I love your book, recipes, and amazing photographs! Would have signed up for the June 9 workshop but will flying back home to the Philippines this week. Would appreciate news of future workshops/lectures. Will definitely fly back to NY for it.

  10. Hi Bea, I love your book and amazing photographs! Would have signed up for the June 9 workshop but will flying back home to the Philippines this week. Would appreciate news of future workshops/lectures. Will certainly fly back to NY for it.

  11. Merci Béa pour l’inspiration et la générosité d’esprit hier à Haven’s Kitchen. J’ai été vraiment touchée de faire votre connaissance après toutes les découvertes merveilleuses dans votre livre. A bientôt j’espère, peut-être un jour dans une cuisine!–Vanessa

  12. Hi Béa!
    Do you have any plans to come back to NYC for a workshop?
    I would die if you did and I could attend! 🙂
    Love your work.