Yesterday my brother called me and said :
« — Hier, on a mangé nos premières courgettes du jardin ! »�?
” — Yesterday, we ate the first zucchinis from the garden!”�?
Can I tell you how jealous I was? These are the kind of conversations I regularly have with my brother and my mum. We talk about when they eat la première salade du jardin, (the first salad from the garden), les premiers radis (the first radishes), how many buckets of cherries they picked, when the strawberries are over, and when they are eating their first zucchinis! Picking vegetables and fruit, making preserves, or getting the salad in the garden for lunch are just the summers as I remember them. And I am missing them. Ah les bons petits légumes ! (Good Old Vegetables!) I felt bummed down but thought : “Well I can also have nice little young zucchinis if I want! One day, I will have my vegetable garden again, tu verras! ” (you will see!) Until that day however, I have to admit that my best bet is to still buy zucchinis and other veggies, as in the little tartlets that I decided to make for lunch.
If you are like me, in summer, you like lunches made of salads of all kinds, terrines and savoury tarts in particular.
Savoury tartlets are light and easy to eat, not even mentioning full of colours and vitamins. They just smell like summer, elles sentent bon l’été.
My Summery Filo Vegetable Tartlets
Not much is needed, really. Filo pastry, cherry tomatoes, zucchini, herbs, ricotta and parmesan. The rest, you surely always have handy! These tartlets are ideal for a picnic out, or a picnic at home, et pourquoi pas! You simply need a green salad and some other goodies to go with it!
Same day. A few hours later. In a small village in Lorraine, my brother hears the phone and picks it up.
« — Allô ? »�?
« — Benoit ? C’est moi. Tiens, je voulais te dire. Moi aussi j’ai mangé de jeunes courgettes ! Comme c’était bon ! »�? (Benoit, it’s me. I wanted to tell you. I also ate young zucchinis! They were so yummy!)
So go for it! C’est super bon et c’est facile ! (It is really good and easy!)
You need:
- 4 sheets of filo pastry
- 32 cherry tomatoes
- 1 small zucchini
- 1 egg white
- 2 Tbsp savory
- 1 Tbsp chives
- 1 Tbsp parsley
- 1 Tbsp tarragon
- 1 spring onion
- Olive oil
- 1 cup ricotta
- 1 oz grated parmesan
- Salt and pepper
- Preheat your oven at 350 F.
- Wash the tomatoes and place them in an oven dish.
- Add a splash of olive oil, salt and pepper, and chopped herbs, 1 Tbsp savory/1 Tbsp tarragon. Cook for 15 mns. Remove and keep aside.
- Increase the heat of the oven to 425 F.
- Wash the zucchini and make long peels with a vegetable peeler.
- Cut long strips in the spring onion.
- Mix the two vegetables together.
- Beat lightly the egg white with a fork. Season with salt and pepper and mix with the zucchini + onion.
- Add the chives/parsley/savory.
- Cut rounds in the filo pastry sheets, a little bigger than your molds*. Brush them with oil. Place 3 sheets on top of each other in each mold.
- Mix together the ricotta and the grated parmesan. Spread on top of the pastry in each mold.
- Add the zucchini/onion/herbs.
- Add about 8 tomatoes for each tartlet and place them in the oven for 20 mns.
- Remove and eat with an arugula salad, as an example.
*Molds are ceramic, 1″ high and 5″ wide.
Ingrédients :
- 4 feuilles filo
- 32 tomates cerises
- 1 petite courgette
- 1 blanc d’oeuf
- 2 càs de sarriette
- 1 càs de ciboulette
- 1 càs de persil
- 1 càs d’estragon
- 1 oignon nouveau
- Huile d’olive
- 150 g de ricotta
- 30 g de parmesan râpé
- Sel et poivre
Étapes :
- Préchauffez votre four à 180 C.
- Lavez les tomates et mettez-les dans un plat allant au four.
- Aspergez-les d’huile d’olive, de sel et de poivre, et du mélange d’herbes, 1 càs de sarriette/1 càs d’estragon hachées. Faites cuire pendant 15 mns. Réservez.
- Poussez le thermostat du four à 220 C.
- Lavez la courgette et taillez-la en longues lanières (à l’aide d’un couteau économe).
- Coupez le petit oignon de biais.
- Mélangez-les.
- Battez légèrement le blanc d’oeuf à la fourchette. Salez et poivrez. Mélangez-le à la courgette + oignon.
- Ajoutez les herbes hachées, ciboulette, persil et sarriette.
- Coupez des cercles de pâte filo un peu plus grand que vos petits moules. Huilez les feuilles. Placez trois feuilles les unes sur les autres, dans les moules.
