Ice cream Dressed In Red — De la glace en habit rouge

lavender ice cream tartine gourmande food styling red

Lavender Ice Cream and Berries

This is the story of a bowl of ice cream

Who needed a bit of color

She felt tired

She was white

Pale as a bowl of rice

I don’t feel well

Give me some blood

I want to look good

I want to feel my blood

Je veux du rouge

I already feel better

Glace à la lavande servie avec des framboises fraiches et un coulis aux framboises et à l’orange

Lavender ice cream served with fresh raspberries and a raspberry/orange sauce

Posted in Dessert, Fruit, Gluten Free, Life and Us, Vegetarian


  1. tu nous mets encore l’eau à la bouche avec cette photo ! tu mettras la recette de la glace à la lavande où tu veux nous faire languir ?!

  2. Oh Bea,
    Your ice cream looks purely romantic! I’d grab your bowl; you can’t scare me, hehee…

  3. lavande à toutes les sauces en ce moment miam miam une glace c’est tout à fait approprié! et la couleur lui va bien!

  4. Haha, I sang your poem to the “Brady Bunch” too. It looks great. Those raspberries look perfect!

  5. merci Béa pour cette coupe aussi rafraîchissante que sanglante !
    PS :j’aime bcp tes petites cuillères !

  6. I just tasted lavender ice cream in Rodez, sold by a street vendor, before leaving for the USA for the summer, and it was a splendid treat! My children are already talking about making sure to get some more when we go back in August…

  7. la glace à la lavande me semble une idée superbe, surtout avec ta mise en scène! félicitations!

  8. Stunning Photo! Delicious! Very good use of the vibrant red colour. Please can i have a bowl?

  9. Ah lavendar ice cream… hmm! But what really tickles my sweet tooth is your coulis with the orange. Bravo!

  10. Merci Lilo et Choupette, La recette est là :

    Gattina, I can’t scare you? 😉 Are you sure?

    Jeff, Natalia and iamchanelle, ahah, this is funny! Thanks. You have to sing it together for me

    Mercotte, oui comme tu dis, à toutes les sauces !

    Tanna, merci !

    Béate, ah oui, mignonnes les cuillères, non ? 😉

    Ooishigal, oui, j’en envie d’en essayer d’autres. Ca met le jardin dans la maison !

    Ces, good idea indeed. We should all do this once in a while. After all, we all have different color themes, according to the mood and season.

    Ivonne, thanks my dear, once more.

    Mamina, merci bien. C’est gentil !

    Alhya, 😉 tu me fais rougir, comme la glace !

    Betty, oh nice nice! I hope you make some too, you will see, it is delicious homemade.

    Matt, thanks very much !

    Peggy, merci bien !

    Anne, oui ca détonne pas mal comme saveurs.

    Mae, thanks my dear. Come to my house and you will have some !

    Anne, thanks.

    David, ah yes, they were hard to get, but I took them all!