Seared Scallops and Green Apple Sauce — Coquilles St Jacques et sauce pomme verte

Having a Juicer

Do you own a juicer? Do you drink freshly squeezed fruit and/or vegetable juices? Are you one of those who owns a juicer but just thinks it is a pain to take it out each time, or to clean it. Hence your juicer spends most of its life in the cupboard, all alone. Bad You!

I am on the same boat and my juicer goes through phases. I have times when I use it all the time and do not mind the pretty annoying cleaning process, and times when it is just never touched. How unfair to my juicer! He must hate me from taking so little care of him.

These days however, his life is pretty happy. Maybe Spring is a good help to bring this change around. In other words, these days I like and use my juicer. I like to use it to make freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices of course, but also to use these juices for savoury meals. I do not know about you, but I dislike store-bought vegetable juices such as carrot or beets for example. Bought fruit juices are generally ok (although nothing compared to a freshly squeezed one), but vegetable juices that I have bought so far have been a terrible disappointment. I simply have never found one brand that I liked and so for me, freshly squeezed has been the way to go if I wanted vegetable juices. Do people really enjoy the vegetable juices that they buy I wonder, or am I just being difficult? Maybe you know a brand that you think I could try.

A Simple Savoury Lunch With Green Apple Juice

When I made the dish that follows, I used green apples. As I was in the process of making the dish, I also thought of me. While I was cooking, I needed to treat myself. Important note, to keep the cook happy, Hence I made more apple juice so that I could get a full vitamin intake!

I had all the ingredients handy to make a nice scallop dish which inspiration I found in the recent Cuisine et Vins de France (with just a few modifications here and there). For once I got the magazine on time, and not a month later as is usually the case (and I blame it on the French Post Office system or administration). In any case, I think you will surely appreciate this satisfying meal, that is if like me, you love scallops and green fruit and vegetables.

I particularly loved the green apple in it, from the crunchiness and zestiness of the fruit itself, to the sauce. (and I hope you do have a juicer, don’t you?). If not, you can always substitute with lemon juice.

Seared Scallops and Green Apple Sauce

(for 4 people)

You need:

  • 16 scallops (I buy large ones, no water, lucky me to be in Boston with such fresh fish)
  • 2 green apples
  • 1 cup snap peas
  • Juice of 1 lemon
  • 2 oz butter
  • Olive oil
  • Salt (Fleur de sel) and pepper
  • A few sprouts


  • Start by washing and cleaning your peas.
  • Steam them for 10 mns.
  • Wash an apple and cut it in small sticks.
  • Add drops of lemon juice to prevent it from darkening.
  • Heat the butter and oil in a frying pan and when hot, cook your scallops on both sides for 2 mns each side.
  • Remove and keep warm.
  • If you have a vegetable juicer, use one green apple to extract the juice, then add to the frying pan where you cooked your scallops.
  • Remove from heat.
  • Heat the last tbsp of butter and sautée your peas for a few mns.
  • Prepare your plates by placing the scallops in the middle.
  • Toss together the apple sticks and the peas and place around.
  • Pour the apple sauce on top and serve immediately with fleur de sel sprinkled on top.

It is a very simple and delicious meal.

Le coin français
Coquilles St Jacques et sauce pomme verte

(Pour 4 personnes)

Ingrédients :

  • 16 noix de St Jacques (sans corail et plutôt grosses, sans eau)
  • 2 pommes vertes
  • 600 g de pois gourmands
  • Jus d’1 citron
  • 60 g de beurre
  • Huile d’olive
  • Sel (Fleur de sel) et poivre
  • Graines germées ou cresson


  • Lavez et nettoyez vos pois gourmands (retirez les fils).
  • Faites-les cuire à la vapeur pendant 10 mns.
  • Lavez 1 pomme et coupez-la en petits batonnets.
  • Arrosez de jus de citron pour éviter que les batonnets ne noircissent.
  • Chauffez une noisette de beurre et l’huile d’olive dans une poêle et faites-y revenir les noix de St Jacques pendant plus ou moins 3 mns de chaque côté (feu vif), selon la grosseur des noix. Ne les cuisez pas de trop. Il vaut mieux moins que trop!
  • Gardez au chaud.
  • A l’aide de votre centrifugeuse, extrayez le jus de la 2ème pomme verte et ajoutez-le dans la poêle où ont cuits les noix de St jacques.
  • Déglacez, salez, poivrez et portez à ébullition, puis éteignez le feu.
  • Chauffez du beurre dans une poêle et faites-y revenir les pois gourmands rapidement.
  • Préparez vos assiettes en plaçant 4 noix de St Jacques par assiette.
  • Ajoutez les pois gourmands et les batonnets de pomme.
  • Nappez de sauce et servez avec de la fleur de sel et des graines germees.

Si vous ne possédez pas de centrigugeuse, le jus de pomme peut être remplacé par du jus de citron.

Bon appétit, c’est très bon et très simple.

Posted in Fish, Fruit, Gluten Free


  1. Tout en simplicité, finesse et fraîcheur, appétissante que ces très très belles photos. Il s’agit des dernières coquilles normalement ?
    Sauf si la règle est différente aux States ? car personnellement je ne recours jamais aux coquilles congelées, après la saison des coquilles, il y a toutes les autres saisons,…
    Les langoustines iraient bien aussi avec cette préparation, non ?

  2. I never dared to cook scallops, it’s on my This Year I dare list. Maybe your post will be the impetus for me finally get going with it!

  3. Decidement les coquilles St Jacques sont a la fete aujourd’hui, toutes plus belles les unes que les autres. Dire que j’ai un extracteur, et que je ne l’ai jamais utilise – honte sur moi.

  4. La photo est magnifique !
    J’adoore les noix de saint-jacques et ta recette me plaît beaucoup.

  5. les photos sont à tomber et cette recette vraiment appétissante , j’en ai l’eau à la bouche, en imaginant l”acidité de la pomme verte en accompagnement !

  6. Merci pour vos commentaires! Thanks for your comments

    Ilva, I hope you will get to cook them indeed!

    Ah yes David, on mange bien aux States, non? 😉

  7. alors soit l’appareil photo est une bombe, soit tu utilises photoshop ou paint shop pro etc 😉 lol
    Je penche pour un mix des deux ?! 😉
    Quant au plat, j’adore !
    Je suis dingue des st jacques et les granny sont mes pommes favorites !
    Tu me combles.
    merci Béa pour ce somptueux blog !

  8. Je m’arrête ici pour te dire que vraiment toutes tes photos sont superbes!
    poisson et fruit c’est le genre d’association que j’adore!

  9. Allo, nous avons tellement en commun. Je pense bouffe tout le temps. Mes livres de chevet sont des livres de cuisine. Les gens doivent penser que je suis dingue. J’aime bien visiter ton site.

  10. My daughter bought me a juicer last year for my birthday (at my request), so instead of grating quinces by hand, then sqeezing out, to make quince liquer, I could just run them through the juicer. Life could be so easy, no? No, the resulting juice was too cloudy, so back to grating by hand. The juicer I’m ashamed to say is resting sadly in its box, unused and unloved since then.

  11. I too love fresh fruit and vege juices. Amongst my favourite are green apple juice – for the sourness in it; and Celery & Carrot juice – for the rawness it is bursting with!

  12. Very tasty dish, however too much apple, maybe 1/2 an apple for step 3 would work better (for 2). Also sauce turned out thin, maybe thicken with a dab of cornstarch. Go for Divers scallops here, ordinary size may be a bit small. Would also suggest only an eight minute steam for snow peas, want to ensure they are crisp tender. Recommend a Pinot Noir with this dish.