Celeriac in the News — Le céleri-rave dans le journal

celeriac boston globe

Beautiful Celeriac

I think that if I had been told that my brother’s celeriac would be in an American newspaper one day, I would have looked back and laughed really hard. But eh, things happen, and this makes me smile, because it is in the news!

I am delighted to have been given the opportunity to now regularly contribute to the Boston Globe’s Seasons Column, and my first article is about celeriac. A vegetable that I simply love to eat and prepare, cooked or raw.

The article is entitled An Underrated Vegetable, and there is a gratin recipe too, using celeriac, parsnip and potato.

Voilà ! I hope that you enjoy it. I am also dedicating this article to my family in France, because they inspired me to write about this wonderful vegetable that they are so lucky to grow!

Posted in French Inspired, Gluten Free, Vegetarian


  1. j’aime beaucoup ce cèleri, je le coupe en julienne et le mets dans les légumes, avec des épices, etc..

  2. I LOVE celery. I TOTALLY agree that it is completely underated. one of the most useful produce items around. 🙂

  3. Oh, a completely forgotten knurl. Here in the US folks seem to eat celery stalks all the time, but the root … Not so often. I love it in soups and once I made a salsa where it made itself right at home.

    And congratulations to being a regular contributor to the Globe. Terrific!

  4. One of my favorite vegetables, it must be wonderful to eat it freshly harvested (the ones we get here are so often a little tired by the time they make their appearance at the grocery store). Lovely photos.

  5. I’m so proud of you for your Globe contributions. The recipe looks great. I’m looking forward to more celeriac from my winter CSA.

  6. It is hard to find here, but when I can I snatch it up! A gratin is the best place to use it! I find it a hard little “bulb” to deal with, but the results are well worth it! A heavenly flavor!

  7. A bit embarassing…but now I finally understand where celery comes from! And your shots are beautiful…transforming that gnarly, strange thing into a work of art.

  8. I just wrote about celery root on my blog as well! I am completely smitten. Don’t judge a book by its cover, right?? 🙂

  9. Beautiful photo! I love celeriac, and often serve it mashed, instead of potatoes. Wonderful, wonderful flavor.

  10. je viens de découvrir votre site et je le trouve très beau. Les photos sont magnifiques…

  11. Congratulations! I hope my grocery stores here in Cambridge are reading your article and will be placing orders. I’ve had it raw in remoulade which is fantastic, I am looking forward to trying the gratin!

  12. la 1ère photo est fabuleuse j’ignorais qu’un céleri avait ses ramifications!

    as tu déjà essayé d’associer la truffe avec le celéri? une purée de céleri maison à l’huile de truffe… un vrai régal à se damner .

    toutes mes félicitations pour ta réussite journalistique entre autres.

  13. I love it too! Definitely underrated…I recently had it at a restaurant, and it had been awhile since I’ve tasted celeriac. It is so good, with its unexpected celery flavor. I wish the ones in the market were as good looking as your family’s! Congrats on your article!!

  14. Thank you all. Merci beaucoup. I so much agree with you. This vegetable truly deserves more attention!

  15. Celery is delectable, and growing it at home is a two-season process, but really worth the time and trouble. The issue I have with commercially grown vegetables is that they are usually quite insiped and tasteless, with the added burden of residual poisons trapped in their watery fibres from all the fertilisers and pesticides that the plants get innundated with. Home grown is best!