Last 2006 Dinner towards a New Year 2007 — Dernier dîner 2006, vers la nouvelle année 2007

As I started to prepare the meal for our friends who were to come over for dinner, I paused for a second and wondered what day it was. Saturday, that far I knew well. But the date, what date was it?

“What date is it?” I asked P.

“Le 30,” he replied.

“Quoi ? Le 30 ?”, I said. “So tomorrow is New Year’s Eve?”

“Mais oui !”

I had absolutely no idea. Why would I decide to host and prepare a dinner just the day before New Year’s Eve? What was I thinking? For sure, I would do nothing the next day. Nada ! Who cared after all. The company was great and we enjoyed together the last 2006 dinner I cooked. And I feel blessed as sharing my food with the ones I love remains one of the things I cherish the most.

This is perhaps what 2006 will have been for me. I have been so busy that I have come to be one of these people who forgets what date or day it is. It has been a very enriching year, full of discoveries with its own challenges. A lot of things changed for me, this is a fact. I have new projects, I said good bye to old ones. I met a lot of new people, made great friends and was able to follow my passion for travels. We visited Paris a few times, spent more time with my family in France, traveled to New Zealand to meet dear friends, drove to Maine and Vermont where we hiked in National Parks, flew to Seattle and vacationed on Orcas Island, spent time in Chicago with P.’s family, and discovered and explored wonderful Peru. I am lucky. There is a lot to be said about this past year, and the coming one. But to make it brief, in 2007, I am simply wishing for a better world, more peace and less ugly wars and stupidity, more equality and love for all. Food for thought and love, for everyone.

Thank you so much for being part of 2006 with me, I really enjoyed the journey.

Happy New Year 2007 to all of you. May all your dreams come true. I wish you an excellent nouvelle année 2007.

And if you want to know about my last 2006 cooked meal, follow me below:

The Menu, Dec 30, 2006

Smoked Salmon Horseradish Amuse-Bouches
Avocado Mousse, Pink Radish and Crab Mise-en-bouche

Served with Champagne

Pear Mâche and Endive Salad with Caramelized Pecans
Sole fillet in Citrus Fruit Sauce, Celery Mashed with Pomegranate, and Wilted Spinach

Served with an Alto Adige Pino Grigio 2005

Crème Caramel and Pomegranate Seeds
Chocolate Raspberry Charlotte

Served with a Rasteau, vin doux naturel, Vendange 1999, domaine de Beaurenard

Mendiants and Orangettes
Served with White Tea

Smoked Salmon Horseradish Amuse-Bouches

Avocado Mousse, Pink Radish and Crab Mise-en-bouche

And I needed a rest

Pear Mâche and Endive Salad with Caramelized Pecans

Sole fillet in Citrus Fruit Sauce, Celery Mashed with Pomegranate, and Wilted Spinach

Crème Caramel and Pomegranate Seeds

Chocolate Raspberry Charlotte

Note: Recipes to come on some of these dishes. Others can be found on my blog already

Posted in General


  1. Simply beautiful, and I especially love the cake.

    Happy New Year to you and a great 2007! 🙂

  2. Bonne et heureuse année 2007, qu’elle t’apporte tout ce que tu souhaites et continue de nous régaler par tes recettes et tes photos magnifiques!!!

  3. Happy New Year Bea! What a beautiful table and all that gorgeous food! All the best to you for 2007!

  4. Happy New Year Bea! I wish that your 2007 will be the best ever for you! Thanks for all your beautiful meals and dishes!

  5. Oh Bea Great minds think alike about Pink Biscuits anyway!
    So funny..there must be pink in the air for the New Year!
    Lots of PINK for both of us and WHAT A BEAUTIFUL SOIREE!
    Oh my…

  6. A very Happy New Year to you & your family Bea! What a wonderful meal you’ve prepared, the photos speak for themselves!

  7. Quel beau menu, quelle belle table, quelle belle façon de terminer 2006 !
    J’espère que cette année 2007 t’apportera tous les bonheurs du monde, la santé, la prospérité en cuisine comme partout ailleurs ! Bonne et heureuse année Béa !
    Amicalement blog,

  8. Happy New Year!
    What a wonderful table!
    J’aurais aimé être présente le 30 décembre!

  9. Bonne année! tantissimi auguri!
    et continue comme ça, c’est toujours un grand plaisir de venir à “ta table”!


  10. Oh magnifiques photos, je n’arrive pas avec ma lampe halogène au même résultat.
    Bonne année 2007, et continue de me faire rêver avec tes photos et tes recettes.

