La Tartine Gourmande and Nexus One


I know. The title does neither sound nor look like a yummy chocolate dessert or a delicious vegetable soup.

But it’s fun! And it might surprise you as much as it did surprise moi. The truth is that the engineers at Google have been pretty nice with me. Consistently. It’s the third time that they are asking whether they can use La Tartine Gourmande inside one of their projects.

This time, we are talking about Nexus One, the new phone that they’ve just launched. So if you are curious about it, simply check their link here and click on the Browser icon to get the demo. You’ll see that my blog is featured in it. More particularly my post about Martha’s Vineyard. (, a technology site, talks about it here too)

I’d be lying if I said that I wasn’t excited. I mean. It’s Google!

That was undoubtedly a highlight of my day.


Posted in Life and Us


  1. Congratulations! The moment I clicked on the browser demo I gasped when I saw your site, that banner so distinctive!

  2. Oh, this is beyond cool…..

    Cool does not even BEGIN to describe it! You must be feeling like a million bucks…

    congratulations! Very well deserved, by the way

  3. very kewl! let’s hope google doesn’t become evil as they take over the world, as they have promised not to do. 🙂 (the iphone is still a bit more slick, though, i think).

  4. way to go Bea, I myself have the iPhone, but this seems like the next big item!

  5. Has to be amazing to see your own blog in a google demo… I think all your readers are excited as well! What a nice day for you.

  6. Happy New Year & congrats Bea. That Martha’s Vineyard post was great.. enjoyed it then and enjoyed it again! What do you know?.. when you think no one was looking.. Google did! Congrats again Bea & hugs to Lulu. Hope she had a great 1st birthday.

  7. Incidentally i was reading about this phone yesterday. congratulations Bea! and i would like to wish you a wonderful 2010. you are such an inspirational person. You deserve a lot of great things in your life and that of your family.

  8. Oula la Bea !!!! Sweet !!!!!! 🙂
    That’s a great demo and it’s really cool to be featured by Google !!! awesome !
    Bonne annee 2010, qui commence sur les chapeaux de roues !

  9. Yes I was checking out their demo the other day and was surprised to see your website! How fun! (p.s. first-time commenter, long-time follower of your blog!)

  10. Salut Béa! D’abord – merci pour ton blog! Moi aussi je suis Française, habite a Boston, et ai une passion pour la cuisine. Ça fait plusieurs années que je le lis et j’attends tes ‘posts’ toutes les semaines avec impatience! Je relisais un de tes vieux postings et tu parle de faire “le grand tour” et “le petit tour” à la maison de tes parents – very funny, because we too, at my parents’ house in Normandy had “le grand tour” and “le petit tour”! Anyway, I love your blog – it makes me feel at home! I’d been enjoying this for too long to not say anything!

  11. wouah ! super, mon fils me bassine deja avec ce nouveau gadget et il m’a meme fait remarque que la Tartine Gourmande y etait referencee… c’est pas peux dire 😉
    Toute belle journee !

  12. Hi, congratulatiosn lucky woman!!! I don’t know how I arrived here but I know I’m going to stay a little time if you don’t mind, a gorgeous blog!!

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