Coconut Milk and Strawberries, and a Newsletter — Du lait de coco et des fraises, et une lettre d’informations

Coconut Milk Rice Pudding with Rhubarb and Strawberries

Ce sont les premières, goûte !” (these are the first of the season, have a taste!) my mum told me as she held a red strawberry she had just picked from the garden.

It was small and irregular in shape, still covered in dirt from the heavy rain of the previous day; its flavor was so concentrated and strong that I felt like a slice of happiness had been dropped right in my mouth. I was tasting spring.

This happened in May last year when I visited my parents, as I seem to now always do at that time of year. So I know well that I might be a tiny bit early in the season to experience something even close, but the simple thought of any chance it will happen soon again makes me smile. I really hope that when I visit in May — only six short weeks away — we will have a taste of strawberries from the garden, amongst other things — mâche is another one.

Strawberries are yet not at their best to say the least. I was surprised, however, to taste some pretty good ones last week. They were juicy, releasing delicate sweetness on the tongue after a bite. Since strawberries are one of my favorite types of fruit — and not only because of their cheery vivid color — I always make sure to keep a close eye as to when the first local ones arrive in the stores. Of course, I can feed the hope for a while since we are far from being at that point in time! Nevertheless, I decided to buy a large barquette to prepare a light dessert in which I also made good use of a can of coconut milk.

Can you guess what I could have made?

I will give you two clues: I have made a similar dessert before, and it is one of P.’s favorite desserts.

It shouldn’t be that difficult!

Note — I have a Newsletter! — I have just created a way for you, my readers, to subscribe to La Tartine Gourmande’s newsletter, if you wish to. Once you enter your email address, you can choose how you prefer to receive the update on the latest stories happening around here! See at the top of the right panel.

J’ai une lettre d’informations ! — Je viens de configurer une façon pour que vous puissiez facilement vous abonner à la lettre d’informations de La Tartine Gourmande. Une fois que vous entrez votre adresse électronique, vous pouvez choisir le format pour recevoir la dernière mise à jour des billets publiés. Ca se passe en haut à droite.

Posted in Dessert, Fruit, Gluten Free


  1. another wonderful story with wonderful food and stunning photos. I can’t wait to see the photos you will bring from your trip to France. I’m suscribing to your newsletter for sure!

  2. Wow, how lucky of you!!! I can’t wait to eat my first stawberries…

    I am submitting now!



  3. Oh, you need to move down here to Fl. I live about 20 minutes from plant city, so we get fresh local berries delivered to our grocer daily, starting sometime in February, and will last for who knows how long. When you take some of the back country roads you will see strawberry shortcake stands set up on the edge of the strawberry field.

  4. Apparently Coconut Milk Rice Pudding with Rhubarb and Strawberries.

  5. Why coconut tapioca pudding, of course! Going through your archives – your stories are a delight – I came across your tapioca pudding recipe, tried it and my family thoroughly enjoyed it. I think I’ll make it again tonight.

  6. I saw this photo on Tastespotting and was drawn to it! I’m curious to see what you have in mind. I’ve been going strawberry crazy lately…

  7. A coconut milk rice pudding? With strawberries? Oh that sounds super delicious! The strawberries look fabulous! Over here, strawberries are in season…we can get them locally but only from the mountains so we have to wait til they reach us down in the city. Bravo on the beautiful new blog look! And I’m singing up for your newsletter right now!

  8. Un p’tit dessert sans lactose? J’ai bien hâte de voir…

    Je me suis inscrite à ta lettre d’informationsr, paraîtra-t-elle aussi en français?

  9. Je viens de m’inscrire à ta lettre d’info..comme cela contente de te recevoir dans ma boîte aux lettres…

  10. oops, je crois bien que je préfèrais l’ancienne version, peut être parce que je suis myope, je la trouvais conviviale et moderne.

    Cela dit, c’est vrai que c’est tôt pour les fraises, j’en prends pour les filles, mais bon, c’est pas encore ça, nous sommes tjs impatient à l’approche du printemps, n’est ce pas ?

  11. Nice guesses for some of you. Wait until the next post!

    En ce qui concerne la lettre d’infos, elle ne sera malheureusement pas encore en francais, non. Mais c’est une idee pour le futur !