“You’ll make a dessert, ok?” my friend R. asked. We were talking about the Thanksgiving dinner that he was hosting, once again.
“Can you make something with apple?”
I liked the idea. Especially since I’ve been storing the last seasonal Heirloom apples I could find! Leaving the store, I felt like a squirrel storing her nuts. This is how much I am going to miss local apples.
So I baked a cake. An apple and red kuri squash upside down cake, to me more precise. And this is what I will bring tomorrow to our Thanksgiving dinner.
We’ll enjoy wonderful food and wine, and like most of you I hope, have a fun time with our friends. They are the family we do not have close by.
“What about the sunchokes?” I added.
“What about them?”
“Can I dig some out?”
My friend R. told me he had plenty of Jerusalem artichokes in his back garden — one of my favorite root vegetables. I made him promise that I would be able to bring some home. I am already thinking about gratins and soups and salad!
That was the condition on the apple cake.
Of course.
Have a lovely time everyone!
You need:
- 2 large (or 3 small) Heirloom red apples, cored and sliced
- 1 tablespoon butter + to butter mold
- 1 tablespoon honey
- Drizzle of lemon juice
- 1/2 cup blond cane sugar
- 2 eggs
- 7 tablespoons butter, melted
- 2/3 cup puréed pumpkin*
- 1/3 cup buttermilk
- Pinch of salt
- 1 teaspoon baking soda
- 2 teaspoons baking powder
- 1/2 cup quinoa flour
- 1/2 cup brown rice flour
- 1/4 cup tapioca flour
- 1/4 cup sweet rice flour
- 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
- 1 teaspoon freshly grated ginger
- 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
*Using a red kuri squash, cut open and remove the seeds. Dice and steam until fork tender. Use a food mill to puree the squash.
- Preheat the oven to 350 F. Butter a round 9- inch mold and cover with a large piece of parchment paper; set aside.
- In a frying pan, melt 1 tablespoon of butter over medium heat. Add the apple slices and the honey. Toss well and cook for about 3 minutes, or until the apples are slightly tender. Drizzle with lemon juice.
- Arrange the apple slices at the bottom of your mold.
- In the bowl of your stand mixer, beat the eggs with the sugar until light and pale in color.
- Add the melted butter and beat again.
- Stir in the buttermilk, puréed pumpkin and ginger.
- In another bowl, combine the flours, baking powder and soda, and spices. Add a pinch of salt.
- Add the dry ingredients to the wet ones and mix until just combined.
- Pour the cake batter evenly over the apples and bake the cake for about 35 to 40 minutes, or until the blade of a sharp knife inserted in the middle comes out fairly dry.
- Take the cake out of the oven and let cook before flipping on a plate. Remove the parchment paper and let completely cool. Enjoy plain or with yogurt, crème anglaise or whipped cream on the side.
Ingrédients :
- 2 grosses (ou 3 petites) pommes rouges, variété ancienne, évidées et coupées en tranches épaisses
- 15 g de beurre + pour le moule
- 1 càs de miel liquide
- Jus de citron
- 100 g de sucre de canne blond
- 2 oeufs
- 100g de beurre, fondu
- 170 g de purée de potimarron*
- 80 ml de lait ribot
- Pincée de sel
- 1 càc de bicarbonate de soude
- 2 càc de poudre à lever
- 60 g de farine de quinoa
- 80 g de farine de riz complet
- 30 g de farine de tapioca
- 30 g de farine de riz glutineux
- 1 càc de cannelle en poudre
- 1 càc de gingembre frais râpé
- 1/4 càc de muscade
*Pour la purée de potimarron, il suffit de faire cuire le légume nettoyé à la vapeur et enusite de le passer au presse-purée.
Etapes :
- Préchauffez le four à 180 C. Beurrez un moule à manqué de 23 cm de diamètre et couvrez-le de papier sulfurisé; mettez de côté.