  11. Happy New Year! Gorgeous photos as always. Looking forward to the recipes!

  12. Dear Be,
    Happy new year to you and P.! I suspect it’s going to be another great year for you both! Beautifull last 2006 meal! F. made one of your lovely quices yesterday, which was wonderfull!
    Love, Mary

  13. We had a pre-New Years feast on the 30th as well as that’s when lobster was on sale!
    Your dinner looks divine! As usual.

  14. All I can is wow!

    2006 was an amazing year. One of the best parts in terms of food blogging is that I got to know you and your gorgeous blog.

    I cannot wait to see how you will thrill us in 2007!

  15. A rest…whee…I’ll say a rest would be in order.
    That was a beautiful last dinner of 2006.
    Love that avocado and radish, shucks who am I kidding, I love all your dishes!
    Glad is was a good year! Looking for the unfolding of this 2007 with you!

  16. wow. that does it. Cam and I are hoping a plane to Boston 🙂

    Happy New Year Bea! May 2007 bring you everything you could wish for!


  17. That is one heck of a way to go out!
    Slow down this year so you know what date it is 🙂
    Have a wonderful New Year Bea.

  18. Lovely meal, and a lovely sentiment for the new year. I echo it — “a better world, more peace and less ugly wars and stupidity, more equality and love for all.” Amen.

  19. Gorgeous food and table settings! It’s a real elegant way to celebrate the new year. Happy New Year Bea!

  20. You are amazing, photos and menus and blog and all. Next time you are in Seattle or heading to Orcas, let me know! We can play in the kitchen or dine out!

  21. Comme tout ce qui se passe de manière “imprévue” c’est une très très bonne idée de fêter le dernier repas de 2006 ! Et ce fût fait de manière grandiose ! Quelle jolie table et quel beau repas, je te souhaite une très bonne année 2007 Béa, à toi et à toute la tribu, fait nous rêver, encore et encore !

  22. Bea,
    While your photography and recipes always fantastic, your passion in food styling and your worldiness make you stand out in this blogsphere!

  23. Truly impressive meal! Maybe this should be my new year’s resolution: Trying to host a really elaborate dinner party… I guess, for that I need to improve my organizational skills as well as my plating skills…
    I’m looking forward to seeing more of your gorgeous pictures in 2007!

  24. Bea, this dinner is fantastic – lovely photos and delicious dishes!
    The table was beautifully set.

    I loved the charlotte. I’ll search for the recipe in case you don’t post it.

  25. a beautiful spread Bea. I love the raspberry charlotte. all the best to you and happy new year!

  26. Stunning menu, styling, photos and charm. I especially love your small finishing touches, the ribbon on your charlotte is a repeating theme that seems always fresh to me. May your 2007 be as abundant.

  27. Looks like an absolute feast – how amazing!!

    Happy new year, I’ve enjoyed reading your posts over the past year and eagerly await what deliciousness you have in store for us in this new year 🙂

  28. Oh my goodness, Bea
    I don’t know what to say. Everything looks so nice, very arty looking food 🙂
    I wouldn’t mind if you invited me over for dinner. 🙂 Happy New Year!

  29. Dommage que tu vives si loin, je m’inviterais bien à dîner moi.
    Très bonne année 2007 Béa, tout le meilleur à vous deux.

  30. Bea,
    You are the perfect hostess! Your blog has a joy and inspiration and I’m so glad I got to meet you this year! I am sure 2007 will be equally (if not more) fruitful for you!

  31. Très très belle année 2007, plein de bonnes choses ! Ce dîner pour cloturer l’année 2006 est splendide. Je craque particulièrement pour ta charlotte.

  32. I have loved every single post of yours in 2006 and hope you will continue to share your recipes and photos with us in 2007. Happy new year!

  33. I am speechless with the wonderful dinner preparation you have. You are such an inspiration. Have a Happy New Year! Looking forward to seeing your creations this 2007!

