What Happened to the Caramel ?

What happened to my caramel? Mais alors ! (so then!)

It was just not cooperating! Trop clair ! Too light!

Last week’s attempt turned out just like this. The flavor of the flan was delicious but Où est donc la couleur ambrée du caramel ?

My new project: working on the caramel.

Bon weekend !

Posted in Dessert


  1. Nice looking Creme Caramel though, the bubbles show a good texture.

    Problem with the caramel? – When preparing the caramel (sugar and water), continue heating until the desired colour is formed, before adding the custard and cooking together.

    I promise it’ll work!

  2. Qui n’a pas de “raté” ??? Si tous mes ratés avaient cet aspect, je serais déjà bien content 😉 Plaisanterie mise à part, ton flan a l’air divin!

    bon week-end

  3. Pas assez foncé et pas assez en quantité je pense… mais la photo est sublime quand même (comme d’hab)
    Vivement la suite 😉

  4. I think it looks absolutley delicious! Flan, creme caramel, panna cotta…I love them all!!!!!!!!

  5. Thanks everyone. I made a second batch, MUCH better 😉 So stay tuned!

  6. You have inspired me to try making a flan, or creme caramel. I just need to jump in and DO IT!

  7. Merci Gracianne, ca vient 😉

    Thanks Karina. I am pleased! I cannot wait to see yours!