- Dans une poêle, faites fondre le beurre sur feu moyen. Ajoutez les tranches de pommes avec le miel. Faites cuire en remuant de temps à autre pendant 3 minutes, ou jusqu’à ce que les pommes soient tendres. Arrosez d’un filet de jus de citron.
- Arrangez les tranches de pomme au fond du moule.
- Dans le bol de vote robot à pied, battez les oeufs avec le sucre jusqu’à blanchiment.
- Ajoutez le beurre fondu et mélangez.
- Ajoutez ensuite le lait ribot, la purée de potimarron et le gingembre.
- Dans un autre bol, combinez les farines avec la poudre à lever, la bicarbonate de soude et les épices. Ajoutez une pincée de sel.
- Ajoutez les ingrédients secs à l’appareil liquide.
- Versez la pâte sur les pommes de façon uniforme et faites cuire le gâteau pendant environ 30 minutes.
- Sortez le gâteau du four et laissez-le légèrement refroidir avant de le retourner sur assiette. Enlevez le papier sulfurisé et laissez la gâteau complètement refroidir. Servez avec du yaourt nature ou une crème anglaise ou de la crème fouettée.
Lovely, Bea! Have a Happy Thanksgiving.
je n’ai jamais pensé utiliser le potiron ou les courges dans un dessert! j’adore ça et tu me donnes une bonne idée! Je viens de recevoir grâce à mon blog une nouvelle variété de pommes à tester… ta recette tombe à pic
great looking pie!
sounds like a mouthwatering combination. happy thanksgiving, béa and family.
I really really love your site. the pie is on my list of things to try among others. you put into your posts links to some kind of explanation of your words. they are irritating. links links links. could you evaluate whether they are needed? thx.
Lovely – your photography is so wonderful, thanks for the inspiration.
looks delicious! happy thanksgiving!
This sounds really nice. I think pears would be good, as well. I tried something similar recently:
Thanks for sharing! What a perfect way to combine two very traditional american flavors….apple and pumpkin! THANK YOU!
Love the idea of an apple-squash cake. I have some leftover butternut puree—perhaps I’ll try this out!
I’m sure, it has to taste like heaven. Happy Thanksgiving. Enjoy!
Stunning as usual Bea! Happy Thanksgiving!
This looks gorgeous! I love upside down cakes. Have a nice Thanksgiving!
This looks truly delicious. Have a wonderful holiday.
Happy Thanksgiving from my family to yours! The cake looks great. I’m making something similar with apples, pears – aren’t they delicious this year? – and cranberries. Enjoy the day.
Happy Thanksgiving, Bea – oh, and a lovely cake, gluten-free, too, yay!
I am truly grateful for the beauty and passion you bring into my life through your blog.
That looks great. And I am eagerly waiting for Jerusalem artichokes recipes!
This morning I thought that it’s about time to make a real late autumn dessert. “I will definately find great ideas at my favorite site”, I said to myself (like the delicious upside down olive oil apple cake I have succesfully made many times!). Et voilà!…Thank you very much!
Ce gâteau à l’air super apétissant …j’aimerai bien le faire chez moi…cependant j’ai un petit souci de traduction …what is buttermilk ?? est ce qu’on a un équivalent en France ?
Merci bcp
I really really love your website, your tales and your recipes: this cake is wonderful, because it is in deep connection with the present season, as your whole cooking is, it makes me feel like leaving my desk and run out to take a long walk in the park, admiring late autumn colours.
All your recipes make me think about nature and give me joy and that’s why I would like to know you if the cookbook you are prepairing will be available in Italy, even in english or in french, it doesn’t matter, but will I be able to buy or to have it delivered here?
Have a good thanksgiving day, with all your loved friends.
Le gâteau a l’air délicieux et les photos sont superbes comme toujours chez toi!
Pour Lamirose: buttermilk est le lait ribot en français:)
hum, moi qui cherchait un dessert pour thanksgiving!
Finalement, le seul problème sera de garder une petite place pour le dessert.
