First Thing I Did — La première chose

gariguette strawberries strawberry fraises

Mum and her Gariguette Strawberries

Do you know what was the first thing I did when we finally arrived late last night in my home village? (the short story is that I waited at the airport to meet my parents who were themselves just back from ten days visiting l’Ouest américain (the American West Coast and its National Parks). I went to my mum’s garden to collect des fraises Gariguette (Gariguette Strawberries). If you are not familiar with these, they are the first Spring strawberries and are simply deliciously small, with a concentration of flavor. Very close to wild strawberries, but slightly bigger. No need to add that I gulped them down greedily. Now I have to wait for more to turn red.

Posted in Food & Travel


  1. Your picture and post reminded me of when I was a child visiting my grandmother. The first thing she did when we got there was to take me by the hand, lead me to her garden and let me pick a fresh ripe italian tomato, which I proceeded to eat right then and there! To this day, italian tomatoes remind me of Grandma! Unfortunately, she doesn’t have a vegetable garden anymore but those memories are priceless. Enjoy your time with your family!

  2. so lovely strawberries~ hope to be more red when they grow up~~ ^^ and at that time i will take a big one and eat it ~

  3. I miss those so bad….My grandparents used to have wild strawberry bushes and that was a treat! Enjoy your time in France.
    By the way, the mailman came: thank you, thank you!!!

  4. These are just lovely indeed! Especially in those hands. I recently found out more than I even knew existed about strawberries, their varietals & origins, while researching an article on said fruit. maybe you’ll get to read it– the story involves my mother as well.
    (It has been picked for Best Food Writing 2007 from the Edible San Francisco piece.)

  5. Bea, we grow strawberries on our balcony, alas we never have handfuls, only two or three at a time…. your mom’s look fantastic, what did you say the address was again?:-)

  6. C’est si simple et si beau comme photo. Je perçois presque l’arôme de ces gariguettes à travers l’écran.

  7. Those look just divine! Bon apetit and enjoy your time at home! Your mother has wonderful hands.

  8. Et ici en Suisse les fraises de bois sont en train de devenir rouge aussi, quelques jours de soleil (comme ce matin) et elles seront prêtes pour la dégustation (si mes filles m’en laissent le temps!). Bon séjour en France à la maison.

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  10. Thank you all! Merci a tous.

    Helen, happy that the mailman worked fast. I hope you will have a blast 😉

    And yes, these are the best strawberries for me. And make the best memories indeed too, I realize how delicious they are even more, as I am deprived of them 😉

  11. eh bien, bienvenue à la maison alors !

    j’aime les mains de ta maman, elles me rappellent les mains de ma grand mère…blanches, fines et douces….