  34. Your photos are simply stunning, as always. I wish you a very happy new year and hope all your wishes come true. To a better world in 2007!

  35. You did all that–and still looked gorgeous!! :):) What a magnificent way to end the year!! Happy 2007! You have provided so many wonderful posts to us all.

  36. Quel festin! Bonne année Bea. Je suis toujours aussi émerveillée par tes recettes et photos. Tu m’inspires beaucoup.

  37. a bountiful new year to you too bea and your family! wish i was invited in such a grand and marv new year spread!

  38. What a fabulous photograher and stylist you are ! Wish you everything the best in the New Year !

  39. Happy New Year, Béa! Your meal is inspired and so are you. I’m not sure which I crave most: the avocado and crab or the charlotte. I hope you have a wonderful 2007. Bonne année!

  40. Impressive, Bea! Those salmon & horseradish amuse-bouches and avocado shots look amazing!
    Happy New Year!

  41. La prochaine fois que tu as “No idea” pour le repas, je m’invite !!!
    Bravo, bravo.
    Je te souhaite une excellente année 2007.

  42. What a beautiful meal! Your posts never fail to impress and inspire 🙂 Happy 2007! I look forward to more of your wonderful posts in the coming year 🙂

  43. Thank you all very much for your best wishes and lovely comments. You are way too nice! I am returning them all to you, of course! You make the food blogosphere alive!

    Merci a tous de vos bons voeux. Bien trop gentils. Ils vous sont rendus, bien sur! C’est bien vous qui creez ce bien bon monde de la blogosphere culinaire !

  44. Très bonne année Béa! Qu’elle soit pleine de découvertes, réussite et surtout riche en émotions et à l’allure de ton dernier repas: majestueuse et délicieuse. Bonne gourmande 2007!

  45. i was there and bea’s cooking, presentation and wit were the delightful end to the year. the food was so good i swooned over the salad and drifted off into a deep taste-trance, aloof to the table discussion. heavenly, beautiful, astounding cuisine! merci bea!!!

  46. This food is so beautiful — true artistry! I have to make the charlotte for Valentine’s Day…

  47. Oh Bea – what a fabulous new year’s meal! Can I gatecrash next year?! The charlotte looks like an expensive gift, all beautifull wrapped. And gorgeous pics. All the best for 2007.

  48. Your creative and individual size charlotte ruse looks tasty. However scrolling through the archives I noticed a cupcake fascination. I grew up with cupcakes at every birthday party. I am so happy you like them, so let me share my education. I attended the Le Cordon Bleu in Pasadena and was taught French butter cream, Swiss butter cream and Italian butter cream. Those are what I would suggest for an icing on a delicious chocolate cupcake. Also there is a lady who creates intense cupcakes. Check her out:

  49. What a great meal! Your “last dinner 2006” inspired me, will serve part of it at the birthday dinner for my daughter this coming Saturday (Mozart’s birthday, too).Thank you for taking the time to blog about your love of good food, life in general, and all those great pictures.

  50. Votre site est fantastique. Bravo. Un grand plaisir de vous lire. J’ai mis votre site en lien sur le mien. Le mien est beaucoup plus petit mais les petites rivières font les grands fleuves n’est ce pas ? à bientôt

  51. hello,

    je compte faire les canapés de saumon (entre autres) demain pour mon anniversaire, qu’utilises tu comme crème dans ces pts sandwiches ?

  52. Vanessa,

    Joyeux anniversaire anticipe 😉
    Pour les canapes au saumon, c’est une creme au raifort, que se marie super bien avec le saumon et de l’aneth!

    Bon diner


    Thanks to all of you!

  53. Please, please provide us poor dessert junkies with the delectable chocolate raspberry charlotte recipe.
    Many thanks,


  54. Vanessa, merci!

    Nazarina, thank you! 🙂 yes I promise to post it soon 😉

  55. I need to make this dessert ( for a special child on his birthday soon) chocolate raspberry charlotte. Please could you post it soon. I love the presentation of the ladyfingers and I just love the whole dessert. Make it soon , my mouth is watering. I love to bake!!!!



  56. I also need to make the strawberry charlotte, can anyone send me the recipe, PLEASE.