Going to France — Destination, la France

Just Imagine How Thirsty They Are!

I am off to visit my family next week, but this time as a surprise. I am just lucky — or not, it all depends the point of view — that neither of my parents speaks or reads English, so there is no chance that they know I am coming! My dad is indeed celebrating his 66th birthday and I just cannot miss that. I simply hope that I won’t find porte de bois (literally a wooden door, meaning “no one is at home”). They better be at home!

First, I will see this:

Monsieur Rocanière‘s lovely goats, in my home village.

A few days spent in the countryside to refill in all sorts of goodies, including visiting all the cute cows, sheep and goats lazily grazing in the fields.

And then I will see that too:

View of la capitale

For two short days where I am going to enjoy walking les rues de Paris (Paris’ streets), hopefully with nice clear weather. Il ne pleut pas, n’est-ce pas ? (It is not raining, is it?)

I look forward to this short yet rewarding aventure en France, between la province and Paris, two contrasting worlds that I love for different reasons.

Alors à bientôt, and if you are in Paris, let me know, who knows, maybe we can meet if time allows, most likely on Oct 11th!

Note: I ended up deciding to cook my tomato risotto for my Italian friend S. who added “You passed the risotto test”. None was left, which is a good sign, especially from someone whose father grows Carnaroli risotto rice back in Italy!

Posted in Food & Travel


  1. How wonderful!! The pictures of the cows and the sheep are simply magical. Could anything be more beautiful? (Not to me.) I think this will be so rewarding for you–and your father. Have a great time.

  2. Bon voyage! I hope your parents love the surprise! It will definitely be risotto season by the time you return…..

  3. I don’t know if you’ve got the time (or budget) for a 3-star meal, but I’m cooking at Guy Savoy in the 17th. I would love to meet you in person. Coup de champagne on me…

    Bisous and safe trip,
    Ms. Glaze

  4. Béa
    You cannot pass up Ms. Glaze invite!
    Have a grand holiday and wish your Papa the best!

  5. Enjoy your trip, Bea! You’re such a good daughter;) I’ve flown back home for my grandmothers’ birthdays, and they’ve always really enjoyed the ‘present’:)

  6. Profite bien de Paris, il fait bon en ce moment et se promener à paris est un vraie aubaine. et joyeux anniversaires à ton papa.

  7. Oh Bea, wow. How jealous I am of your travels! I wish I could do it too but I am so bust writing my blog. Sometimes I take a day to write one page and I still make grammatical mistakes. I just don’t get the difference between “I and me” sometimes, so I always use “I” even when I say “it is good for R and I to be together”. I suspect it should be “me” but I am afraid to use it! Your writing is just soooo wonderful.
    Enjoy your trip!


  8. Bonne vacances en France. Et si tu veux faire 30 km pour venir faire un coucou à la maison……ou pour déjeuner sur Metz ;o) N’ hésites pas

  9. bienvenue Bea,

    je ne serai pas à Paris l’11 octobre, mais dis-moi combien de jours tu sera dans la ville, j’aimerais beacoup qu’on puisse se rencontrer

    bon voyage

  10. j’ai oublié une petite chose:
    pour ton père il sera un souvenir inoubliable.
    l’année dernière, j’ai fait la même surprise à mon père… je revois encore son visage ému…

  11. Have a lovely time Bea…and don’t forget to bring back some goodies to put “in the fridge!” 😉

  12. Have a lovely trip Bea! How exciting! I love surprising and being surprised. Say ‘hi’ to the goats and cows for me 🙂

    and a Happy Birthday to your Dad.

    I went to Paris nearly 2 years ago and i’d like to go again soon. Beautiful city. Enjoy!

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