- Mélangez la ricotta et le parmesan râpé. Étalez sur la pâte, dans chaque moule.
- Recouvrez du mélange courgette/oignon/herbes hachées.
- Recouvrez de tomates (à peu près 8 par tartelette) et mettez au four pendant 20 mns.
- Sortez du four et mangez avec une petite salade de roquette, par exemple.
*Les moules sont en porcelaine, 2,5 cm de haut et 12 cm de large.
C’est délicieusement frais et estival.
Anything with Filo dough is right up my alley! Looks so fresh and delicious!
Etant donné tous les ingrédients à consonance méditerranéenne, je ne peux qu’aimer ces tartelettes! Jolie photo!
this looks wonderful! i’m not quite clear on the mold, though — it’s a container of some sort for the pastry? roughly how large, please? and what shape?
Waou, it’s beautiful, i like tart with filo dough … It’s diet and delicious
Hi Nancy,
Thanks for your note. I edited the post with the mold dimensions!
Fabienne, merci! tu as raison!
Choupette, ah oui. C’est le sud dans l’assiette.
Dianka, thanks! I am like you! Love to play with filo pastry!
Oooh! That looks absolutely yummy.
This looks beautiful and delicious!
I too had the first zucchini of the season this past week–but not from my garden. It came from my CSA farm box (community supported agriculture) and it was the type of huge, garden grown zucchini I remember from my mother’s garden when I was a child. Made me remember those days and the glut of squash we had each summer. Sounds like we have similar memories. We are lucky, no?:-)
It’s still a bit early here for local zucchini’s as well… but I’m going to try my hand at growing some this year… small globe-shaped ones! Gorgeous photos! I wish I had a bite right now!
beautiful!!! there are no other words….
well done again, bea! 🙂
Hmmm les tartelettes en filo… ça fait des miettes et ça n’en est que meilleur. Comme j’ai promis de ne plus rien dir esur tes photos je me tais, mais je n’en pense pas moins !
Moi aussi je cuisine les courgettes crues en ce moment, quel régal! Une recette de salade à venir sur mon blog! Bravo pour ta jolie recette, d’ailleurs il me reste de la pâte filo, je sais quoi en faire!
ah mais j’avais lu trop vite, tu les cuis tes courgettes, remarque c’est délicieux aussi!
un peu de fraîcheur dans nos assiettes, je croquerai bien mon écran
tout à fat de saison et bon pour la ligne! parfait donc !
je suis sous le charme, tu allies toujours à merveille les ingrédients et les saveurs, le tout est léger, frais estival, je prends des leçons, chaque fois que je passe ici.. et ta relation avec ton frère, j’aime beaucoup! 😉
!!!vivement les tomates cerises du jardin que je teste!
Natalie, thanks!
Tea, oh yes you are so right. We are very lucky indeed!I just love to plunge myself in those memories! They fill good and right!
L, ah if only I could. And btw, I have been going around like crazy to find round zucchinis here! I am also told it is a bit early although I saw them everywhere in France in May!
imachanelle, thanks, you are too sweet!
Framboise, allez, vas-y dis-le, ça fait toujours du bien par où ça passe!
Flo, marrant, moi aussi j’ai une recette que je vais présenter bientôt, de salade, avec des courgettes crues. On est sur la même longueur d’onde!
Anne, allez, essaie pour voir si tu arrives à la croquer!
Mercotte, ah oui, c’est vrai, la ligne, j’oubliais! 😉
Alhya, merci, tu es trop trop sympa! AH oui, mon frère est un grand amoureux des plantes! Si tu pouvais voir son jardin! Magnigique! Sauvage et si beau!
Audrey, tu as de la chance et profites-en de tes tomates cerises!
hi bea…
it’s so nice to see your blog early in the morning, it’s so refreshing and i’m so glad i don’t get lost in translation around here! lol! in fact i love it, i’m learning french!
btw, thanks for linking me in flickr…was trying to do the same..clueless!
This makes me feel like i am behind on getting my herb garden pots going! The price of individual herbs is astounding when all i need is to implement my yearly herb garden on the porch! Thanks for the inspiration. And i do have phyllo dough in the fridge!
Mais oui tu l’auras un jour ton jardin. En attendant, ces tartelettes ont l’air absolument delicieuse pour un soir d’ete.
J’adore les courgettes. Profitons en c’est la saison !!!!
Brava, Béa!
Good for you for calling your brother back and sharing your news! I know how you feel. It’s hard to see and hear about people in other places who have been enjoying fresh fruits and vegetables for so long when we are just beginning to see the starts of our own gardens.
But you hve made up for it with your lovely tartlets. Well done!
Oh! Je m’étais toujours demandée c’était quoi du savory!!! Merci!