Thank you everyone! I hope your holiday is lovely too.
Becky, I also find the links distracting. For some, I do not choose where they are put though, and have planned to remove them. Thanks for your feedback.
Lamirose, le buttermilk, c’est du lait ribot ou aussi appelé babeurre. Cela se trouve en supermarché.
Onde99, many many thanks for your sweet note.
Dimitra, that line made me smile. Thank you!
What a lovely cake! I have a couple of food fans who will love this when I make it.
Quelle bonne idée! je pense que d’allier les pommes et le potimarron donne plus de saveur aux deux!
How does one remove the links? I think they have ruined your lovely blog
@Kouka : Merci 🙂
Oh Bea! This looks beautiful and delicious and is just Fall in a snapshot. You’ve just made my day–thank you! :O)
Made marian,
No worries. It will happen. I just need a little time. I am like you. I don’t like them. It was a test try. Thank you for the feedback.
Excellente idée, j’adore passer les fruits et les légumes dans un autre camps. Tu rends nobles tous les produits et cette photo est d’une douceur infinie 🙂
mmm.. miam miam ! c’est decide, je fais ca ce week-end !! car on a de la chance: on a encore tout un tas de pommes loales ici a vancouver 🙂
beautiful color~
yummy apple cake.
super comme d’habitude ! ravie à l’idée que les “links” vont disparaitre -on avait l’impression d’avoir un intrus….. A quand la sorite du livre ? can’t wait….
Such a simple idea and it sounds and looks so delicious! ..
Just made this for the family. Delicious and perfectly delicately sweet. Wonderful recipe. Kept looking for the flour in the recipe and finally realized none was required. Didn’t have any tapioca so sub’d arrowroot, which worked fine. Also not having any sweet rice flour, I ground up some arborio, which similarly worked well. Keeping some rustically large chunks when grinding both the arborio and quinoa gave the dish a nice crunchy quality.
Thank you thank you everyone. I hope your holiday was sweet.
Thanks for the feedback Rob. I am delighted to hear you enjoyed making the cake. You are making curious to try other things with the substitutions you made. So thank you!
I bet they loved it Bea!
My parents just got us (anticipated Christmas present) a nice Tarte Tatin copper dish. Now, I’ll know how to use it for something else than Tarte Tatin! The combination of quinoa, rice, and tapioca flours makes it very more intriguing to me…Merci!
The combination of pumpkin and apple is so great for fall. This cake looks gorgeous, and I love that it’s gluten-free to boot. I have a friend with Celiac’s who would adore this.
I made this tonight and it was amazing and just so so moist!
Substituted the flours for just 1 cup All Purpose and 1/2 cup Almond Meal though since I didn’t have the others available. Thanks for this, served it up with some Pumpkin Ice Cream…yummmmm
Btw, thanks for all the amazing pics, including the non food related ones… I’m from the Boston area originally (but live on the west coast now) and I get so nostalgic looking at your photos! 🙂
Thank you for sharing another recipe for a dish that sounds just spectacular. I made your butternut squash crumble for Thanksgiving and absolutely loved it. Question for you, I haven’t found quinoa flour at my local grocery store (Safeway), so do you have any suggestions for a substitute? Regular flour?
Oh thanks so much everyone for the feedback on the cake, and the butternut squash crumble too! Aidria, thanks for mentioned what you substituted some flours with. That’s something I’ll make a note of too. Shannel, use regular quinoa and grind it as finely as you can. I’ve successfully done this before. If not, you can definitely use all-purpose flour. The two flours are about the same in weight and cup measurements.
