In Tasmania — En Tasmanie

Freycinet National Park, Friendly Beaches

About to travel home soon, after a plentiful vacation. A view of Freycinet National Park, at Friendly Beaches. Cannot wait to let you know my stories.

Posted in Food & Travel


  1. Cannot wait to read your stories…
    Cette plage m’a l’air tout a fait friendly en effet. Gardez-bien tous ces paysages magnifiques en mémoire avant de rentrer dans la grande ville.
    Bon retour.

  2. That picture (as well as the one in the post before this) is incredible, amazing, inspiring! I have never thought of visiting New Zealand until now…it looks like a beautiful place! They should make you some kind of special ambassador 🙂

  3. enjoy the rest of your trip bea! looking forward to your chitchat about it! and of course the food!!!