Vitamins in a Summer Verrine — Verrine estivale vitaminée

verrine strawberry summer fruit yogurt

Strawberry Yogurt Verrine

Tu n’en as pas marre des fraises ?” (aren’t you sick of strawberries?) P. asked me when he saw me come home carrying a bag with two large boxes full of red, juicy strawberries. I like them small, they are even tastier.

Tu rigoles ! ” (You must be joking!)

Nope. Never tired of them. And, as long as they are in season, I already know that I will keep buying them to prepare all sorts of desserts. It must have to do with their vibrant color, and the multitude of tiny seeds that cover them. I like to run my fingers on them to feel the microscopic hair. Not to mention their smell. When the first strawberries turn red in the garden, I am always excited. Il m’en faut peu (I need little). And now that we have the sun back, they might grow soon. Can you tell that I am impatient?

Spring — or is it summer ? — is finally here. This weekend, the weather was just too nice to stay in and cook. Well, maybe there was enough time to make a few summery things, especially a red nutritious verrine. I am just too happy to say good bye to Monsieur winter. Au revoir l’hiver !

As for the recipe, I almost feel embarrassed to share it with you. It is so easy to prepare that I am sure that this is something that you must have already made at least once, one way or the other.

Mais, c’est juste trop bon !(But, it is just too good!)

So I had to share to celebrate.

Strawberry Yogurt Verrine

(For 4 glasses)

You need :

    The yogurt:

  • 2 cups plain yogurt
  • 4 Tbsp brown cane sugar
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract

The strawberries:

  • 1 lb 2 oz strawberries, diced
  • 2 Tbsp muscat
  • 2/3 cup unsalted pistachios, in their shells
  • 4 Tsp brown cane sugar
  • Zest of 2 limes and the juice
  • Mint, chopped
  • The raspberry sauce:

  • 1 cup raspberry purée (or juice)/ or berry purée
  • 1 Tbsp cornstarch, diluted in 2 Tbsp water
  • A few drops of lemon juice
    • Steps:

    • Wash and dice the strawberries.
    • Shell and chop the pistachios coarsely.
    • Chop the mint.
    • Mix the sugar, lime zest, lime juice, muscat in a small bowl.
    • Add the strawberries. Place them in the fridge for 30 min to macerate.
    • Mix the yogurt with the brown cane sugar and vanilla extract. Keep on the side.
    • Heat the raspberry purée with a few drops of lemon.
    • Dilute the cornstarch in a few Tbsp of cold water and add to the warm purée. Bring to a first boil and stir until it gets thicker. Let cool and divide between four glasses.
    • Add the yogurt.
    • Add the strawberries and serve.
    Le coin français
    Verrine au yaourt et aux fraises

    (Pour 4 verres)

    Ingrédients :

      Le yaourt :

    • 500 g de yaourt velouté
    • 50 g de cassonade (4 càs)
    • 1 càc de vanille liquide

    Les fraises :

  • 500 g de fraises coupées en petits dés
  • 2 càs de muscat
  • 60 g de pistaches entières non salées
  • 4 càs de cassonade
  • Zeste de 2 citrons verts et leur jus
  • Menthe hachée
  • La sauce à la framboise :

  • 250 ml de purée (ou jus) de framboises/ou de fruits rouges
  • 1 cas de maïzena délayée dans un peu d’eau
  • Quelques gouttes de jus de citron
    • Étapes :

    • Coupez les fraises en petits dés.
    • Décortiquez et hachez les pistaches grossièrement.
    • Hachez la menthe.
    • Mélangez la cassonade, le zeste de citron vert et leur jus, et le muscat dans un petit bol.
    • Ajoutez les fraises et mélangez bien. Mettez au frais a macérer pendant 30 min.
    • Mélangez le yaourt avec la cassonade et l’extrait de vanille. Réservez.
    • Faites chauffer la purée de framboises avec le citron.
    • Délayez la maïzena dans un peu d’eau et ajoutez-la à la purée chaude. Portez à première ébullition et faites cuire jusqu’à épaississement, sans cesser de remuer. Laissez refroidir et versez dans quatre verres.
    • Ajoutez le yaourt.
    • Finissez avec les fraises et servez.
    Posted in Dessert, Fruit


    1. This looks so fresh and yummy! Especially right for summer! I would love to have some right now…it is summer here too, but so incredibly hot…blistering really. It would be perfect to have such cool fresh desserts…thank you for sharing the recipe 🙂

    2. Ah! If only all vitamins were so beautiful to take!!!

      I too am impatiently waiting for our strawberries to start going. Soon my friend … very soon!

    3. Lovely! What a great verrine to have around, breakfast, lunch or dinner. You have a way with colors…”de la pure poesie”
      My heart skipped a beat at the red of these strawberries and the green of the pistachios against the yogurt.

    4. J’aurais eu la même réponse à cette question!
      Magnifique interprétation! Avec les pistaches, je craque!

    5. Une verrine toute simple au yaourt ,sans ricotta, sans crème fraîche, chouette ! Ca change ! C’est beau, c’est tout frais, c’est parfait pour l’été ! Comme d’habitude, tes photos sont alléchantes ! Tu n’as décidément pas ton pareil pour transformer en dessert de rêve tous les ingrédients que tu touches : cette magnifique verrine en est l’illustration parfaite !

      Une verrine qui va bien bien vite se retrouver à ma table ces prochaines semaines ;O)

      Merci pour l’idée Béa !

      PS : Et une version abricot ?! Tu pourrais nous inventer ça ?! Je sais, je suis une incorrigible gourmande… ;O)))

    6. Les desserts d’été vont commencer à envahir les blogs, c’est super. Tes verrines sont magnifiques et delicieuses sans aucun doute.

    7. That is just a lovely way to celebrate spring — or summer (with the temperature reaching 80 today in Boston, I guess we must concede that spring has passed us by). For the past few years I have been growing the tiniest strawberries in my garden, just so I can be ready for dishes like this one.

    8. C’est vrai que les petites fraises sont délicieuses, plus sucrées, plus goûteuses. Ta verrine doit vraiment exploser de saveurs!

    9. Ahh, like you, I could never possibly be tired of strawberries, there is something about that that appeals to my hidden love of girliness, they remind me of tea parties and scones and shortbread…

    10. P. is joking, yes? How could you ever get sick of strawberries? Especially as beautifully as yours are presented!

    11. I have a soft spot for strawberries – not only were they the favorite fruit of my youth, but their growing season marks the time of year I fell in love with the man who is now my husband. I am surely amazed that you could make strawberries and yogurt so truly romantic. I love the girly quality of your most recent pink-hued posts!

    12. Ca a l’air delicieux…. j’essaie des que nous avons des fraises….

    13. I may have put together these same ingredients but I don’t think my presentations was up to yours.
      P surprises me, how could you ever, ever tire of strawberries!!

    14. I love the colours…looks divine….I am gonna try it, if it comes out anything close to yours then I will post it on my blog…I hope thats okay

    15. Pingback: Neato Hola :: Vitamins in a Summer Verrine :: May :: 2007

    16. Pingback: 31 mei / ideevous!

    17. I always look forward to your posts because they are so inspiring! Delicious ingredients and beautiful presentations…just stunning!

    18. Pingback: : Greitas braškių, mėtų ir čiobrelių desertas

    19. Let me start by saying that I have been a long time fan of your site … you are so very talented!

      I have a little sliver of French ancestry and lately have been on a quest to find French recipes to try and keep as part of my recipe/cooking repertoire. I tried this recipe yesterday … and was astounded by the burst of flavors! It is amazingly delicious, healthy, and beautiful to look at.

      Thank you for sharing!