What a beautiful site! Your photography makes me hungry and happy.
the upside down cake looks fantastic. and it’s gluten free too! need to bookmark this for a friend who’s gluten intolerant but loves apples!
mmmm…..looks so wonderfully tasty!
yes, it looks so delicious, so mouthwatering! but in fact the recipe has nothing to do with a real cake. i tried it yesterday. and i found it really surprizing that 2 apples are not enough for that huge mass of dough which you get from the ingredients given here.
so to make a good cake you need to chage the recipe:
– take 4-5 apples
– add only 1 teaspoon of baking powder
– don’t pour any liquid (buttermilk, milk, whatever)
– use a flat and wide baking tray. spread the dough thinner ’cause it will rise
and… sorry my previous comment seems to be a bit rude, but i didn’t mean it. i just want to improve the recipe 🙂 i don’t know, maybe in russia products are so much different but recipe din’t work the way it was supposed. so i made little corrections 🙂
hi. made this cake, but it was done all around the outside, but raw in the middle. thought if i made it in a tube pan, it might work out better. it was beautiful on top when i unmolded it. thanks.
Thanks Lunolickaya for the feedback. Trying different versions is always welcomed. I liked the cake this way, but you can obviously have a different opinion, and that’s just as fine.
Sorry it didn’t work out for you. Did you check whether the cake was cooked with a toothpick inserted in the middle before the end? Oven temperatures always vary, so I’d advise to always check and prolong or shorten the cooking time appropriately.
Bea to the rescue! thank you so much, was looking for something elegant, simple and different for my annual girls holiday dinner. searched all the regular sites with no appeal for dessert. This is lovely, can not wait to serve it them!
Happy Holidays!
Pingback: Hungry? Try this Danish Apple Almond Cake | Healthy, Wealthy & Wise
HI Bea.. I am in Louisiana- south Lousisiana to be more precise and for Christmas I am making my mothers cornbread dressing, with unbundled whole green beans,a jarbon and herb lemon baked chicken..rum cake for desert and coffee
Joyeaux Noel!
Another riff on your recipe with some help from Mark Bittman and the leftover maple bourbon sweet potatoes I’d frozen after Christmas dinner.
I basically followed the Bittman recipe for the maple-pear topping and then your recipe with the substitution of the sweet potatoes for the pumpkin. Excellent breakfast! 🙂
Pingback: On Flickr, photography and repeating yourself | Tales of a spoon
After making your beautiful upside down apple cake I can’t wait to try this one! The only problem is that I don’t think I can find brown or sweet rice flour as well as tapioca flour around here. We have quinoa so I can ground them to flour. But could you give me a suggestion about how to replace those 3 flours? I’m not familiar with them so I’m afraid if I replace them 1:1 with all-purpose flour it will not turn out as well. Do you know where I can get information about how different flours act in relations with each other?
I love your inclusion of so many gluten-free recipes here. This looks amazing. 🙂 May I ask–do you have a way you use to modify traditional baking recipes to make them gluten-free? I’ve recently committed to eating gluten-free and while there are a lot of gluten-free baking recipes available, I want to be able to utilize my already beloved baking books. Your recipes are so gorgeous, and I would love to hear how you come up with the gluten-free modifications. 🙂
Pingback: Pumpkin Tangerine Spice Cake « Nourish the Budding Lotus
Pingback: Gluten Free Pecan Pie + My Thanksgiving Round-Up 2011
Pingback: 100 Sweet Fall Treats: A Recipe Round Up on FamilyFreshCooking.com — Family Fresh Cooking
Pingback: Apple and pumpkin upside down cake - Gâteau renversé aux pommes et au potimarron - Midtown Tulsa Real Estate - Lori Cain
Yum Yum Yum. That’s all I can say about this fantastic cake recipe. That, and it’s moist, with a beautiful soft crumb, and has a lovely hint of spice and sweet that was perfect for using some of my autumn apples from the backyard tree. It followed a truly autumnal dinner of slow-cooked borlotti beans with garlic and olive oil, roast pork loin with sage, fennel, and crackling, and braised cabbage with bacon and apples and was the perfect finish to the meal. Thoroughly enjoyed by all, even the most critical of gluten-lovers!
Pingback: 35 Totally Amazing Upside Down Cakes that Will Make You Lick Your Fingers | Buzz + Inspired
Apple pies are the best!