I have a few tidbits to share. It seems to be happening a lot these days.
First of all. Thank you!
The workshop with Karen at Sunday Suppers is now sold out. So quickly! I am really thrilled to meet those of you who registered in June.
And in case you are wondering, there are still tickets available for the cooking class and supper on June 24th.
On Monday April 30th–in short this coming Monday–I will also be on CTV Montréal television in the noon newscast. If you live in Canada, and more likely in the vinicity of Montréal, you can watch the interview Mutsumi Takahashi did with me last week. I loved meeting her. She made me feel very welcomed.
These vegetables. Oh so pretty. They made my day.
I found them at my favorite épicerie fine in town yesterday’s afternoon while doing errands: baby Romanesco (making me *so* happy and eager for a plate of this food); pea shoots which shapes danced together; fiddleheads (I never resist these), and ramps. My name was written all over these Spring greens.
We ate the fiddleheads last night. I steamed them for two minutes. Then I sauteed them lightly in olive oil, adding garlic and fresh coriander for extra taste. They kept a crispy texture with a grassy, spring-like flavor we loved.
As to the ramps, I still have no idea yet how I will prepare them, although my inclination will most likely go for a preparation that involves eggs or potatoes.
Which prompts my question to you: What’s your favorite way to cook with ramps (wild leeks, in French aïl des bois)?
Bon weekend à tous !
Update: The interview with CTV Television and Mutsumi Takahashi is now live here.
Beautiful pictures! Love the tidbits. About cooking the ramps – a quiche with leeks, eggs and roasted potatoes – a perfect weekend meal.
I love simply sautéing ramps with a little olive oil, then placing them on toast with a poached egg. Sea salt, black pepper and you’re done.
Beautiful pictures! I’ve never tired fiddleheads, it’s about time though!
Is there a link to the recipe for pumpkin pots de crème? They look gorgeous.
I’ll be at work when CTV airs the show but I hope they post it online later.
Good weekend for everyone too!
Great pictures and congratulations for your interview.
I have never seen these ramps before. We do not have them in Spain. They look to me as garlic sprouts, which are very popular in Spain (although I gues the taste is not the same, of course). The most popular way to prepare garlic sprouts here is with scrambled eggs and prawns (some people add asparagus or spinachs too).
Spring greens are so delicious, I can’t have them enough! Thanks for bringing beauty in our life with those amazing photos!
On peut presque tout faire avec l’ail des ours, comme on l’appelle chez nous. Chaque année, je teste de nouvelles recettes, toujours avec grand plaisir.
Les plants que l’on voit sur la première photo ont une longue tige violette, ce qui m’intrigue un peu.
Es-tu sûre que c’est de l’ail des ours et pas du muguet ?
Pour vérifier, il suffit de frotter une feuille entre les doigts. Si elle sent bien l’ail, c’est comestible.
Si non, attention, toxique !
WOW! I love it!
J’ai fait quelques recherches. Il semble que ce soit bien de l’ail des ours. Mais c’est une variété différente de celle qu’on trouve en Europe. Ici, on ne ramasse que les feuilles et parfois les fleurs pour la consommation. Alors qu’aux states vous consommez aussi le bulbe…comme un poireau !
congratulations and good luck! I love your photography – so much colour and life!
Superbe ton nouveau site !!! BRAVO !!!
love the fabulous new site!! wonderful!!!
Everything is so pretty….
Le nouveau design est superbe !! Et je suis bien placée pour comprendre le boulot que ça représente : ça fait des mois (années ?) que je procrastine sur mon redesign de blog ! Bravo ! 🙂
Et j’aime beaucoup le “…and remember to eat something nice today” 😉
Au Québec, il est défendu de vendre de l’ail des bois car cette espèce est protégée. On peut en cueillir mais juste une petite quantité, pour son usage personnel. Chaque fois que j’ai eu le bonheur d’en avoir, on l’a mis dans la salade. Mais l’ail des bois s’apparente à l’ail des ours dont les Européens raffolent. Tu trouveras sûrement des façons de le cuisiner sur des blogues français, et je pense ici à La Cuisine des 3 soeurs car Madeleine et ses soeurs en raffolent.
I’ve never heard of Ramps but they look very like what we call wild garlic. I had this the other day as a risotto. It was delicious. GG
Grilled/charred and dipped in Romesco sauce like they do green onions in Spain. I like the idea of charring them then baking them in a quiche.
Tried to register for the photography class in Brooklyn, but alas, too late.
Wonderful new layout of the website! Love it. Excellent choice of colors and great design, as usual!
mmm these comments are so helpful to me too! i love the idea of spring greens, but i’ve never ventured into cooking them…
Pingback: Ramp, carrot, and chicken mini quiche recipe | La Tartine Gourmande
Sooo lovely!!! Beautiful Spring produce executed at it’s very best here on La Tartine Gourmande… well done 🙂
Comme d’habitude de superbes photos ! Et en plus – j’adore l’ail des ours! 🙂 J’en mets à peu près partout 😉 On peut en faire un délicieux pesto, un risotto avec des asperges et un zeste de citron, on peut aussi l’utiliser pour faire ce genre de fromage aux herbes : http://www.beawkuchni.com/wp-content/serek_kozi_ziola.jpg
J’en ajoute dans des tartes printanières et des soupes, bref – vraiment un peu partout 🙂
Bonne semaine!
I recently had a risotto with ramps, asparagus and pecorino. In a restaurant called Bin on the Lake in Seattle. It was delicious!
Love the design of your new website! Photography is spectacular and the recipes just get better and better!
Merci des idées Béa. J’ai hâte d’essayer les recettes.
I know I’m repeating my self and probably all the other commentators
but… wow wow these photos
On peut en faire un délicieux pesto, un risotto avec des asperges et un zeste de citron
I usually make pesto from ramp (wild garlic). It’s amazing and so tasty and very easy to make!
1 bunch wild garlic
1 handful walnut
1 handful grated pecorino/parmesan
1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
juice of 1/2 lemon
salt, pepper
2-3 basil leaves
200 g pasta
While you cook the pasta, you blend all the other ingredients. Pour the pesto sauce over the pasta. Serves 2.
GREAT interview! Bravo. Je vais courir m’acheter ton nouveau livre. Il semble PARFAIT. Ma cocotte de 6 ans qui s’appelle Béatrice adore popotter avec moi. Aurons surement bien du plaisir à essayer tes belles recettes. J’espère que Montréal t’a charmé. Ma ville est vraiment chouette!
Dear Bea,
Congrats for the new design! Lovely!!! I am really enjoying the recipes of your cookbook, trying to adapt them to the availability here at my place, but absolutely enjoying it! Will you ever come to Buenos Aires for a book signature? 😉 !!!
I make also a pesto with the ail des ours
here is my recipe:
Bonne journée
Wild leeks ( ramps) are a wildflower that is killed once picked–so please use careful discretion where and how much you gather. They are even threatened in some U.S. states.
Hello, just discovering your website
It is so inspired !
if you re interested in canada or french culture , this website is really interesting
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